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Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

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Shell’s historic loss in The Hague is a turning point in the fight against big oil | Tessa Khan

Shell’s argument that it is simply responding to continued demand for oil and gas, commonly referred to as the “drug dealer’s defence”, received similar treatment. The court was clear that the energy products that Shell supplies influences demand. Regardless, it reasoned, Shell still has an individual responsibility for the emissions over which it has control. It is hard to overstate the consequences of a decision that is already being hailed as a turning point for big oil. Given the replicability of the arguments and the international standards and common facts that comprise the basis of the case, it will inspire a wave of similar actions around the world. The judgment has put the industry and its financial backers on notice that a company setting distant net zero targets without credible short-term action to reduce emissions exposes it to the risk of litigation, with knock-on effects expected for the cost of capital for oil and gas projects.
CleanTechnica: Biden Budget — Chance to Stop Paying Fossil Fuel Industry. Biden Budget — Chance to Stop Paying Fossil Fuel Industry

It's so much fun to hear the push back from fossil fuel interests. Best case now is TX, refusing to interconnect with the rest of the US and insisting on fossil fuel plants because local renewables is not 100% reliable... it's a matter of time until battery/storage costs drop enough where even that excuse is no good.
Casper Star-Tribune: Wyoming selected as site of new nuclear power plant in partnership with Bill Gates' TerraPower. Wyoming selected as site of new nuclear power plant in partnership with Bill Gates' TerraPower
The Article said:
The reactor is scheduled to begin generating electricity in mid-2028. It's estimated that the project will involve two to three years of design and licensing work before construction begins.
Call it a pilot.
At 4/2021 to 3/2022 planned rate of renewable installation, and using existing capacity factors, by the end of March 2028 there will be 203GW of additional US solar and wind generation, equivalent to about 66GW of nuclear.
Tech Xplore: Major advance in fabrication of low-cost solar cells also locks up greenhouse gases.

When life gives you CO2...
Yahoo Finance: Plunging Payouts on Top U.S. Power Grid Squeeze Coal, Nuclear.
Corporate Subsidy Quietly Dies in Texas — Topping Off Bad Week for Big Oil

With all four developments coming on the same day, the failure to reauthorize the subsidies in Texas fell under the radar. Taken together, the moves demonstrate changing opinions about climate change and fossil fuel companies; one analyst referred to the news about Shell, Exxon, and Chevron as “the start of a new era for Big Oil.” Between the court decisions, shareholder activism, and the unwillingness of Texas legislators to continue unpopular handouts to oil companies, the public may no longer be willing to go along with business as usual for fossil fuel firms.

The Texas Chapter 313 defeat is the second recent win against multibillion-dollar oil and gas industry subsidies in fossil fuel states. Last fall, organizers in Louisiana beat back a ballot initiative designed to counteract dramatic reforms to the state’s industry giveaway program. In a state that leans heavily Republican, people voted down the constitutional amendment by a landslide.
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Corporate Subsidy Quietly Dies in Texas — Topping Off Bad Week for Big Oil

With all four developments coming on the same day, the failure to reauthorize the subsidies in Texas fell under the radar. Taken together, the moves demonstrate changing opinions about climate change and fossil fuel companies; one analyst referred to the news about Shell, Exxon, and Chevron as “the start of a new era for Big Oil.” Between the court decisions, shareholder activism, and the unwillingness of Texas legislators to continue unpopular handouts to oil companies, the public may no longer be willing to go along with business as usual for fossil fuel firms.

The Texas Chapter 313 defeat is the second recent win against multibillion-dollar oil and gas industry subsidies in fossil fuel states. Last fall, organizers in Louisiana beat back a ballot initiative designed to counteract dramatic reforms to the state’s industry giveaway program. In a state that leans heavily Republican, people voted down the constitutional amendment by a landslide.

'Higher' cost operating in TX = higher prices. Watch TX Republicans try to spin this to blame President Biden. LOL
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Wow, that was fast, I guess when you have Harry Potter and Dr Strange on your team, this is expected. Thanks, Gretta!

Electrek.co: EGEB: Hey, John Kerry – the renewable tech we need already exists.

New low-rise buildings in Sacramento will be required to run entirely on electricity by 2023, the City Council decided Tuesday. To address climate change, 44 other cities in California have adopted electrification ordinances, but Sacramento is the first city in the Central Valley to do so, Mayor Darrell Steinberg said. “Climate change is not some esoteric issue. There are specific public health consequences now in our Sacramento community,” Steinberg said. “If we are not aggressive about reducing fossil fuel, then we are leaving generations of children, and this generation of children, to live with the same health impacts.”
I'm unsure as to their position on this.
The article is brief , full of hyperbole, and biased but this seems to be their beef:

FERC issued notices to five pipeline projects that FERC has hit the pause button on finishing up final approvals so the agency can take the next six months to complete full environmental impact statements (EIS’s), gauging whether or not these projects will cause too much mythical, man-made global warming. We’d be really angry about this except our anger quotient is already exhausted with this bunch of leftist nuts.
It’s time to nationalize Shell. Private oil companies are no longer fit for purpose | Johanna Bozuwa and Olúfẹ́mi O Táíwò

Failing, heavily subsidized private oil companies enjoy the profits of oil extraction while the rest of us pay in tax dollars, human rights abuses, and an unlivable climate

There is a role for the workers, their skills and knowledge, and the equipment and infrastructure of oil and gas companies. But there is no longer a role for companies or profit-seeking as an organizing principle of this aspect of human society – not if we want to continue to have human society.If we are to limit climate change, we have to take the very unprofitable step of virtually eliminating emissions. There is no way to square the pace and depth of needed emissions reductions with the dictates of profit-seeking – Shell’s best scientists have already tried and failed. Government organizations, which respond to more interests than just those of financial profit, are our only recourse. What’s more, companies like Shell or ExxonMobil nationalized today would be taken on with an express mandate to wind down their assets – not to line the coffers of the national government.
It’s time to nationalize Shell. Private oil companies are no longer fit for purpose | Johanna Bozuwa and Olúfẹ́mi O Táíwò

Failing, heavily subsidized private oil companies enjoy the profits of oil extraction while the rest of us pay in tax dollars, human rights abuses, and an unlivable climate

There is a role for the workers, their skills and knowledge, and the equipment and infrastructure of oil and gas companies. But there is no longer a role for companies or profit-seeking as an organizing principle of this aspect of human society – not if we want to continue to have human society.If we are to limit climate change, we have to take the very unprofitable step of virtually eliminating emissions. There is no way to square the pace and depth of needed emissions reductions with the dictates of profit-seeking – Shell’s best scientists have already tried and failed. Government organizations, which respond to more interests than just those of financial profit, are our only recourse. What’s more, companies like Shell or ExxonMobil nationalized today would be taken on with an express mandate to wind down their assets – not to line the coffers of the national government.
Why am I not surprised that they're still at it? That's socializing the losses of those companies. This idea had been floated in the past and is nothing more than a veiled plea to save the current shareholders from being liquidated.
Republicans pledge allegiance to fossil fuels like it’s still the 1950s

Joe Biden may be pressing for 2021 to be a transformational year in tackling the climate crisis, but Republicans arrayed in opposition to his agenda have dug in around a unifying rallying theme – that the fossil fuel industry should be protected at almost any cost. For many experts and environmentalists, the Republican stance is a shockingly retrograde move that flies in the face of efforts to fight global heating and resembles a head in the sand approach to the realities of a changing American economy.