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Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

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Looks like all Model S 60s in inventory have been converted to 75s (at least in the US). 60s still available for custom order.

Model S 60 kWh Removed from Inventory

May be another indication that demand is exceeding production capacity. IMO, so far all signs seem to point to Q4 being even stronger than Q3 for the automotive business -- comparable or better sales and higher margins.
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Tesla updating its M3 delivery dates at this point in time may mean either 1) they now have a grip on the number of Model 3's they can produce or 2) the number of reservations has increased significantly from the original number. Or its both 1) and 2)

The issue of number of M3 reservations has been raised by critics (aka shorts) a lot recently. Let alone an increase in reservations, even if TSLA comes out and confirms the original reservation number, that itself would be a big positive for the SP.

Edit: Btw, I personally dont even mind a drop from the original reservation number. The shorts dont realize that the reservation number does not represent the totality of the M3 demand, but only a very small fraction of it (and the amazing part being even the small fraction is so massive at 300k).
you are missing an option:

3) they won't be delivering M3s until Q4 2017 so nearly all deliveries won't start until 2018.
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Tesla updating its M3 delivery dates at this point in time may mean either 1) they now have a grip on the number of Model 3's they can produce or 2) the number of reservations has increased significantly from the original number. Or its both 1) and 2)

You say this as if these are the only 2 possibilities which is not the case. Could be a bunch of other things. Someone just finally gotten down to a work item to actually do it that wasn't high enough priority for a long time. They expect more publicity from the next announcements and wanted to make sure if a surge of reservations comes in people understand what they're getting into. They received feedback or maybe even angry cancellations from people who reserved and didn't realize how far out the potential delivery date is. I'm sure I can come up with a few more if I wanted.

Point being, not worth wasting brain cells on this crap. It can mean just about anything, not tradeable and not influencing long term holding.
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"Customers who have already booked a Model 3 will get the car in 2017 as per the company's original plan, spokeswoman Alexis Georgeson told Reuters."

so Elon clearly stated that July 2017 was an intentionally over ambitious goal... and it would be more like late 2017 when deliveries begin... and now we see the statement above.

so how are they going to go from 0 M3 deliveries to 378k in the second half when July 1 is just an "internal goal"?

my answer to this is the number of reservations has very significantly dropped... maybe back to the 100Ks
AND an engineer that spends 80% of his time at Tesla doing real life engineering. My evidence is that that info came right out of his mouth.
do you believe everything that everyone says... or only CEOs of publicly traded companies?

Elon is not your friend... he's not your buddy... you may hold stock... but that's it... that's you're only connection. don't follow him like a puppy dog.
"Customers who have already booked a Model 3 will get the car in 2017 as per the company's original plan, spokeswoman Alexis Georgeson told Reuters."

so Elon clearly stated that July 2017 was an intentionally over ambitious goal... and it would be more like late 2017 when deliveries begin... and now we see the statement above.

so how are they going to go from 0 M3 deliveries to 378k in the second half when July 1 is just an "internal goal"?

my answer to this is the number of reservations has very significantly dropped... maybe back to the 100Ks

My reading:
For every person who is willing to drop a grand 2 years out, sight unseen, I am confident that there are between 3 and 20 more who will be willing to buy the car when they can actually see one, and even more still when I can buy one and get it in my driveway in less than 2 months. I don't anticipate you will be able to do that until at least GF2 and more likely GF3 is online.

We can do all these mumbo jumbo speculation. Or we can simply look at how it worked out for Model X.
32k worldwide reservations, with $5k to $40k deposits led to 15k worldwide deliveries in one year, after 1-2 years of delay in launching.

I won't be expecting more than 200k deliveries (most optimistic) of M3 in the first year. If the federal tax credit is not extended, then there will be a big price hike to customers after the first 80k-100k deliveries in US.
Can you elaborate?

Sure. Here are a few other data points:
  • Model S delivery dates are being pushed out -- current delivery estimate in US for new orders is December, even for CA residents.
  • Tesla dropped the X60 -- its lowest margin vehicle.
    • Mathematically, this should automatically tend to lead to higher margins.
    • IMO Tesla would not have dropped the X60 unless it could not keep up with demand for S and X.
    • Prices on some options have also increased, which should boost margins a bit more.
  • Increases in production capacity should also contribute to more efficient production and better margins.
    • Tesla achieving production of 25,185 vehicles in Q3 shows that focus on manufacturing is paying dividends, and I would expect increasing production efficiency to continue.
  • Reports from China are that Model S registrations in Q3 exceeded 2500. It is likely that demand for X is greater than S in China.
    • So 5000+ vehicles delivered to China in Q4 seems plausible if Tesla can produce them fast enough to deliver them.
    • I expect that high demand from China for both S and X, on top of strong US and European demand, is contributing to the delivery backlog.
  • Q4 production will only be 11 weeks, but even if average production is a conservative 2200 vehicles/wk (versus guidance of finishing 2016 at 2400/wk) that would be enough to essentially match Q3 deliveries, and 5500 vehicles in transit to customers gives a nice cushion.
Bottom line -- IMO Q4 deliveries matching or exceeding Q3 is highly likely. The major risk factor is some sort of production glitch due to Model 3 equipment installation or something along those lines.

Margins are also extremely likely to be higher due to the factors above absent some unexpected event.
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Rumors from who? Anonymous longs on this forum who are guessing or hoping or someone who has an inside track, like a supplier?
(similar to how there are usually high quality and correct rumors about the new iPhone release coming from suppliers)

I heard rumors that the number is about the same due to cancellations and the push to get people to move to the 60 and no subsequent updates from Tesla after the reveal. After all, why wouldn't a company who makes announcements about a planned announcement not make noise about 500k or 600k reservations?

Rumours from Tesla employees, second hand via people who asked them.

Tesla said they wouldn't announce further changes to the number. This is easy to understand the logic behind. 373k is a big number (its approximately an entire year's sales of the entire segment that Model 3 will be a part of). Why keep telegraphing to your competitors exactly how screwed they are, and exactly how much they need to do right now to try to remain competitive. Better to keep them in the dark until you're actually shipping the product they can't compete with, or else they might decide to find a way to compete.
which part?

the part where Elon clearly stated that July wouldn't happen? the part where he said late 2017 for the beginning of deliveries? or are you agreeing that 375k deliveries are not possible on 2017 like I am?

these things are true.
Oh come on. They never said they would deliver all 373k reservations in 2017. They said deliveries would start in 2017. And they're now saying that if you order today, you shouldn't expect to see your car until mid 2018 at the earliest.
Moderators, anything we can do to reduce myusername's waste-of-time posts, such as the one above? At one point he offered some reasonable posts, but those were in the distant past. A visitor to this thread should not have to wade through pages of dribble when the myusername show is on the air. Thank you.

I was going to say that I am all for clear-headed analysis of where Tesla could go wrong, but it's devolved into unhelpful post spamming.

From a meta-analysis standpoint though, I get the sense that anti-TSLA parties, or at least the human ones, have to be nervous about the next month or so. If they truly believe that Tesla will fail, there should be no need for stunts like today's CNBC "story" and other FUD. This is somewhat like the situation we see with Donald Trump: the worse things get for him the more outrageous (and ineffective) his tactics become.

In a normal situation, a company like Tesla should have died in 2008 or 2009, but the exact opposite has happened. People are afraid, because it was never supposed to have played out like this.
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