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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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I honestly don’t care how you got there. I’m just glad you arrived.

Heh heh. We hear ya. She already has 1500 ish dollars of merchandise in her shopping cart from the Tesla store...and then there’s RPM. . She spends lots of time watching what I refer to as “Tesla porn” on Youtube with all the how to’s and tips and tricks. It’s going to be interesting.
See this is the mathematical problem I see for short sellers. What is the "top"? Some stocks x 10000 times their initial value so the top could be 550 or 2000, who knows. Short sellers are not catching a falling knife like us longs when stock was dipping. They are catching a falling chainsaw.
Unfortunately they are not even smart enough to know how chainsaw's work.

As opposed to paying taxes, wouldn't it be better for Tesla to keep reinvesting most of the revenue to sustain their current, rapid growth?

Well heck - I'd like to keep investing instead of paying my taxes too, but I think in both cases the IRS (US tax collection agency) tends to take a dim view on doing such a thing :)

And the penalties are totally not worth collecting (edit: as in collecting the right / obligation to pay them; better to just pay the taxes as required).
To clarify, I'm not talking about storing Model Ys. But I'm talking about what's the planned annual capacity of Model Y production at Fremont, and is it being rolled out in stages?

We don't know, the best clue is the opening of the 2nd paint shop, I assume this means they can paint up to 16K cars per week at Fremont..

On that basis I would guess 7-9K Model Ys per week would be the peak capacity... assuming the Model Y line can produce as many cars as the Model 3 line, and is fully independent...

I also doubt they would add Model Y to Fremont if total 3+Y capacity was only 10K per week...

Obviously the problem with guesses and assumptions is, they can be wrong...
Heh heh. We hear ya. She already has 1500 ish dollars of merchandise in her shopping cart from the Tesla store...and then there’s RPM. . She spends lots of time watching what I refer to as “Tesla porn” on Youtube with all the how to’s and tips and tricks. It’s going to be interesting.
Trunk lift struts, wireless phone charger, frunk cooler, subtrunk organizer, compressor/tire repair, mud flaps.
I don’t think it’s about making money/investing anymore for him. It’s all ego, pure emotion and need to be proven right even if it kills you. He will keep shorting and re-shorting it until the day he can say “he was right” or he is completely bankrupt. Whichever comes first. (And we know which one that will be ):cool:

He is clearly not behaving in fiduciary interests for his fund’s clients, so how he still has any is a mystery to me.
years ago I had a short conversation with him, having already decided he was ''three lug nuts short of a bolt cutter'" and he smugly told me he only accepted something called "accredited investors" into his funds (it was a long thyme ago on Sleezy rAlpha) which i _think_ meant I had to pony up either $100,000 or $250,000

I had _already_ seen a slinky alfa touted company AXPW do 3 reverse splits for a (i tell you 3 times this is true) 1:700,000 AND still be worth 1 - 2 cents per share
How about LAME -- Legacy Automotive Manufacturing Establishment -- as in "Many LAMEs will be bankrupted by Tesla."

Or DINO (for dinosaurs) - as in many of the DINOs will soon be extinct.....there's a Tesla meteor incoming!

In Elon's recent tweet: In every artist's depiction of a meteor that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, there's always one T-Rex looking up at it like "That can't be good." ......I think Elon might have been referring to VW's CEO.....he's the DINO that's seen what's coming!
years ago I had a short conversation with him, having already decided he was ''three lug nuts short of a bolt cutter'" and he smugly told me he only accepted something called "accredited investors" into his funds (it was a long thyme ago on Sleezy rAlpha) which i _think_ meant I had to pony up either $100,000 or $250,000

I had _already_ seen a slinky alfa touted company AXPW do 3 reverse splits for a (i tell you 3 times this is true) 1:700,000 AND still be worth 1 - 2 cents per share
Was Smeagol ever into Axion Power? I know that John Peterson (Castle ex-Owner) was.
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Yeah, like his idea to take on the rocket launch and automotive manufacturing industries, pure asinine lunacy.

I agree with most of his direct democracy ideas. Once Mars goes independent he might even get a chance to implement them. :D

Just hope it's liquid democracy** and not pure direct democracy. Liquid democracy - alongside strong, hard-to-change constitutional protections backed by a strong judiciary to prevent the "tyranny of the majority" - is wonderful. Pure direct democracy by contrast is dystopian.

The difference being that liquid democracy has effectively 100% turnout on all issues, while pure direct democracy has miniscule (low single digits) turnout on most bills, making it trivially manipulated, particularly by the wealthy, the powerful, and entrenched interests.

** - Liquid democracy: You can vote on any issue on your own, at will, just like in pure direct democracy. But you also choose one or more delegates. Anyone. You can allocate them as you choose, issues divided up as you choose, and replace them at will. If you don't vote on an issue, your vote flows to your delegate(s). If they don't vote on an issue, it flows to their delegate(s), and so forth, effectively guaranteeing that all issues get a vote cast for all citizens.
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