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Tesla Model 3 owner unlocks car with her arm after implanting RFID chip in it

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Watch, phone, etc... What is the real-world problem solved by an implant when a common convenient solution already exists?

Losing/forgetting your keys. Needing to have keys/phone with you.

I have general disgusts with

1.) Solutions looking for problems.
2.) Elective self mutilation.

Both boxes ticked for me so nope nope nope.

I answered (1) above.

(2) It's her body. She can do whatever she likes with it. I would not do it because I don't like pain and it creeps me out. But she is under no obligation to refrain from creeping me out. Or creeping out anyone else. Maybe she's doing it for 5 minutes of internet fame. Maybe she's doing it because she thinks it's cool. Bottom line: It doesn't matter why she's doing it. Her body, her choice.
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Losing/forgetting your keys. Needing to have keys/phone with you.

I answered (1) above.

(2) It's her body. She can do whatever she likes with it. I would not do it because I don't like pain and it creeps me out. But she is under no obligation to refrain from creeping me out. Or creeping out anyone else. Maybe she's doing it for 5 minutes of internet fame. Maybe she's doing it because she thinks it's cool. Bottom line: It doesn't matter why she's doing it. Her body, her choice.

All sounds like personal responsibility issues to me and not actual problems.
Losing/forgetting your keys. Needing to have keys/phone with you.

You know people are 10x as likely to leave their children in a hot car than a phone in a hot car.

They actually check on the latter every 5 minutes.

2) It's her body. She can do whatever she likes with it. I would not do it because I don't like pain and it creeps me out. But she is under no obligation to refrain from creeping me out. Or creeping out anyone else. Maybe she's doing it for 5 minutes of internet fame. Maybe she's doing it because she thinks it's cool. Bottom line: It doesn't matter why she's doing it. Her body, her choice.

Not my daughter, not my say. Though going public on the Internet is asking for commentary so commentary she receives.

When my children get slapped upside the head, they know always the answer to the first two followup questions:

1.) Was what you did dumb?
2.) Why does dad do what he does? (Melts my heart everytime!)
How does that work? I thought all chips/electronics needed some sort of electricity. Is it self generated?

It's called RFID. It's a passive chip that gets its power from the signal broadcast by the reader. It's the same technology that's in some credit cards: The ones that you tap on the reader. The Tesla key card is RFID: The card does not have or need a battery. You touch the B pillar on the driver's side and the car unlocks. The car is constantly broadcasting a low-power signal, which has enough power to operate the chip.

The woman in this case took her Tesla key card, dissolved the plastic card in acetone, retrieved the chip and antenna, had them put in a capsule and implanted. Other folks have put them in a watch band. But she wanted an implant.

RFID is all over the place. No battery needed in the card.
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Youtube is loaded with people that want only publicity and attention. They put their safety and future at stake for seconds of video-attention. Somethings are so close to be suicidal, I'm surprised there's no reports that many are arrested and committed for observation for the stunts they try. Yep, some stunts are tried, not successful.

So even it she did it for publicity, there's no harm in her doing it. Right?
Not necessarily. I'm all for innovation, progress and advancement but this just screams publicity stunt all over.

A classic conservative's assessment of something they don't understand often uses dismissive tone to marginalize. ;)

Youtube is loaded with people that want only publicity and attention. They put their safety and future at stake for seconds of video-attention. Somethings are so close to be suicidal, I'm surprised there's no reports that many are arrested and committed for observation for the stunts they try. Yep, some stunts are tried, not successful.

A classic conservative's assessment of something they don't understand often uses false equivalency in an effort to support a perspective. ;)
Youtube is loaded with people that want only publicity and attention. They put their safety and future at stake for seconds of video-attention. Somethings are so close to be suicidal, I'm surprised there's no reports that many are arrested and committed for observation for the stunts they try. Yep, some stunts are tried, not successful.

So even it she did it for publicity, there's no harm in her doing it. Right?

There are indeed people on YouTube who do dangerous and/or self-destructive things. Whether for attention or for the ad revenue or just because they enjoy it and want to share, I cannot judge.

I've read that one-quarter of the people who make it to the top of Everest die on the way down. And many more lose fingers and toes to frostbite. High-school football players get injured for life. Many professional athletes retire with serious injuries in their 20's or 30's. 30,000 people are killed in traffic accidents in the U.S. every year. And few of these people (certainly none of the traffic fatalities) do it for attention on YouTube.

My reading of this woman is that she has a passion for body modification and is on YouTube to share her passion. I find the idea creepy, but I find lots of things people do creepy. I think the real nut jobs are the people who get upset because this woman has two RFID chips implanted in herself. (Personally, I find the ink to be more of a turn-off than the implants, but that's just me also.) The only person who has any right to be upset by this is her mother, because mothers always have a right to be upset by everything their kids do.

With all the people in the world who are hurting others, trying to deny basic rights to others, trying to impose their own religion on others, preaching bigotry against others, denying others the right to a dignified life, I don't see how anyone can get upset because someone on YouTube has her house and car keys implanted in her body.