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Russia/Ukraine conflict

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I wonder if Brexit was instigated by Putin through his spy chicks to throw the EU into disarray? A shame how easy it is to manipulate people.
I always assumed it was. Putin had the dirt on lots of crooked politicians in UK and the US to play them like little puppets; offshore Panama tax havens and such.
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I have seen from several Ukrainian vloggers that the North Korean troops are supposed to be engineering corps. Supposedly, to rebuild Russian controlled towns of Ukraine that Russian troops reduced to rubble.

That's a good trope to entice them close enough to the frontline, to serve as cannon fodder thereafter.
It would be interesting to know how much has been written about Azov in Western Media compared to the Russian Dictator's very own Nazis...

Some of the Russian Dictator's Nazis:

The Rusich Group allegedly consists of "a few houndred".

"In a 2020 video, Milchakov described himself as a "Nazi", stating: "I'm not going to go deep and say, I'm a nationalist, a patriot, an imperialist, and so forth. I'll say it outright: I'm a Nazi."[2]"

The Wagner Group allegedly numbered in the 50,000+ in December of 2022.

"According to several news outlets, Utkin was an admirer of Nazi Germany and had multiple Nazi tattoos, including Schutzstaffel (SS) insignia.[13][14][15][16][17] Utkin also reportedly used call sign Wagner after German composer Richard Wagner, because his work was greatly admired by Adolf Hitler and was appropriated by the Nazis.[3][18][19] Allegedly he greeted subordinates by saying "Heil!", wore a Wehrmacht field cap around Wagner training grounds, and sometimes signed his name with the lightning bolt insignia of the SS."

Dmitry Rogozin
Previously served as director general of Roscosmos from 2018 to July 2022, as deputy prime minister in charge of the defense industry from 2011 to 2018.


The Werewolf Legion, Schultz-88 [88 as in HH as in Heil Hitler], Mad Crowd, National Socialist Party of Russia, Saviour, White Society-88 [Again: 88 as in HH as in Heil Hitler], Ryno-Skachevsky Gang, Battle Organization fo Russian Nationalists (BORN), Volkssturm, Lincoln-88 [Again: 88 as in HH as in Heil Hitler], NS/WP Nevograd, The Cleaners, and Atomwaffen Division Russland

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According to the Google, North Korea has 950,000 active personnel 420,000 reserve military personnel. So despite a small population they have one of the largest military forces in the world.
I can’t remember where I read it, but based on the health of North Korean military personnel that manage to escape to the south, I don’t think (as a fighting force) they are very well fed or have good medical care.




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A nation at war, a very literal existential war, is sending some of its most valuable war matériel abroad? What is wrong with my question, if anything?
You can expect these weapons to turn up at the oddest of places. It’s good business, especially if you can sell the US funded freebie arms to both sides of a conflict 🤣

Myanmar, Ukraine
How junta gets its anti-drones equipment from Kyiv​

Ukrainian materiel continues to be imported into Myanmar, via long-established networks. This situation presents the country's democratic opposition with a serious dilemma when it comes to denouncing this type of support for the putschist regime.
I can’t remember where I read it, but based on the health of North Korean military personnel that manage to escape to the south, I don’t think (as a fighting force) they are very well fed or have good medical care.
I read once that in order to maintain the numbers that they wanted that the minimum height was reduced to 4'11".

I know MAKS 24 is a Pro-Ukrainian account, but IIRC the reporting from NYT has this far been 'rather gloomy' for us who are on the Ukrainian side, and against the Russian Dictator. The NYT has even been called the "New Orc Times"... There was even reporting och X/Twitter previously that the NYT had actual Russians writing articles with a clearly negative outlook on Ukrainian prospects...

Do we have reporting from other sources on this?
Interesting story this week on the NY Times Daily podcast. Subject was how the Myanmar rebels were having so much success against the military rulers. Bottom line is that they are getting assistance with the drones from Ukraine.

A nation at war, a very literal existential war, is sending some of its most valuable war matériel abroad? What is wrong with my question, if anything?

And the source is again the NYT... Do we have any other sources? (I'll follow up on this in another post shortly...)

But of course – If the Myanmar rebells succeed in getting rid of the current Military Dictatorship – then a future Democratic Myanmar would almost certainly side with Ukraine. So if they have drones to spare – then why not...

Interesting story this week on the NY Times Daily podcast. Subject was how the Myanmar rebels were having so much success against the military rulers. Bottom line is that they are getting assistance with the drones from Ukraine.

A nation at war, a very literal existential war, is sending some of its most valuable war matériel abroad? What is wrong with my question, if anything?
You can expect these weapons to turn up at the oddest of places. It’s good business, especially if you can sell the US funded freebie arms to both sides of a conflict 🤣

Myanmar, Ukraine​

How junta gets its anti-drones equipment from Kyiv​

Ukrainian materiel continues to be imported into Myanmar, via long-established networks. This situation presents the country's democratic opposition with a serious dilemma when it comes to denouncing this type of support for the putschist regime.


Don't remember seeing that source previously in this thread... And I haven't clicked on the link. Seems to literally STINK of the Russian Dictator's Misinformation Propaganda/lies...

Could the Myanmar Military Dictatorship have gotten their hands on some material from Ukraine? Possibly. But my guess would be that any such material has been delivered to them by the Russian Dictator's minions or one of their proxies. Ukraine has chosen to retreat from some previous positions at the frontline during this war. The Russian Dictator's minions have also unfortunately taken some Ukrainian positions. So it is unfortunately entirely possible that the Russian Dictator's minions could have gotten their hands on some Ukrainian anti-drone equipment. And in order to generate some kind of narrative that Ukraine would be supplying the Myanmar Military Dictatorship, the Russian Dictator could possibly use a Ukrainian born Russian agent similar to for example that Nadia Borodi that I posted about earlier upthread. Here:

And about the NYT... The NYT could possibly be 'serving' as a 'credible' source for the story about Ukrianian supplying drones to the Myanmar rebells. And then this intelligenceonline[dot]com – whatever that is – delivers the Russian Dictator's lies about Ukraine 'playing both sides'...
Some sense prevailed. It’s good that US citizens will not be unwittingly funding & arming Nazis.

Seems like more misinformation from the Russian Misinformation Propaganda cesspool that is X.

From the Wikipedia-article about the "Azov Brigade":
"The 12th Special Operations Brigade "Azov" [...] is a formation of the National Guard of Ukraine formerly based in Mariupol, in the coastal region of the Sea of Azov, from which it derives its name. [My u.]"

I've not seen any other reporting about the US not funding or arming the National Guard of Ukraine.