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Tesla Model 3 Moments

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I was waiting for a package to be delivered the other day and didn't want to miss the delivery guy so was sitting in my Model 3 when the van pulled up. When I saw him get out with my package, I got out of my car to meet him. He saw my car and said something like "omg, is that the new Tesla!?" I replied "yes it's the Model 3". He was like "wow, I'm from ...I think he said Tennessee... and I haven't seen one yet close up". He was really excited to see it. He asked me if it could drive itself and I said well yes but not completely self-drive yet. He asked me how I liked it and a few other questions like really no engine? Told him no gas or oil either. So seeing how excited he was still about it, asked him if he wanted to sit in it at which time he beamed and said an emphatic "yes". He was pretty tall and fit in the car nicely. He was all smiles. We talked about the center screen and how the car was quiet without an engine. He got out of the car and called out to his wife who was apparently driving the van while he would hop out and delivery the packages and wanted her to come over and see this new car. She wasn't as excited as he was LOL. If he wasn't out there delivering packages and probably on a tight schedule I would have offered to do a quick drive down the street and back to let him feel the ride and a bit of the acceleration.

Anyway that was my fun Tesla moment lately and glad to have the chance to spread the Tesla grin.
Hi everyone,

I rarely post on forums, but I though I'd add my Tesla moment stories. I don't know if they'll be real Tesla moment but I'm sure they'll be entertaining. Me and my wife own a red model 3 since september 2018 and I'm quite sure we got it in the first days Tesla delivered model 3s around Montreal area.

1-We were supposed to get our model 3 on sept 25th. We were quite happy when we received a call friday prior to this date and the salesman told us that if we want, we can plan delivery on saturday instead of tuesday. OF COURSE WE WANT :-D. On sunday, I visited a couple of family members to show the car. They were all clueless we had the car as they knew we were supposed to get it on the following week. When I parked at my sister's house, my nephew was outside working on his VW with friends. The face of my nephew was priceless. His jaw dropped. If TeslaCam was implemented at that time, it sure would have done something funny to remember on video.

2-A few weeks later, when we were on our way to my wife's parent, we were stopped at a red light. Suddenly, I hear knocking on our passenger window side. The girl from the car behind came out of her car to come see us. So I opened the windows to start conversation.
-Is this the new Tesla?
-Yeah it is.
Then she went back to her car as light was changing back to green. We had a good laugh right after.

3-My wife uses the car more often as she drive 110 km daily (around 70 miles). And I must tell before this one that neither me nor my wife are managers, engineers or highly paid workers. We are normal workers with the average household income. (We just saved a lot of money over a few years). She was at her job's parking lot, chit-chatting with a colleague and her boss. Then another colleague, who came back from a leave not so long ago, came along and asked the boss:
Colleague: Hey, I heard you got a new car?
Boss: Yup, that's right! (He did have a new car)
Colleague: Is that the nice red car over there (pointing our Tesla)
Wife (Shy): Nah.. that's mine.

It was funny to think the her colleague automatically though the new high priced tesla was owned by the boss.
At a stop sign exiting my neighborhood a pedestrian crossed the street in front of me. He nodded to me and then noticed what I was driving and came toward the driver's side.
Him: "Does it drive itself?"
Me: "It has advanced cruise control."
Him: 'So you can take your hands off the wheel?"
Me: "Yes."
Him: "And it turns corners and everything?"
Me: "Some of them do but this is the cheap one."
Him: "Ain't nothing wrong with that. It's still beautiful."
Me: "Thanks!" (With a big grin on my face.)
I realize "Turns corners and everything"/"Some of them do" is a stretch right now but I didn't want to clarify while sitting at a stop sign.
Got my AWD LR M3 in December. Finally had the chance to visit my son and his wife and two granddaughters. NOTE: When they lived in California, they owned a VW e-Golf. I loved the car and it, in part, inspired me to get the M3. Plus, and by the way, my other two daughters have also had EV’s so Puppa was coming to the party late.

