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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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DarkandStormy - please read and understand articles you post rather than just harvesting negative headlines. Otherwise your contributions here are unwelcome and unhelpful.
There are now so many posters like this, who do nothing but post negative-spun FUD, that its ridiculous. Do they think they are moving the stock to profit from shorting? I just dont get why people spend SO MUCH TIME on an investment forum dedicated to a company they hate so much. Maybe try finding something you LIKE and go invest in that? Surely thats less stress, and makes you a happier person?
Like I said before, I hate Apple and think the stock is doomed. It would be WEIRD for me to spend all day on an apple investor forum saying so. What would be the point???
There are now so many posters like this, who do nothing but post negative-spun FUD, that its ridiculous. Do they think they are moving the stock to profit from shorting? I just dont get why people spend SO MUCH TIME on an investment forum dedicated to a company they hate so much. Maybe try finding something you LIKE and go invest in that? Surely thats less stress, and makes you a happier person?
Like I said before, I hate Apple and think the stock is doomed. It would be WEIRD for me to spend all day on an apple investor forum saying so. What would be the point???
I've owned my Tesla shares for over eleven years, although that includes periods of increasing or reducing my position. I appreciate a Tesla investment forum in which both positive and negative articles are posted. They may help to explain why the share price has been moving one way or another. These might aid in share/option trading decisions and shareholder voting. That's why this thread exists. An echo chamber for one particular viewpoint may be unhelpful.
Hi Joseph, this is the Tesla Solar Virtual Consultation Team. Thank you for your interest in our energy products and services. Based on the satellite images we're seeing, it looks like you have a flat roof. As it turns out, we are unable to install on that roof type due to having a minimum pitch requirement. We'll cancel the solar virtual consultation scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday 5/22 @ 1:30 PM ET. Please reach out with any additional questions. Thank you, Tesla.

The above is tesla solar response. I have a concrete roof, brand new construction.

Careful what you wish, you might get it.

Between the $30,000 upfront cost, and 8 years to break even, I will pay
Florida power $200 per month and put the $ 30,000 in the S&P index
Opportunistically .
That is bizarre! I should not be surprised, given my own complete failure to induce Tesla Energy to do business with me.
GM had first mover advantage with the EV1. Remind me how that worked out for them?
To be fair, so did Honda and Toyota. They all failed build on their lead. The Mercedes and Toyota both owned parts fo Tesla but departed too soon to make much money from it, nor to build on their early technology lead.
Yup. Dumb. Tesla didn’t have the space for them.

Still a lot of questionable actions going on here, even with Elons X comment.

Redirecting from Tesla to his own privately owned companies, regardless of the reality of the situation on the ground, leaves him open to accusations of personally advantaging himself.

For example, did X and Xai receive a large benefit from getting this large allocation of GPUs far sooner than they would otherwise? I think the answer is obviously yes.

Also, the question needs to be asked as to how come X and Xai had the physical space to absorb tens of thousands of GPUs, whereas Tesla didn’t? Did Xai have any giant empty data centers sitting around? Don’t think so. So whatever solution they came up with for using the GPUs (3rd party data centre space?) why couldn’t Tesla do the same in its most important current goal of achieving FSD.

Why wasn’t Tesla ready to receive the order they had made? What failure of management took place that a half billion dollar order of an incredibly valuable and scarce resource had nowhere to be put to use despite a long lead time? The southern extension is still months away from completion. Was there not room that could have been prepared elsewhere in one of americas biggest buildings?

It does unfortunately follow a pattern of Elon either borrowing or attracting talent and resources from Tesla to use at his own privately owned entities. He often says it’s a two way street, but it’s mostly a one way flow lately.
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To be fair, so did Honda and Toyota. They all failed build on their lead. The Mercedes and Toyota both owned parts fo Tesla but departed too soon to make much money from it, nor to build on their early technology lead.

They made too much $$ from ICE to want to change (like Walmart probably could have killed/hurt Amazon early on, but didn't want to lose margins/kill their own profits to do it).

This just has to do with cannibalizing their own sales of their ICE cars for little returns. Tesla had nothing to lose accelerating EVs since they had no ICE. We'll see if Tesla ever gets around to making older MY/M3/MS/MX compatible with anything to do with V2H/V2G as that would hurt their Powerwall sales. That's a more similar issue and Elon has come out in the past saying little benefit for V2H/G.
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Still a lot of questionable actions going on here, even with Elons X comment.

