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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Between these inopportune share dumps and his political comments & rantings lately, it really does feel like Elon wants TSLA to go down.

Back in 2018/2019, I discussed at length here whether Elon would do a "Henry Ford" to acquire Tesla:

Search results for query: Henry | Tesla Motors Club

If you don't know the history, that was when Henry Sr. retired which lead to the stock tanking 90% then Henry taking Ford Motors private for 10 cents on the dollar, mainly at the expense of the largest Ford shareholders, the Dodge Bros. This article covers the comparison:

Remember That Time Ford Went Private? Elon Musk & Henry Ford ... | Cleantechnica Sep 1, 2018

Now, I don't think going private is his plan. Recently, Elon made comments that general AI is best developed by a public company, so the shareholders can fire him if they don't like the way its going. :p

But Elon is a student of history, and I'm sure the "Henry Ford" gambit occurred to him when the SEC was suing him in Oct 2018 for unfounded reasons they knew were, but banks had Elon over a barrel. I think that experience more than anything has affected the way Elon views banks, and debt.

In the next few weeks and months, I'm more interested in whether Elon executes a large number of stock options from his 2018 CEO compensation plan. Again, @mongo has made an excellent case that the best financial result for Elon might be to wait until the end of the vesting window (2028 I think) before he executes his options.

However, I have the lingering feeling that executing at current low share prices minimizes Elon's tax owing, and also the amount of payroll taxes that Tesla would have to pay for Elon. I think with Elon's history, this is an attractive option. But I don't think he "Henry Ford's" the SP to do it. ;)

Especially after my recent experience with OpenAI's Chatbot, and discovering how natural and convincing AI has become, even on nuanced subjects involving complex situations, I have a little different take:

How do you know the "investors" you're debating TSLA with are not AI bots?

Those who think this is funny or far-fetched need to tell me their reasoning. Because I actually find it more likely than not that more than half of the persistent but generally short debates/conversations taking place in comment sections/forums around the Internet about global warming, solar power, EV adoption and Tesla and related subjects are AI bots, not humans. My reasoning is a disconnect between the amount of time these debaters are willing to spend on what amounts to a debate that has played out the same way thousands of times before (not that humans wouldn't do this, but the frequency of it seems a little "off"). The other reason - I think I'm beginning to detect a certain style that distinguishes some of these debates from a human. It's quite subtle but they seem to be a little too matter of fact, in other words, better than most humans at avoiding personal emotion and this makes them sound more convincing.

Also, the incentive and motivation is there to fund such disinformation to make these false narratives sound reasonable to the masses. I will still spend my time to counter their false narratives, but only because I know that hundreds, sometimes thousands, of innocent humans read the comments. But I really think I'm most often debating a chat bot designed to twist reality.

I think the brave new world of AI is being widely deployed much faster than most are aware.
This is like sci-fi movie script come to life. Boy wonder and the villians. Add in the Fusion breakthrough... it all seems surreal lately. But I also take you seriously and will be watching for this now.

Only problem is how do I explain this to my neighbors who are still hung up on range anxiety, along with what is electricity anyway, and is it Watt or WOT? I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of cats! Ya, it's that bad around here.
I’m really hoping $153 was the bottom, just so that ‘technically’ chicken genius was wrong! But my god, his accuracy on this was impressive.
I had to go apology tweet to him yesterday for calling him names back in august when he was screaming SELL, and calling for $150.

Elon bailed him out, imho. He got lucky.
This is like sci-fi movie script come to life. Boy wonder and the villians. Add in the Fusion breakthrough... it all seems surreal lately. But I also take you seriously and will be watching for this now.

Only problem is how do I explain this to my neighbors who are still hung up on range anxiety, along with what is electricity anyway, and is it Watt or WOT? I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of cats! Ya, it's that bad around here.
We were at my daughters HS event and chatting with other parents. One said they were looking at getting their daughter a Blazer EV, I nearly spit my drink out. I'm not one of those Tesla ambassador types but I had to say something. I tried to push him to read more about EVs and not to gobble up the BS GM narratives, look at the actual EV battery tech, it's not all the same. Lotta noobs to EV have really scarirly poor understanding of the technology.
So two months now of non-stop FUD spread by not just Rueter....ahem..."others" as well. Hope they're happy with themselves. Rueter's you expect this type of crap fun. The others, need to get off their high horse.

Seems like the last two weeks of slowdown in weekly China registrations was more due to Covid preventing deliveries to occur + Tesla was shipping local deliveries to other parts of China so that they can be delivered by end of the Dec.
It means that Elon will be dinged by insider trading if Q4 is a surprise to the downside. So the fact that he was allowed to sell and the board approved means Q4's performance should be fine.
I was reading "likely now", where Gary wrote "Odds of a negative 4Q surprise are therefore likely low.", that´s why it didn´t make sense - really scared myself 🤣