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Some Tesla hate on the highway...

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I've been following along with this thread for the last couple of days and I drive on some of the most overloaded freeways in California. After reading most of the arguments, I'm reminded of a comment made to me by a CHP officer who was involved with a safety program I attended. He said, "Most accidents aren't caused by speed alone, but by differentials in speed." The "road boulders" in the left lanes are as likely to cause an accident as the drivers going 80 when everybody else is going 70. Just my 2 cents. We have had our Tesla S for almost a year, and I have never seen any of the kind of animosity from other drivers described here. I also try to drive in a way that doesn't annoy other drivers. I do use AP quite a lot.
It's hilarious to watch you defend your posts to everyone who reads them, then chastise US for "misunderstanding" you. Perhaps you didn't express it in such a way that multiple random people on the internet who've never met could somehow interpret in the exact same way.....

I didn't misinterpret anything he said, it seems very plain and clear to me. He like to drive the speed limit, and stays to the right nearly all the time. That's well within the law and nothing's wrong with that style. I don't see why everyone's getting bent out of shape about that.

Public roads are owned by the public, for the public's general use. They are subject to reasonable restrictions that are posted. But there is no law that says you must "go with the flow of traffic". Every person and legal vehicle can use the road, and can use it in any way within the law. Here in Texas, highways are posted with a "Minimum Speed 45 MPH" sign in addition to the speed limit signs. The intent of that is to keep very slow moving vehicles like tractors, mopeds, bulldozers, etc. off the highways, even though they are street legal vehicles. That means that any vehicle that can travel at least 45 MPH can legally be on the freeway.

If he wants to drive 55 MPH on the freeway, then that's his right, and he shouldn't be chastized for it. As long as he stays to the right to allow faster drivers to pass on the left, then he isn't doing anything wrong. And he has said so multiple times that this is exactly what he does.
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I didn't misinterpret anything he said, it seems very plain and clear to me. He like to drive the speed limit, and stays to the right nearly all the time. That's well within the law and nothing's wrong with that style. I don't see why everyone's getting bent out of shape about that.

Public roads are owned by the public, for the public's general use. They are subject to reasonable restrictions that are posted. But there is no law that says you must "go with the flow of traffic". Every person and legal vehicle can use the road, and can use it in any way within the law. Here in Texas, highways are posted with a "Minimum Speed 45 MPH" sign in addition to the speed limit signs. The intent of that is to keep very slow moving vehicles like tractors, mopeds, bulldozers, etc. off the highways, even though they are street legal vehicles. That means that any vehicle that can travel at least 45 MPH can legally be on the freeway.

If he wants to drive 55 MPH on the freeway, then that's his right, and he shouldn't be chastized for it. As long as he stays to the right to allow faster drivers to pass on the left, then he isn't doing anything wrong. And he has said so multiple times that this is exactly what he does.

I think the blowback comes from the disdain he has rained down upon those of us who would deign to do more than the posted speed limit.

To each their own, but if you're gonna drive it like that, you could have saved a lot of cash and just bought a used Prius or Leaf.
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I think the blowback comes from the disdain he has rained down upon those of us who would deign to do more than the posted speed limit.

To each their own, but if you're gonna drive it like that, you could have saved a lot of cash and just bought a used Prius or Leaf.

Fair enough. He shouldn't chastize you either for your driving decisions. Although it has to be recognized that speeding is illegal, poorly enforced or not.

