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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Whats Eurovision?
It's kind of like Brexit - UK always loses. Singing rather than dancing:
Whats Eurovision?

Something in-between American Idol and the Olympics, where each country submits its own entry each year. Ostensibly a non-political song-contest; in practice, incredibly political. Russia is often a hot-button contestant. For example, after Russia invaded Georgia, Georgia tried to enter the song "We Don't Wanna Put-In". Russia objected that it was a clear dig at Putin, and their objection was sustained; Georgia sat out the competition in protest rather than taking part. But when Ukraine entered the song "1944" by Jamala after Russia annexed Crimea, Russia's objections were overruled since it was ostensibly her singing about something personal - even though that personal thing was how Russia ethnically cleansed her family, and the lyrics were directly applicable to the current Crimean crisis - stuff like:

"When strangers are coming, they come to your house
They kill you all, and say we're not guilty, not guilty.
Where is your mind? Humanity cries.
You think you are gods. But everyone dies."
.... etc ;)

Russia pulled out all the stops to win that year, putting a ton of money into their stage performances (the stage performances are generally very high-tech theatrics) and hiring not one but two past Eurovision winners to help their candidate making a winning performance. Ukraine of course was quite underfunded. But in the end Ukraine beat out Russia, meaning that Russia had to keep listening to their song being replayed, and the next Eurovision contest was in Ukraine ;)

As I mentioned... ostensibly entirely nonpolitical. In practice? Highly political. Moreso than the olympics.

Here's the aforementioned Jamala song:

Here's a good example of blending technicals with the song:

Oh, and another popular trend is tolerant western-European countries taunting conservative eastern-European countries with their tolerance ;) For example, a couple years back this was the winning act:

All this said: about 85% of the music is terrible, 10% "passable", and only about 5% "good". Which means that some years you don't get any songs at all one would consider "good". But it's fun regardless, even if only to cheer against those you really don't want to win. And the politics ;)

Iceland has a habit of rejecting great bands and selecting terrible ones. That said, one year we did send someone to troll the contest ;)
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Okay, let's do that.

I love this ITAR-safe photo where the injectors are under-exposed to such a degree that they are completely invisible. ;)

The photo is of Raptor. It has no pintle injectors, because it does not inject liquids. Were you talking about a different photo other than the one you were responding to?

What you wrote is equivalent to someone posting a picture of an EV powertrain and writing:

I love this espionage-safe photo where the spark plugs are under-exposed to such a degree that they are completely invisible. ;)

And then you and someone else going off on a discussion of whether spark plug photos are hidden in the engines of other cars - cars that actually have spark plugs.

One of the main advantages of full flow staged combustion is that everything that's burned in the combustion chamber is gas phase. There's no "injecting" of liquids at all. There's no magic to the burning mixes of gases like there is with liquids; they mix and burn easily.

How did this even turn into some sort of open fight? All I did was post information correcting the mistaken claim that there should have been pintle injectors seen in the photo. A tiny short post. That should have been the end of it.

Here is my first response to a post that I have not read. Just want to remind everyone that one has the option to entirely skip any post that one does not feel qualified to read. Or for no reason at all. :)
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Here is my first response that a post that I have not read. Just want to remind everyone that one has the option to entirely skip any post that one does not feel qualified to read. Or for no reason at all. :)
Yeah rocket stuff and ...what was it.... pin-hole ejector's (sounded a little ...um ...esoteric to me)
I like to be edjumacted as much as the next dull old white dude but not when it is too hard:D
Yeah rocket stuff and ...what was it.... pin-hole ejector's (sounded a little ...um ...esoteric to me)
I like to be edjumacted as much as the next dull old white dude but not when it is too hard:D

Hehe :) Just think of it this way: when you take a high power hose and spray it against a flat surface, and it splatters and sprays everywhere as tiny droplets? Basically like that ;) The goal is to turn a high power stream of liquid into a spray of fine droplets so that they have a chance to burn before they fly out the back of the rocket.

(I hope this comment was okay to make!)
  • Disagree
Reactions: Mader Levap

Unfortunately for me, A) I didn't take the time to read through his posting history after seeing that, and B) because of the way this forum is structured, you can only request that your old posts get deleted, not actually delete them yourself :Þ

Since I only have one "funny" at this time for my standards (as in poodles) for avatars post that I made when I changed my avatar, I think I should have called it out explicitly as a joke.

