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Saw a black Model 3 in MA!

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East coast folks may be interested to hear that, as I was getting into my car in a parking lot and turning on Ride the Lightning today, I turned to my right and saw a black Model 3 at a stoplight! Unfortunately, my first instinct was to follow it to try to get a better look which I was unsuccessful at doing and I also meant I wasn't able to get any photos. I I was close enough to be able to tell for sure that this was a model three but was not able to see inside or decipher whether it was production or a Release Candidate. In either case, what do you think it was doing out here? Trev from M3OC suggested continued testing but They wouldn't be doing cold-weather testing this time of year so I'm not sure why they would be on the East Coast. Could it be auto pilot/mapping related? I was thinking it could either be one of the lucky few current owners on a cross country road trip (I'm about 10 miles outside Boston) or perhaps it was one of the vehicles that they showed off to investors in New York during the roadshow for the recent bond sale (I don't recall the colors of those cars). In any case, I've yet to see one in person and probably won't again for another 3 to 6 months so it was very exciting!
Okay, I guess I'll be the first to say it, since someone will eventually... pics or it didn't happen! ;)

That said, I'm inclined to believe you. Why? Because it makes perfect sense that Model 3 would be spotted in Boston less than 24 hours after I left on vacation... :rolleyes:
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Okay, I guess I'll be the first to say it, since someone will eventually... pics or it didn't happen! ;)

That said, I'm inclined to believe you. Why? Because it makes perfect sense that Model 3 would be spotted in Boston less than 24 hours after I left on vacation... :rolleyes:

Haha, I too was waiting for that comment. Unfortunately, I tried to quickly follow it and get closer and missed the opportunity to take a photo. That said, I am not suggesting anything particularly unbelievable (no bearing on delivery timing etc. and the RCs have been spotted outside of California). I'm really just curious as to why the car may be out here.

EDIT: Also, I believe Tesla has mentioned that they would at some point be touring select stores. If that is happening in Boston anytime soon and anyone has bee I believe Tesla has mentioned that they would at some point be touring select stores. If that is happening in Boston anytime soon, would be great to know :)
"Pictures or it didn't happen" is no longer valid.

There was a day when "seeing is believing" and
"a picture is worth a thousand words" were common slogans.

But that day has passed. With modern visual software and techniques .... a skilled practitioner can create any picture depicting .... "unbelievable" ...... images.

Law-enforcement will be in big trouble if the testimony of a credible witnessed is impeached .... because there was no picture.
saw a white model 3 on Friday west of philadelphia

*looks around*

Anybody else thinking what I am?

"Innnnnnn West Philadelphia, born and raised..."