Be that as it may, I took the two girls to a private estate where there was neither traffic nor traffic laws as neither is of driving age. I gave each a chance to drive the M3. Now, I know I’ll Hear, “Are you crazy,” “Dumb ass,” etc. I was raised on a farm in Pennsylvania and learned to drive a Willy’s Jeep when I was eight. EIGHT, driving a stick shift Jeep. If anyone knows the early 1950’s Jeep, it had a foot pedal starter. Eight, are you kidding me? So, when my kids were eight, I taught them to drive on our farm in Maine. My grand-D’s are well into double digits. I gave them a simple but straight forward brief about the accelerator and brake at the get-go and warned, “When I say STOP, touch the brake (not the accelerator).” For each girl, I said, “Stop” after 5 seconds of driving...then again after the next 5 seconds. Each did fine. I even gave them a chance to backup. One nailed it, the other, not so much. They were absolutely beside themselves as they drove for about five minutes. The videos are priceless. I’m not posting them to protect the guilty.
Just had my first “moment”

We decided to take the kids to the Zoo today. I got there and normally parking is INSANE. Probably 200+ yards from parking all the way to main entrance. Typical for amusement parks/zoos/attractions.

Well, they directed me all the way to the front. Steps from the main entrance. 2 EV parking spots. Flat out incredible.

All the people walking in from way back saw me parked there, charging and unloading my kids to walk right through the gates.

I turned sentry mode on just in case anyone was bitter about it.
Just had my first “moment”

We decided to take the kids to the Zoo today. I got there and normally parking is INSANE. Probably 200+ yards from parking all the way to main entrance. Typical for amusement parks/zoos/attractions.

Well, they directed me all the way to the front. Steps from the main entrance. 2 EV parking spots. Flat out incredible.

All the people walking in from way back saw me parked there, charging and unloading my kids to walk right through the gates.

I turned sentry mode on just in case anyone was bitter about it.
Zoo = environmentalist= EV charging stations at closer end of parking.
Makes sense.
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Just had my first “moment”

We decided to take the kids to the Zoo today. I got there and normally parking is INSANE. Probably 200+ yards from parking all the way to main entrance. Typical for amusement parks/zoos/attractions.

Well, they directed me all the way to the front. Steps from the main entrance. 2 EV parking spots. Flat out incredible.

All the people walking in from way back saw me parked there, charging and unloading my kids to walk right through the gates.

I turned sentry mode on just in case anyone was bitter about it.
This perk is great, Disneyland isn't exactly front row but you do get directed to a special part of the parking lot with an EV. Also, at snow summit ski resort they do charge $20 but let you plug in to the light pole in the very first spot in the parking lot, with how bad parking can be there the $20 is worth it and free charging is a nice perk.
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Playing with the new voice commands and my 2 1/2 year old grandson in the Tesla. He was impressed with "open glovebox" so he tried giving the command. This was Teslas pretty close phonetic translation of a chattering toddler. He did get it open once.
Just had my first “moment”

We decided to take the kids to the Zoo today. I got there and normally parking is INSANE. Probably 200+ yards from parking all the way to main entrance. Typical for amusement parks/zoos/attractions.

Well, they directed me all the way to the front. Steps from the main entrance. 2 EV parking spots. Flat out incredible.

All the people walking in from way back saw me parked there, charging and unloading my kids to walk right through the gates.

I turned sentry mode on just in case anyone was bitter about it.

Houston Zoo?
I dunno if it's where I live or what, but I own two Model 3's, and we never get anyone who pays attention to them. No one ever gives them a second look. I think they don't know what they are.

Back when I had the Model S, I did used to get a decent amount of looks and occasionally a talk in the parking lot. I think maybe one car wanted to race it at a stoplight one time.

With the 3's ... nothing. Nada, zip. No one has ever wanted to race, I haven't had anyone ask any questions, no one looks at them. I think the most attention they've gotten was I've had another Model 3 driver wave a couple times.

I have no idea why. I'm glad you guys get this kind of interaction, I think it's great. But where I'm at, it may as well be a Honda Accord.

they just kind of blend in now
even the MS
So this goes back to May 2018 when our Model 3 was a rare sight in NJ. We were going down the NJ turnpike and on the other side of divided highway going in the same direction there was a middle aged man in a minivan with his head turned so much I became worried he might crash. I comment to my wife, "look at that guy looking at the Model 3 so much he might crash".

Her response. "Honey, he is not looking at the car, he is looking at me!"