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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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This is just embarrassing for everyone else, especially for us Swedes since much of our EV sales are actually bought by Norwegians and then directly exported to Norway.

At least I thought we were winning tonights football but of course the Norwegians made a last second goal.:confused:

Jamtelagen has just been disproven. Norway is indeed better than Sweden. ;)
Do you guys figure there will be a ruling on April 4th? I'll have some funds to buy more shares on the 2nd or 3rd. Thought I was going to miss out on a possible rise in share price from the delivery numbers but a ruling on the SEC case could case a much bigger rise.
As others have mentioned regarding any Tesla news, good or bad, it seems irrelevant as the gravitational pull of all the horsesugar that will most assuredly hit the airwaves, seems to only go in one direction. Newtonian physics meets bizzaro world.
TE can use 18650 from panasonic and samsung. How many they can supply, or how many tesla plans to use, I have no idea.

Ahaha, no. Tesla has already reallocated one of the 10 original Panasonic 2170 lines at GF1 for Telsa Energy products. That's 300K bty cells per day, or about 2 GWhr per year, dedicated for TE. This is a report also from carsonight about 3 mths ago.
Usually open. The press doesn't get special access AFAIK, so any TMC member in NYC could participate and make notes on the 4th of April, 2pm, ~2 blocks from Brooklyn Bridge. :D

I could do it but would be good to know if I can realistically get into the court room. I am sure it will be just lawyers from both sides and no Elon.
Wouldn’t mind going there. Mark Spiegel may be camping there as well. Good time to meet enemy number 1.
If he was there how could he misquote the judge??

Well won't she just look stupid if he's acquitted?
More stupid??

This isn't our first rodeo. We all know that no matter what the Judge decides the **sugar** regarding this issue will be DEEP.
Before this, the best month for Norway was Dec 17, with 2461.
March 2019 will easily double that.
Today we've seen 578 Tesla delivered in one day: if tomorrow is similar it will be the same as the whole month of February... which was a very good month!
The growth we're seeing is unprecedented: do you know any other brand who grew so much YoY? Any other car model that sold so much in the first 6 weeks?

But the best is yet to come: we are talking LR and P.
I'd love to know if we can project the market of SR and SR+, in Norway.
I think that will easiliy be the most sold car of the history of Scandinavia, and the final nail in the coffin for Audi/Mercedes/BMW, at least.
No demand my ass.
Even smart folks get hung up on a technology that becomes an ideology, and find it hard to let go. I know it is a shocker.

** SNIP **
My point is that this is part of the German resistance to BEVs: the insistence of many that fuel cells stay in the subsidized research mix. Many still consider BEVs some kind of curious and cute toys for the rich, but not practical for real people and not really good for the environment, because gosh all those dead batteries in the landfills. I expect that if we really see huge Tesla M3 sales in Germany, that many like my friend may re-consider. My friend is not anti-BEV, or even anti-Tesla, just pro-hydrogen and pro-German manufacturing. And he doesn’t like touchscreens.
All I can say to them is "Prepare to be AMAZED!".
Something to think about:

--- Where is Tesla going to get more paint shop capacity mid summer to early fall --- ?

GA in China should start coming online in early summer. But all parts will be imported, including prepainted bodywork. If that's all done at Fremont with a fixed 7k/wk paint capacity, this would mean idling some Fremont GA capacity, and thus layoffs and higher depreciation - something Tesla surely wishes to avoid. Or perhaps M3 production remains high, but S and X are severely curtailed - also not great without some strategy behind it.

Seems to me there's a 3-6 month "paint shop gap" that Tesla is surely going to want to fill.

I wonder if Tesla is already working on securing more capacity... somewhere... to fill in that gap.

Should only be a problem with paint. Understanding is that body, stamping, etc can readily scale higher at Fremont, and GF1 can (and is) scaling as needed for packs and drive units.
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