As far as the choice of vehicle, if you're going to drive 55 MPH, you may as well look cooler than a Prius or Leaf.
I've been following along with this thread for the last couple of days and I drive on some of the most overloaded freeways in California. After reading most of the arguments, I'm reminded of a comment made to me by a CHP officer who was involved with a safety program I attended. He said, "Most accidents aren't caused by speed alone, but by differentials in speed." The "road boulders" in the left lanes are as likely to cause an accident as the drivers going 80 when everybody else is going 70. Just my 2 cents. We have had our Tesla S for almost a year, and I have never seen any of the kind of animosity from other drivers described here. I also try to drive in a way that doesn't annoy other drivers. I do use AP quite a lot.
Yes. The jerk who insists he has a right to drive the speed limit or whatever arbitrary speed he likes in the passing lane is very likely to cause an accident. I really don't understand those people. Even if you think that you are in the right, wouldn't you alter your behavior to avoid the constant negative attention you receive? Do you like being tailgated and flipped off every time you drive? It's weird.
Fair enough. He shouldn't chastize you either for your driving decisions. Although it has to be recognized that speeding is illegal, poorly enforced or not.

As far as the choice of vehicle, if you're going to drive 55 MPH, you may as well look cooler than a Prius or Leaf.
If a law isn't enforced it really isn't a binding law anymore. We could end all speeding next year if we really cared to do so as a society. The current system is basically a tax on people who want to faster and a way to punish people that take it too far.
Fair enough. He shouldn't chastize you either for your driving decisions. Although it has to be recognized that speeding is illegal, poorly enforced or not.

As far as the choice of vehicle, if you're going to drive 55 MPH, you may as well look cooler than a Prius or Leaf.

but if you're the type of person who is 3-and-9, 55mph ONLY, you're probably not all that concerned with being cool, and the cost/benefit analysis spreadsheet you've done prior to purchasing the car didn't have an entry for "cool" factor on it anyway.
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I didn't misinterpret anything he said, it seems very plain and clear to me. He like to drive the speed limit, and stays to the right nearly all the time. That's well within the law and nothing's wrong with that style. I don't see why everyone's getting bent out of shape about that.

Correct, and I believe that's exactly what others were saying. The reason why I responded was because of this statement:

...You look like an idiot going over the speed limit, weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating and for what purpose? Just slow down!

He was responding to this:
...I understand you are obeying the speed limit at 65 mph. Others are going 70 to 80, just move over.

I am rarely the fastest driver on the road, but I'm not the slowest either. If people just put aside ego and the "it's my right" to be in this lane attitudes, and move over whenever someone behind you wants to go faster, there would be a lot less rage and unnecessary slowdowns.

When I was in Portugal, I really enjoyed driving there. It's like everyone just gets it. People only stay in the left lane as long as they need to until they pass the car in #2 lane. If while passing several cars in #2, a faster car comes up behind you in the left lane, they move over back to #2 lane as soon as possible and allow the faster car to go.
When I was in Portugal, I really enjoyed driving there. It's like everyone just gets it. People only stay in the left lane as long as they need to until they pass the car in #2 lane. If while passing several cars in #2, a faster car comes up behind you in the left lane, they move over back to #2 lane as soon as possible and allow the faster car to go.

I drove in Madeira (Portuguese island near the Canary Islands), and if you're camping in the left lane and someone comes up from behind and wants to pass, they put on their left blinker, instead of flicking their high beams.
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When I was in Portugal, I really enjoyed driving there. It's like everyone just gets it. People only stay in the left lane as long as they need to until they pass the car in #2 lane. If while passing several cars in #2, a faster car comes up behind you in the left lane, they move over back to #2 lane as soon as possible and allow the faster car to go.
Germany too. I think much of it is American ego and attitude. Every time you pass somebody only for them to catch up and then pass you, that's what you are seeing. It's as if letting somebody go by makes you less of a man or something.
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Germany too. I think much of it is American ego and attitude. Every time you pass somebody only for them to catch up and then pass you, that's what you are seeing. It's as if letting somebody go by makes you less of a man or something.

I'll readily admit, if I'm buzzing along at 75 or more in the left lane, and I'm passing middle or right lane traffic, and you fly up behind me (which means you're doing in excess of 90 to have closed that quickly), I'll probably jab the pedal before moving over, just to let you know you're getting by because I allowed it.

