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Superchargers visited 3.0

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According to my "Visited Map", the original open date for Canary Wharf, UK was 8/27/2014:

I see how this happened. Instead of the original site being marked closed and a new site created, the location was changed and the site was marked as reopened on supercharge.info, with the open date as the new opening date instead of the original open date.

@corywright, should the open date be changed to the original open date in these two cases?
@Big Earl @corywright We should consider marking the original Kozina supercharger closed, and create a new supercharger since the address is different from the original.

For Canary Wharf, I think we should change the open date back to the original since the address did not change - just an upgrade.

Same address: same supercharger, just an upgrade - keep original open date
New address: new supercharger
So.... I've been doing a little analysis. Do these checkins seem a bit erroneous to anyone else?

Kozina, Slovenia

Visited 933 day(s) before supercharger marked open

Visited 1913 day(s) before supercharger marked open

Visited 1024 day(s) before supercharger marked open

Elon Bear
Visited 1027 day(s) before supercharger marked open

Visited 391 day(s) before supercharger marked open

Canary Wharf, UK

Visited 605 day(s) before supercharger marked open

Elon Bear
Visited 1072 day(s) before supercharger marked open
Visits are correct. Supercharger information has been updated.
Ok so here it is. A complete working web app dedicated to THE GAME that has all users and chargers imported. All you have to do is sign in. I will be importing from the spread sheet for the next 2 months but after that you will have to enter it in the app only. If it takes off and the reports are to everyone's liking we can start using this for THE GAME!!

It currently only works on a phone but I will have a web app for the tesla browser (will also work on a computer) sometime next week.


There are a few chargers that didn't import properly for some reason so if you have been to any of the below you will have to add them yourself:
1. Gwangju - Cheomdan, South Korea
2. Seoul - Times Stream, South Korea
3. Chiayi - Budai, Taiwan
4. Revelstock - Victoria Rd, BC
5. Halmstad, Sweden
6. Gaddede, Sweden

Message me if there are any issues.
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Ok so here it is. A complete working web app dedicated to THE GAME that has all users and chargers imported. All you have to do is sign in. I will be importing from the spread sheet for the next 2 months but after that you will have to enter it in the app only. If it takes off and the reports are to everyone's liking we can start using this for THE GAME!!

It currently only works on a phone but I will have a web app for the tesla browser (will also work on a computer) sometime next week.


There are a few chargers that didn't import properly for some reason so if you have been to any of the below you will have to add them yourself:
1. Gwangju - Cheomdan, South Korea
2. Seoul - Times Stream, South Korea
3. Chiayi - Budai, Taiwan
4. Revelstock - Victoria Rd, BC
5. Halmstad, Sweden
6. Gaddede, Sweden

Message me if there are any issues.
Revelstoke is misspelled so maybe that is causing the problem. It also isn't open yet (just under construction). I can't speak to any of the others.
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Yay! I got in. I love that I'll be able to check in and see that there are other Superchargers nearby that I haven't touched yet.


Why does it show I visited Liberty Lake twice? Calabasas thrice? Is it an issue reading the spreadsheet? Do you import the data daily like Tableau? Do I need to do something to get the Stats view to populate? Is the Players view of others who have this app running? Does it run in the background? Does this replace Life360 (PLEASE!)?

Superexcited that it looks this good on first release. Red and white are the Tesla colors but the red is hard to read against black. Perhaps it needs a day and a night color scheme where the black and white swap.
This looks great indeed, I was looking at building something very similar to what you've got. Looking forward to a desktop version as well!

How often does the backend update? Will you get new location sites and statuses? Would love to see the code behind it.
Ok so here it is. A complete working web app dedicated to THE GAME that has all users and chargers imported. All you have to do is sign in. I will be importing from the spread sheet for the next 2 months but after that you will have to enter it in the app only. If it takes off and the reports are to everyone's liking we can start using this for THE GAME!!

It currently only works on a phone but I will have a web app for the tesla browser (will also work on a computer) sometime next week.