Nuance takes time and effort to put across, more so if you aim for brevity and especially if you are communicating with an international audience.

In general I think that burden should fall on the writer, but I also think some of the folks (not you, Karen) here could be a little less quick to pigeonhole people (well, except for trolling shorts). They might even take a little time to look for the nuance rather than look for another opportunity to restate or imply some categorical position, since as often as not history will illuminate situations in which that position is deleterious or even consistently disastrous.

Tl;dr: Be excellent to each other. Party on!
Regarding shorts, I actually enjoy the presence of shorts, both rational and irrational. The rational shorts help for obvious reasons, they help investors here with having a better risk understanding of our investments.

But I like the irrational shorts even more. Why? Because it triggers our human instinct to want to be right. Therefore, it invites many members here to write exceptionally long and informative posts on correcting the shorts. I particularly like @neroden savagely eviscerating shorts with his snippy and incredible fact filled posts. Those are the posts where I learn the most, because it really explains in detail why Tesla is such a good investment (demand, growth, macros). Depending on the stupidity of the argument, it also explains various accounting and financial knowledge to people who may not be as knowledgeable (GAAP distortions, capex spending, depreciating accounting, bond details, etc etc etc).

So please, welcome all shorts with open arms. Everyone here learns so much more, especially the newer members who can't read 1000 pages back.
Hehe :) Just think of it this way: when you take a high power hose and spray it against a flat surface, and it splatters and sprays everywhere as tiny droplets? Basically like that ;) The goal is to turn a high power stream of liquid into a spray of fine droplets so that they have a chance to burn before they fly out the back of the rocket.

(I hope this comment was okay to make!)
I have been flying jets (well turbo fans) a long time and all I ever needed to know was basic engine theory.
It goes like this:

Suck-squeeze-bang-blow. Or as one Captain said to me a long time ago "How does the BRT look?" (BRT=Big Round Thing)
Glovis Captain is now close enough to Europe to be tracked realtime again :)

GLOVIS CAPTAIN Current position (Vehicles Carrier, IMO 9707015) - VesselFinder

Anyone with access to both a boat and a drone want to send the crew some champaigne as thanks? ;)

Nightly News: “A cargo ship carrying thousands of cars, including Tesla’s Model 3 destined for Europe has tragically sunk after running aground. The crew appears to have been intoxicated, though it’s unclear how they acquired the many bottles of champagne found on the vessel. Tesla shares are down 12.4% on the news.”
Nightly News: “A cargo ship carrying thousands of cars, including Tesla’s Model 3 destined for Europe has tragically sunk after running aground. The crew appears to have been intoxicated, though it’s unclear how they acquired the many bottles of champagne found on the vessel. Tesla shares are down 12.4% on the news.”

Hmmm, no emoji? Expect algobots to react to this tomorrow morning. ;)
The Tesla Roadster will probably have the biggest battery and highest range when it comes out. This will be needed on the German Autobahn, where the 100kWh batteries only last 150km/100 miles when driven aggressively. People with money that need to travel 300km/200 miles one way every weekend will want it.

So I'm thinking the Roadster will sell well in Germany to people who otherwise wouldn't buy a sports car.

If companies support buying the Roadster because it's the only truly long range EV in Germany, then the numbers could be much, much higher even.
Regarding shorts, I actually enjoy the presence of shorts, both rational and irrational. The rational shorts help for obvious reasons, they help investors here with having a better risk understanding of our investments.

But I like the irrational shorts even more. Why? Because it triggers our human instinct to want to be right. Therefore, it invites many members here to write exceptionally long and informative posts on correcting the shorts. I particularly like @neroden savagely eviscerating shorts with his snippy and incredible fact filled posts. Those are the posts where I learn the most, because it really explains in detail why Tesla is such a good investment (demand, growth, macros). Depending on the stupidity of the argument, it also explains various accounting and financial knowledge to people who may not be as knowledgeable (GAAP distortions, capex spending, depreciating accounting, bond details, etc etc etc).

So please, welcome all shorts with open arms. Everyone here learns so much more, especially the newer members who can't read 1000 pages back.
Since sports talk is allowed today, perhaps the official TMC sport should be to race FC, Karen and Neroden in a correctathlon. You start by dropping some errors in a comment and the response with the most positive ratings wins.