Redirecting from Tesla to his own privately owned companies, regardless of the reality of the situation on the ground, leaves him open to accusations of personally advantaging himself.

For example, did X and Xai receive a large benefit from getting this large allocation of GPUs far sooner than they would otherwise? I think the answer is obviously yes.

Also, the question needs to be asked as to how come X and Xai had the physical space to absorb tens of thousands of GPUs, whereas Tesla didn’t? Did Xai have any giant empty data centers sitting around? Don’t think so. So whatever solution they came up with for using the GPUs (3rd party data centre space?) why couldn’t Tesla do the same in its most important current goal of achieving FSD.

Why wasn’t Tesla ready to receive the order they had made? What failure of management took place that a half billion dollar order of an incredibly valuable and scarce resource had nowhere to be put to use despite a long lead time? The southern extension is still months away from completion. Was there not room that could have been prepared elsewhere in one of americas biggest buildings?

It does unfortunately follow a pattern of Elon either borrowing or attracting talent and resources from Tesla to use at his own privately owned entities. He often says it’s a two way street, but it’s mostly a one way flow lately.
Elon is a very thoughtful person. He's trying to assure job security for Kathleen.
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I've owned my Tesla shares for over eleven years, although that includes periods of increasing or reducing my position. I appreciate a Tesla investment forum in which both positive and negative articles are posted. They may help to explain why the share price has been moving one way or another. These might aid in share/option trading decisions and shareholder voting. That's why this thread exists. An echo chamber for one particular viewpoint may be unhelpful.
If I want the “care bear” viewpoint, can look practically everywhere else. MSM, FB, X, you name it.
Still a lot of questionable actions going on here, even with Elons X comment.

Redirecting from Tesla to his own privately owned companies, regardless of the reality of the situation on the ground, leaves him open to accusations of personally advantaging himself.

For example, did X and Xai receive a large benefit from getting this large allocation of GPUs far sooner than they would otherwise? I think the answer is obviously yes.

Also, the question needs to be asked as to how come X and Xai had the physical space to absorb tens of thousands of GPUs, whereas Tesla didn’t? Did Xai have any giant empty data centers sitting around? Don’t think so. So whatever solution they came up with for using the GPUs (3rd party data centre space?) why couldn’t Tesla do the same in its most important current goal of achieving FSD.

Why wasn’t Tesla ready to receive the order they had made? What failure of management took place that a half billion dollar order of an incredibly valuable and scarce resource had nowhere to be put to use despite a long lead time? The southern extension is still months away from completion. Was there not room that could have been prepared elsewhere in one of americas biggest buildings?
Exactly... and this is why the CNBC article is SO wrong. It is because Elon Musk owns these other companies [that can use Nvidia's chips] that Tesla is not calling up Nvidia to say "ummm, remember those chips we ordered? Well, we're not really ready for them yet, go figure out something else to do with them" at which point Nvidia would sell them to someone else. Elon simply said to Nvidia "Tesla isn't ready for them yet, but I know another customer who is." Anyone trying to cast this situation in a negative light misunderstands the relationship between Elon and Jason. Tesla was one of the first high-profile, non-Bitcoin-mining customers of Nvidia's GPUs that was definitely not using them for PC video cards. Tesla selected Nvidia when they decided to move away from Mobileye in 2016. (Tesla already was a long-time customer of Nvidia for the Tegra processors in the MCU1 in 2011) Nvidia remains grateful for the relationship I'm sure adn has no problem shipping the chips to whatever address Elon supplies.

Imagine if General Motors decided to delay/cancel an order. They do not have some other company that needs AI processors. In fact the supply chain problems during COVID [which were nothing to do with the virus] arose specifically because auto manufacturers cancelled a bunch of orders, and then the chip fabs started favouring other types of customers that weren't screwing them around - and then when the auto companies needed chips again, it took them a while to get inventories back to the right levels. Nvidia is happy that Tesla has not been screwing them around cancelling orders.
Still a lot of questionable actions going on here, even with Elons X comment.

Redirecting from Tesla to his own privately owned companies, regardless of the reality of the situation on the ground, leaves him open to accusations of personally advantaging himself.

For example, did X and Xai receive a large benefit from getting this large allocation of GPUs far sooner than they would otherwise? I think the answer is obviously yes.

Also, the question needs to be asked as to how come X and Xai had the physical space to absorb tens of thousands of GPUs, whereas Tesla didn’t? Did Xai have any giant empty data centers sitting around? Don’t think so. So whatever solution they came up with for using the GPUs (3rd party data centre space?) why couldn’t Tesla do the same in its most important current goal of achieving FSD.

