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Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

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@EV_LIFE is it just the angle of the photo or is that gorgeous X getting some battery pack damage from the trailer?
So I picked my LR X refresh up on Jan 7 and the passenger falcon doors gap is really tight. It was able to open and close but the plastic trim rubs a bit. When I took it home and parked on a slight elevated driveway, the weight of the door leaned a bit more and I could not close the door until I was on a leveled street. Schedule tesla service and about a week later (today) fixed.

They also fixed my 2 key fob which did not pair.



Overall, Iā€™m very impressed w this refresh compared to older model X. They even gave me a 2018 X loaner and it was night an day. Suspension and interior is quiet and much smoother ride. Ergonomic of center console and phone charger made it simple and less cluttered. I prefer the yoke over wheel after about a week of driving. The efficiency of motor is improved about 25%. My average normal driving the loaner 2018 X is 400Wh/mi. The first week of my LR is 300Wh/mi. Not scientific but I feel itā€™s about 20-25% more efficient. Lastly the sound system is really good. I feel the bass was bit much for my liking so I turned it down a bit. Mids and trebles is crisp without distortion if you crank it up. Iā€™m sure the bass would hand just fine as well.

Hope many will become Vinner soon and enjoy the ride.

Wheel size?
Good morning!
Noticed a Jan 2022 order with confirmed delivery and had to look, and it seems to be bad data. @Saratoga I see "Oct 22" delivery date and Jan 2022 as VIN date. Something doesn't add up?
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I put my first order in Dec 21(7 seater, Plaid, EDD was Sep 22). When Tesla announced there is no 5/7 seaters, I cancelled it and placed a new order(6 seater, Plaid, EDD Oct 22) a few days ago. Yesterday, I was surprised that my VIN showed up below my Reservation number, even though my EDD is still Oct.
This is interesting! To all the others commenting after this saying it is not fair.. Totally, I agree. But this is Tesla were talking about. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
The reason this is intriguing is that the Plaid 6-Seat deliveries have spanned the entire order gamut. One may hope that this means orders in between are more likely to receive VINs and/or the Plaid 6-Seat only variations may be towards an end. Also @usctrojan98 love the graph!

This is awesome.

I have to say, Sawyer is a bit disappointing. He is always everything Tesla. He wants to point out a ton of Xā€™s from the flyover (same day itā€™s posted) in a positive way and is way more interested in fanboying Elon and getting likes and repliesā€¦ Rather than bringing attention to issues/concerns that needs it.
I never saw anything from him thatā€™s critical of Tesla. Yes he is disappointing.
If we think about this objectively in my opinion Sawyer is running his account properly. He has the attention of Elon Musk. If he starts asking Qs about X delivery this A. will deter Elon from his account, B. waters down the overall objective of his account which is Tesla news as a whole, C. he risks sounding whiny about an issue that there very well may be a logical explanation to and would look bad when answered.

Our EDD switched from February to March. I see this as a major improvement. Previously, the changes to EDD were much longer delays. This is only one month. So the next change will be ... weeks?
This is true! I know the haters will say "EDDs mean nothing" which I agree to some extent.. I have a theory that EDDs are not indicative of your delivery month but are instead batch-generated based on what the expected delivery was at the time you placed your order. From what I can tell the older orders have been grouped in with those who ordered in April-June 2021 when the EDD was January. Everyone from that group or earlier now shows March 2022.

Anyways, trying to look at this glass half full. I think you're spot on with this being good news. As reported by @troyteslike on Twitter he anticipates a significant ramp in S/X production out of Fremont in Q1 2022. His estimates for 2021 were off by 3.1% - so he is somewhat credible.
I know for this thread specifically but also life in general it is very easy to subscribe to the "sky is falling" mentality. But we might actually have an end in sight sooner than later.


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Congratulations!!! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰
I saw you updated the spreadsheet already too :)

With the turnover and quantity of cars in the recent flyovers I believe Jan + Feb are going to be exceptional months for VINs šŸ˜„
Also, I tested positive for Covid yesterday...
Life is a mixed bag, lol.
If delivery is any time soon, I hope they offer a "touchless" option ;)
What worries me about the latest "EDD" with March deliveries is that it means we're potentially back in for the quarter-end rush and it's inherent issues over build quality and missing parts. At this point, if the quality issues are there (IF they actually deliver) I'm thinking I'll be rejecting it - whatever that does to my position in the queue. I've got no idea what my breaking point is, but if the delays continue, I've now put in for alternatives. Whoever can deliver a properly finished car gets the deal. Tesla has a lot to learn about customer relations.
Also, I tested positive for Covid yesterday...
Life is a mixed bag, lol.
If delivery is any time soon, I hope they offer a "touchless" option ;)
Now we know if Tesla has a delay due to more covid outbreaks, who to blame. šŸ˜‰

I have to apologize. Iā€™ve asked a few members where they live after posting updates. Just realized that I have to turn my phone sideways to see that detail!
Iā€™m so lazy to do that, that I bought me an iPad mini that I now use when visiting this site. It shows it all. But text is too small and my vision is getting worse. May upgrade my eyes this year.
Hi @Stro ,

The funny number underneath your RN number...
When I'm in the app. and scroll to my reservation
there is a number underneath my RN.
In my case it's 1492 9321 2601 2309.
I added the spaces between the groups of 4
for legibility...

Mine is 1492 9310 3437 8947. I think this may be my number in the queue.
I received a phone call from the Mt. Kisco, NY location asking if my credential are accurate. They're calling everyone that has a Model X delivery in Q1 or Q2 to expect a VIN assigned soon. I asked if anyone has already taken delivery of the Model X and they said yes, some in 2021 and 2022. I ordered Oct 21 and i have EDD of May 22. I think this is a good sign that my MX is being built and going to ship soon in the coming weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if i got next month or in March 22.

How common is a tesla center calling about a future delivery without being assigned a VIN yet? I also received an email from the advisor with what was discussed over the phone.
Did anyone that had February or February 2022 NOT get moved to March?
Did anyone with TBD get any movement on your EDD?

Lastly, someone needs to tweet to musk and all of us need to like/retweet that tweet to get his attention. We all are on here almost everyday so whatā€™s one more ā€œjob/taskā€ that we include in our psychotic pursuit of the rainbow unicorn that is the Model X
Something short and sweet like.
@elonmusk there are thousands of people in the TMC forum that have been waiting for their X for over a year with zero updates. Can you please update us?
And just repost/tweet it everyday at 4:20 and everyone retweet/like it and it will get viewed eventually.. right?
Was feb but earlier this week changed to TBD still TBD

March 2021 order Plaid black on black 5 seat FSD, got the call in Oct 2021 PAID to change to 6 seats. Removed FSD in Dec.
I received a phone call from the Mt. Kisco, NY location asking if my credential are accurate. They're calling everyone that has a Model X delivery in Q1 or Q2 to expect a VIN assigned soon. I asked if anyone has already taken delivery of the Model X and they said yes, some in 2021 and 2022. I ordered Oct 21 and i have EDD of May 22. I think this is a good sign that my MX is being built and going to ship soon in the coming weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if i got next month or in March 22.

How common is a tesla center calling about a future delivery without being assigned a VIN yet? I also received an email from the advisor with what was discussed over the phone.
If youā€™re a Plaid order, you could be correct. If not, donā€™t expect your MX anytime soon.