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Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

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If I had to guess: EM has no use for SCTY anymore since he feels Silevo project will pan out, while SCTY is having hard time accessing financial markets (on good terms), PPA business is shrinking and regulations are unpredictable.

In the end - would you consider buying solar system from SolarCity that lost 70% of it's market value and may not be here in 10 years or Tesla Solar offering panels in signature black?
I personally have held off on solar because I don't trust local installers to stand by their products over a 20 - 30 year time frame. I don't see a large scale solar installation as a DYI project and if you saw my house you'd understand why. I've contacted SC in the past because they handle everything including maintenance but they didn't cover my area in Pennsylvania. If SC becomes part of Tesla Energy then that makes it even more of a draw for me. I'm not interested in a PPA but outright purchase, but I need to know that whoever I buy a roof top system from will stand behind their installation and products over the lifetime of the product. As a Tesla owner that is a no-brainer.
I'd like to see Tesla panel/inverter/powerwall hardware packages that I could buy to be installed by local installers. Could that be possible with a Tesla buyout of SolarCity?

That's one way in which rollout to additional states could be accelerated. I've already found some local installers I'd be willing to use. If I could buy Tesla hardware, then it would just be a matter of convincing my favored local company to install it.
Adding: For those who got in at IP or shortly there after, is what Elon is trying to attempt now any different/harder/more unrealistic than way back when? Did you simply get comfortable with the secret master plan flowing along at measured pace?

This has likely been in the works for awhile, maybe they would be less pissed if he disclosed this before the IP.
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Moving a commodity like solar takes a far more aggressive approach than selling a Tesla. "Culture clash"?
You keep saying "commodity" in every post you make, but clearly that is only true as long as they buy and distribute Chinese panels. Elon has clearly stated that they are banking on the technological superiority of the new panels they'll produce themselves. It is not in Elon`s nature to enter a market with an average product anyone can do - be it rockets, cars, or batteries. The new panels they`ll build in that new factory will have 30% higher efficiency on the same surface area.

That is a differentiator, a premium segment, Tesla City will compete in.
Perhaps dual brands for awhile. Solarcity continues as-is in profitable market segments with chinese panels. Tesla Energy starts new with Musk's Silveo wonder panels.

I don't see Tesla cutting off successful commissioned sales immediately. The purchase will be painful enough without killing the aspects of Solarcity that are financially working.
I must admit, I see, and have always seen TM and TE as 2 separate businesses, just under same brand.

To increase and strengthen the only now beginning TE with a Solar panel leg, makes perfectly sense to me.

At this point I see 3 big manufacturing entities in the start block, ready to churn out cars from Fremont, battery packs from Nevada and Solar panels from New York. All Tesla branded.

Synergy, oh yes.
You're right they are not getting it, with Solar City bonds yielding 20%.

What is your point ?
If all was shiny at SolarCity, with no debts, no risks, lots of profit etc, etc.. the price for Tesla to buy it would be MUCH higher.. Maybe 5 times as high ?? Maybe even more ??

So, real issue is, is the offer a fair & good price. The market clearly values SolarCity at at least 22 / share (share price before the offer). That included taking into account risks.
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Jeffrey Gundlach

This Bond Guru Calls the Tesla-SolarCity Deal a ‘Confidence Destroyer’

He was a pretty outspoken bull for a while now. First time seeing him being this negative on Tesla.

(This is treading into politics -- so sorry)

Gundlach also this week said that Trump would win the presidency and that a Trump presidency would bump GDP growth by 2.5%. Gundlach: Donald Trump will be president, things will get 'scary'

Gundlach is now officially a contra-indicator to me. If he doesn't like something (outside of his core expertise of structured products), it probably means it is a good thing.
No, I'm comparing a unit cost (LCOE) to a unit cost (LCOE). This is the only way to do it because solar + batteries are capital-intenstive while fuel-burning is fuel-intensive.

I understand that. Why don't you do your own math, instead of trusting the Lazard's "levelised" assumptions? Many "levelize" for environmental consequences which aren't priced into the market. Problem there, as the market unfortunately doesn't care. I have no idea what they do.

It takes a bit more than 3 X $2.50 mmbtu, to make a MWh of electricity. So $8-10 bucks is the "fuel-intensive" cost ($.008/kwh). Add your peaker cost, amortized by MWh into your rate. @$1/watt build costs, a billion dollar 1GW gas plant, amortized over 20 years, run half the time, will still output ~87TWh, which divided into that cost would result in another ~$11/MWh. So, we're at ~$19/MWh, not >$150 "LCOE". Maybe with Lazard's assumptions, we can compare.

Guys, its in these headlights before everything which is not subsidized is deer. Solar City, among other things, has the phase down of the ITC, over the next 5 years, to deal with. Coal bankrupt. Nuclear, which Exelon has demonstrated needs only $19-23/MWh to stay open, is closing. It's just ducky that renewables have achieved PPA rates of $30-60/MWh, without batteries and before the ITC/PTC are added back. Fail to understand how cheap natural gas is, at your peril.
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Couldn't TSLA just have outsourced Energy installation activities to SCTY?
Waiting for news about 2Q numbers, GF launch and Model 3 pencils down and the Hawaii battery/utility launch ..
TSLA has been in downward state of churn in terms of short term investing ever since the delayed X production ..
I think I am now gonna jump to just LONG term investing thread
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