Why wasn’t Tesla ready to receive the order they had made? What failure of management took place that a half billion dollar order of an incredibly valuable and scarce resource had nowhere to be put to use despite a long lead time? The southern extension is still months away from completion. Was there not room that could have been prepared elsewhere in one of americas biggest buildings?

It does unfortunately follow a pattern of Elon either borrowing or attracting talent and resources from Tesla to use at his own privately owned entities. He often says it’s a two way street, but it’s mostly a one way flow lately.
X was expecting delivery in January. The memo about swapping delivery dates was from December. X was already building out their data center whereas Austin wasn't even close to ready.
12k H100 = 12MW of power (700W per plus balance of plant). Have you seen the additional conduit and cooling towers getting installed? This is not something one just drops into an exsiting building.
I've owned my Tesla shares for over eleven years, although that includes periods of increasing or reducing my position. I appreciate a Tesla investment forum in which both positive and negative articles are posted. They may help to explain why the share price has been moving one way or another. These might aid in share/option trading decisions and shareholder voting. That's why this thread exists. An echo chamber for one particular viewpoint may be unhelpful.

I don't mind negative information shared in good faith.

But when someone's posts are almost entirely negative, they add their own negative spin, refuse to retract/acknowledge their posts are incorrect, etc... then it becomes evident they aren't sharing pertinent investor data for folks' benefit, but rather are trying to influence others negatively.
Still a lot of questionable actions going on here, even with Elons X comment.

Redirecting from Tesla to his own privately owned companies, regardless of the reality of the situation on the ground, leaves him open to accusations of personally advantaging himself.

For example, did X and Xai receive a large benefit from getting this large allocation of GPUs far sooner than they would otherwise? I think the answer is obviously yes.

Also, the question needs to be asked as to how come X and Xai had the physical space to absorb tens of thousands of GPUs, whereas Tesla didn’t? Did Xai have any giant empty data centers sitting around? Don’t think so. So whatever solution they came up with for using the GPUs (3rd party data centre space?) why couldn’t Tesla do the same in its most important current goal of achieving FSD.

Why wasn’t Tesla ready to receive the order they had made? What failure of management took place that a half billion dollar order of an incredibly valuable and scarce resource had nowhere to be put to use despite a long lead time? The southern extension is still months away from completion. Was there not room that could have been prepared elsewhere in one of americas biggest buildings?

It does unfortunately follow a pattern of Elon either borrowing or attracting talent and resources from Tesla to use at his own privately owned entities. He often says it’s a two way street, but it’s mostly a one way flow lately.
I've owned my Tesla shares for over eleven years, although that includes periods of increasing or reducing my position. I appreciate a Tesla investment forum in which both positive and negative articles are posted. They may help to explain why the share price has been moving one way or another. These might aid in share/option trading decisions and shareholder voting. That's why this thread exists. An echo chamber for one particular viewpoint may be unhelpful.
I agree, but if you are going to post a negative story get the context right.
Still a lot of questionable actions going on here, even with Elons X comment.

Redirecting from Tesla to his own privately owned companies, regardless of the reality of the situation on the ground, leaves him open to accusations of personally advantaging himself.

For example, did X and Xai receive a large benefit from getting this large allocation of GPUs far sooner than they would otherwise? I think the answer is obviously yes.

Also, the question needs to be asked as to how come X and Xai had the physical space to absorb tens of thousands of GPUs, whereas Tesla didn’t? Did Xai have any giant empty data centers sitting around? Don’t think so. So whatever solution they came up with for using the GPUs (3rd party data centre space?) why couldn’t Tesla do the same in its most important current goal of achieving FSD.

Why wasn’t Tesla ready to receive the order they had made? What failure of management took place that a half billion dollar order of an incredibly valuable and scarce resource had nowhere to be put to use despite a long lead time? The southern extension is still months away from completion. Was there not room that could have been prepared elsewhere in one of americas biggest buildings?

It does unfortunately follow a pattern of Elon either borrowing or attracting talent and resources from Tesla to use at his own privately owned entities. He often says it’s a two way street, but it’s mostly a one way flow lately.
If you have worked in supply chain/logistics this kind of thing goes on constantly, sometimes even between competitors. Everyone is trying to manage cashflow and physical space and *sugar* happens. Suppliers will usually be the go between to negotiate something beneficial to everyone.