There are a few chargers that didn't import properly for some reason so if you have been to any of the below you will have to add them yourself:
1. Gwangju - Cheomdan, South Korea
2. Seoul - Times Stream, South Korea
3. Chiayi - Budai, Taiwan
4. Revelstock - Victoria Rd, BC
5. Halmstad, Sweden
6. Gaddede, Sweden

Message me if there are any issues.
Quite cool. Things I noticed immediately.
  • No way to disable location permissions. We should be able to toggle that on and off so we are only showing location when we are hunting. This needs to be fixed immediately. I assume there is some way for me to change this default in the browser but we shouldn't have to do that. I shouldn't have to logout to hide my location.
    • also of interest, my own location is not shown on the players view. It should be.
    • Does this get real-time location data? In other words, if I were to be driving down the road, would it show that? Could we potentially use this to replace Life360?
  • My count isn't the same. In the spreadsheet, I had 874 at the time of import (now 875), which should be correct. Your tool has 877. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to compare/resolve this discrepancy.
  • I don't understand what is being presented to me on the "Check In" page. It shows some superchargers near where I am but not all of them. I've already visited these superchargers. There is no way to search for a supercharger and
  • There are no visualizations to show which superchargers I've yet to visit or the ones I have visited. Is this coming? If not, we'd need to work on a way to do that.
  • The "Stats" page isn't working for me at all. I see "Stats" and toggles for Personal and Everyone but nothing else.
  • No way to click from a supercharger view to a Google Maps to assist in routing.
  • It doesn't appear you capture the additional supercharger details that we maintain in the spreadsheet. e.g. last updated date. original stalls, current stalls, construction start date, etc. Ideally we'd capture this data.
Well, the website I wrote for this is ugly af, but it does almost everything needed by the competition. The only things I haven't yet implemented functionality for (that I'm aware of at the moment) are computing the century milestones, and improving the administrative tools (so the competition admins can modify checkins on behalf of users). It even has an export process so that the current tableau design could continue working until a better visualization solution is developed.


It sucks on mobile. I know. When I originally started working on this (road trip to Custer/SOS, 2021), I used a template that is optimized for desktop. I could improve the UI over time.
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Man, the time is ripe for new webapps for this game... I was literally going to take this Thursday and Friday to continue work on my database+app for the game and put out an MVP... I will eagerly watch the development of the others though.
I will work on reimporting soon to get this fixed. It's looking like it's messed up by 8 for everyone. I manually went through yours and fixed the duplicates but soon you will be able to edit that so it can be fixed on the user end not me fixing 200 peoples checkins!

Fixing Now.
The Location is grabbed when you go to the home screen I will immediately add an option to turn on HUNTING which will put you on the map. If hunting is off your location wont be displayed but still pulled so you can personally see information around you.

If your own location isn't shown then your location data isn't allowed on your browser.
It can get real time data if you want that. But currently it only pulls (not constantly)when you enter the home screen tab. Your location displayed to others isn't shared by exact location just by ZIP code. So if two people are in the same zip it will show them on top of each other.

I will work on pulling a new import. I think it's off because while importing the sheet was updated.

The checkin page shows you chargers nearby if you are at the charger it will have a check in tab next to it
Screen Shot 2022-06-21 at 9.32.20 PM.png

At the top of the checkin page there is a add nav button. You can click and search any charger to checkin there. I will refine how you search in a few days.
Screen Shot 2022-06-21 at 9.34.05 PM.png

Yes stats are coming soon. I want to know what everyone wants to see in there and what visuals i should add into the stats page.

I do have all data on superchargers its just not displayed. What is that info you mentioned used for while out hunting?
I do just pull from supercharge.info

there will be a way to click that will open up google maps so you can share it to your tesla. Good idea ill get it done.
@Randy Spencer

the stats/rank tab isn't up yet. I wanted to get info on what everyone looks at daily and what is really wanted in regards to the graphs and stats.

The players tab is not an exact location it's based off zip code. I didn't want anyone following anyone. It does not run in the background. It only pulls on the Home page when you launch the app. if the app or site is closed it wont run location.

I will work on showing a further out view of nearby chargers. Currently right now it is only showing your current state or province.
I had a ton of issues importing such a massive list I'm going to try to import again this week but it takes about a day to move it as the google doc is so big. I'm thinking it's getting messed up because things are added to it when it's importing. You will soon be able to edit and delete checkins so if something is there that shouldn't you can just remove it, or change the checkin time and date.

Thanks for the positive input and i will get this looking nice. I started this around 2 weeks ago so i will be changing a lot. so until then use the spreadsheet and test the app. once its dialed in we can see where it goes!