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Tesla Autonomy Day April 22nd

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In the early part of the V2V design, they had the usual rose-colored glasses on... how great it would be when the cars talked to each other. I was involved on the security side, and my team and others pointed out just how bad it would be if the communication got screwed up, accidentally or intentionally. (The same problem has been pointed out about ADS/B for planes, but unfortunately the standards for that are already set.) At best, V2V is a long way away yet, although caravanning could be made to work between cooperating vehicles sooner.
The auto CAN network is a great example of how automotive engineers haven't typically designed with a security mindset. V2V comms scare the *sugar* out of me. Having a Tesla is a bit of a stretch in my comfort zone, as I've never been a fan of anything safety related such as a vehicle's control system being tied to any form of wireless communications. I realize it's necessary for a Tesla, and I'm a tech-head more than I am a tin-foil hat head, so the tech wins out. :D
So far, I am thoroughly impressed with the chip numbers.

I studied EE in college but went directly into software instead, and with the numbers displayed I'd be shocked if when HW3 is deployed we don't see some big leaps and bounds.

Really is a software problem at this point. Obviously this is an understatement, but I don't doubt the hype now.
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He's leaving out shape in his example. You need to see shape to understand it in his example. I think on roads that's "considered" less important, but I disagree. However, these people are fairly smart. Let's see.

I'm a novice at pixelated rather than shape analysis, but from what I inferred, the neural nets figure out the shapes' meaning somehow; that became evident by the end of the software presentation, especially with the 3D and cue examples. Everything else in the presentation sounded great. I think he addressed most my questions.

His answer to the lane change human training is great, for example.
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