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Supercharger - Williams, CA - 6th Street (LIVE 18 Dec 2019, 12 V3 stalls)

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I just did Portland to the Bay Area and back last week and I have to say I am really looking forward to more supercharger density along this route. Corning is basically unavoidable on this route and it was shown as down for maintenance the day I left, but luckily the next day when I came through it was back online. One stall was broken. On the way back two stalls were broken and the one I used kept restarting charging and never got to a very high KW rate. With only eight total stalls at a must-stop supercharger it made for some lines even on a non-holiday summer weekend!

I am in a M3 LR and so for shorter range cars Corning is currently even more critical. I am glad to see them working on Williams!!! I also of course am excited about Redding!

Of course I too would rather more places to stop over superchargers with a ton of stalls. Both forms of expansion make sense of course, but they have not hit optimal density yet on some routes.
I was thinking about going through Chico to avoid Corning. ABRP shows it adds about 40 minutes to the ideal driving time. A slowdown or queue at Corning could easily wipe out that advantage.

So FWIW, it did not really slow down our travels at all. We had basically zero wait both times. I suspect that lunchtime is peak usage time (based on my experience in Eugene where when I got there everything was full, but when I left there was only one or two other cars out of 14 stalls). Not sure if Corning is the same way (we hit it for a late lunch both times).

The Olive Pit there had pretty good food (a block or two walk away). I would do Corning again as long as it was not a holiday weekend or some other special peak time. Check the in-car nav for its status though first.
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I was thinking about going through Chico to avoid Corning. ABRP shows it adds about 40 minutes to the ideal driving time. A slowdown or queue at Corning could easily wipe out that advantage.

The Chico one is not that convenient. I'd only do that if it was truly an insane weekend. I did Corning over the 4th of July, and even with a small line and some pushy driver in another vehicle, I wouldn't have gone to Chico.
I stopped by today to see if anything was visible, and yes, it’s happening!
Trenching has started. Also others are trenching next door for a EV Go Charger Installation.
Those installing the Superchargers preferred not to talk and didn’t want to be in pictures. I appreciate what they are doing!


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No Tesla equipment seen. Those workers confirmed nothing.
Friendly EV Go workers told me the Grazella parking lot one was for Tesla.

Just for the sake of our readers here...we generally wait to have some solid evidence (such as photos of Tesla labeled crates or equipment arriving on site) before changing the thread title to read "construction in progress".

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Thank you! And thanks to Bruce for the title update. Good to see construction getting started here, to relieve some of the load at Corning.

I hope your prognostication is right on the money, Fan. However, from past observations in other areas, and from my personal departure in Fresno, Corning is still a must stop to reach Mt. Shasta City. Williams will let me bypass the SC in Sac, but I will not be able to reach Siskiyou County from there without stopping in Corning unless I charge my '14 S85 past 90%. Much easier and faster to charge in Sac to 60% and again in Corning to 75%.

Personally, I think Williams will enable Tesla to tread water with the usage at Corning. Redding, and to a lesser extent, the putative Supercharger at Woodland will have more of a positive effect on Corning.
However, from past observations in other areas, and from my personal departure in Fresno, Corning is still a must stop to reach Mt. Shasta City.
It may, however, relieve the southbound load. I believe Mt. Shasta City to Williams is quite doable for most vehicles, and many choose to currently stop in Corning. So that could cut the load by as much as half, but likely quite a bit less.
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I hope your prognostication is right on the money, Fan. However, from past observations in other areas, and from my personal departure in Fresno, Corning is still a must stop to reach Mt. Shasta City. Williams will let me bypass the SC in Sac, but I will not be able to reach Siskiyou County from there without stopping in Corning unless I charge my '14 S85 past 90%. Much easier and faster to charge in Sac to 60% and again in Corning to 75%.

Personally, I think Williams will enable Tesla to tread water with the usage at Corning. Redding, and to a lesser extent, the putative Supercharger at Woodland will have more of a positive effect on Corning.
Probably would allow you to skip Corning on the way home tho?
Probably would allow you to skip Corning on the way home tho?

It would depend on how long I charge in Mt. Shasta City. Only once have I traveled south (eight times north) and that one time I used 90 rated miles for the downhill drive to Corning. So, in theory, I could charge to 80% and reach Williams with ease. But then, I would have to stop in Manteca to get home. My choices from Mt. Shasta now boil down to

Williams--> Manteca--home. (I suppose I could have a shorter stay in Williams and a longer stay in Sac to avoid Manteca, but Williams to Sac is less than an hour's drive, and I prefer not to stop after such a short leg.)
I will second a request for a Redding. I would never use it except for emergencies because I live in Redding, but not only does Redding cover a gap on I5, but it's a jumping off point for anyone heading to Eureka on 299W or Reno on 299E.

I live in cottonwood. Redding would be perfect. I can make to eureka from my house but if I was to get stuck in traffic it would be bad. Redding super charge and then susanville would be on my wish list. Susanville I'm going to reno
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