*shrug* sue me for it.
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I am a speed limit driver and I don't apologize for it. I would give you a "disagree" but instead let me explain.

No, going with the flow of traffic (which is anywhere from 10 to 20 mph over the 65/70 speed limit) is unlawful and unsafe on California freeways. I have tried going the speed limit in the far right lane on the freeways, but then I am tailgated or honked at by semis that are going 10 to 15 mph over the truck 55 mph speed limit. Where do you want me to drive? and don't be a smartburro and say, "on city streets." You look like an idiot going over the speed limit, weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating and for what purpose? Just slow down!

Why? The light is red, racing up to a red light and then slamming on your brakes is not going to make the light turn green any faster. It is frustrating to have someone tailgating you at a stoplight..right? Don't give ICE owner a reason to bully you because you don't want to live the same frenetic lifestyle they want to impose on you.

That's why I hate to drive on roads with drivers of any brand car (ICE or EV) who want to dictate how I should be driving my car as long as I am driving safely and obeying the law. If you don't like the posted speed limit, lobby your representative to get them changed. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Whatever....don't take it out on me.

Flip me off all you want. I am immune to it and ignore it, no reaction from me. The more you tailgate me, the slower I go, so you can get around me faster. I am not obligated to get out of your way as long as I am obeying the law and because you are being a traffic hazard. Oh, and if you do something unsafe. I have you on camera with your license plate and I do not hesitate to turn the evidence over to appropriate LEO.

I hear you T34ME. You are doing everything right, you are already on the slow lane. There's a lot of hater out there. Just don't start a road rage. It's not worth it. Jerk will be jerks.
I'll readily admit, if I'm buzzing along at 75 or more in the left lane, and I'm passing middle or right lane traffic, and you fly up behind me (which means you're doing in excess of 90 to have closed that quickly), I'll probably jab the pedal before moving over, just to let you know you're getting by because I allowed it.

*shrug* sue me for it.

Anyone who buzzes up behind you (or anyone) like that, is a fool. But whenever you interact with a fool on the road, or anywhere, you can escalate or de-escalate the situation - that's a choice you make, and I hate to be the cliche of the conversation, but that choice matters. The buzz, anger adrenaline lead to mistakes, and mistakes at 90mph don't usually end well.

I like driving fast as much as the next person, but doing it in heavy traffic or because you're angry is juvenile. It really is unfortunate that it's so easy to pass your driving test here. It's almost easier to pass than fail.
Anyone who buzzes up behind you (or anyone) like that, is a fool. But whenever you interact with a fool on the road, or anywhere, you can escalate or de-escalate the situation - that's a choice you make, and I hate to be the cliche of the conversation, but that choice matters. The buzz, anger adrenaline lead to mistakes, and mistakes at 90mph don't usually end well.

I like driving fast as much as the next person, but doing it in heavy traffic or because you're angry is juvenile. It really is unfortunate that it's so easy to pass your driving test here. It's almost easier to pass than fail.

I'm actually less aggressive in the Model 3 than I have been in any other car I've driven. I think it comes from the fact that I know I don't HAVE to prove my car can outrun anyone around me. I just KNOW it can. Occasionally I'll show flashes of that to fellow drivers, especially if there's little or no traffic, but most of the time, I'm just trying to have a stress free drive.
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I think everything is relative to the location you're driving in considering we are all in different parts of the world. But in NJ, AP drives a bit too slowly. Especially with stop and go traffic and the distance it leaves between cars in dense areas will cause people to drive around you just so they can sit one car ahead of you. Honestly if I were behind a Tesla in AP in these situations I might get annoyed too which is why I don't use AP often.

Also around here, I would say doing the speed limit is more dangerous than speeding 10-30% faster than posted limits (as 99% of drivers do on majority of roads in NJ). Causing people to brake and merge into other lanes because someone takes pride in being a law abiding citizen is arguably worse than "speeding" when you're just matching the speed of all the cars around you.
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