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Thanks very much Stealth, appreciated.

My YouTube Channel started as a test to check it out and regular videos are just online a few months ago now and since I had zero experience doing a video I consider myself still learning and improving. Its an incredible amount of work to do a good video though and at start it was almost a week and I am now down to about a day to do one. My highest respect for all Youtuber who have subscribers in the 6 digits.

Its great to hear you like my videos about Tesla and I received a lot of positive feedback at Youtube, Twitter and Patreon too. Looks like my haters that follow, insult and harass me since years at Twitter have not figured it out yet. Some of the trolls following and harassing me are amazingly long term focussed and I really ask myself if anyone is paying them. I likely will never figure out.

My YouTube motivation is to use a different media to get my message out and while I continue writing articles at Clean Technica it was intended to approach a different audience and it develops now also content wise in a different interesting direction.

To get to now almost 200 subscribers took me about 5 weeks I would say and I am surprised myself how slow it goes but it seems even with content about Tesla a lot of people tell me to be unique, different and a great addition to other channels it may have a lot to do with having reach and the ability to have connections.

To have a true impact on the messaging around Tesla a channel would need IMO to be in the 5 digit subscribers at least. I believe in good content therefore I will work on it as well as improve the quality to attract a broader audience but may need better multiplication and thats not easy to achieve.

With the comment from Elon yesterday on my article, one of many he made over the years the people watching the associated video increased nicely but at the end of the day its all about brining good content out for a longer period I believe.

With Tesla there is so much to talk, allays and conclude about and I am right now writing an article about the amazing casting structure they manufacture for the Model Y and what its implications are for the business. 2 other videos and articles are forming in my head which will complete the 7 series. With this weeks ER there will be a ton to be said about financials and I may write about that as well.

Quality is king I believe and I appreciate anybody who wants to check my channel out if there is something valuable.

My main focus will remain everything about Tesla but I may also do more about the German Automakers as its interesting to see where they develop into.

Warm welcome to everybody who likes my work has followed me here or has discovered me as a new addition.

If you want to support my YouTube channel consider to like or dislike and write a comment as every engagement is used from the algorithms and creates more reach.

Since my time is now very much stretched I do have have the opportunity to do as much here at TMC compared to the past but sneak in from time to time reading and consider this board extremely important and valuable to discuss Tesla.

YouTube subs are on an exponential growth curve. I remember it look me 2 months to get 50 subs, 6 months to hit 500 subs, and less than a year to hit 1500 subs(and that was when I lost interest...lol..too much editing for my liking).

My suggestion would be to invest in a lighting kit (for photography) which will take the yellowness away and brighten you up. Also add many visuals as you talk. Not just generic video clips but say when you are talking about traffic light update, show people's clip of stopping at traffic lights you can find all over youtube. It's still a very visual medium and currently just showing yourself talking feels more like a podcast->youtube conversion. If you wanna go really fancy, then start writing and reading off a script to take away thought breaks, and add some music as you narrate with 100% visuals. It's a lot of work on downloading video clips and stitching them together. That's why I stopped because 40-50hrs are spent on each video editing. But if you put in the work then release on a consistent schedule then you'll hit 10k subs in no time.
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Tesla supposedly bought land near Jarrell TX, which is nearby where I live. Not close enough to walk to for me, but I could ride my bike there. I haven't heard any local buzz about the purchase but of course I also haven't been out much lately. Nothing in the local papers that I read. I don't know exactly where the land is located, but everything around Jarrell is agricultural and would not need to bulldoze a forest for example. There are some gently rolling hills that would need some levelling if a large building were to be constructed but no major ecological issues. The land is mostly limestone underneath the top layer. I'm not a structural guy but I wouldn't think that there would be problems putting in a serious foundation. The Balcones fault is nearby to the west but no local faulting. A few caves and sinkholes but these can all be managed.

Nothing in the Austin or Waco news about a possible factory. News such as this would be big! Jarrell would be a good location along I-35 and close to the UP and BNSF railroads in Temple.
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Man the FOMO is hardcore today lol. Hopefully earnings has a surprise beat. After Intel's earnings(I don't have their stock), I am a little worried since Intel had a pretty good beat but stock tanked anyways. Mentally prepared myself for some massive paper losses this week since AMD and Tesla are reporting earnings.

I wouldn't be surprised if Tesla stock dipped even after it is positive earnings. Because Market.

But then once it sinks in, people will start shoving it forward when they understand that it is going to be added to SP 500.
EVs among the most cost efficient ways to reduce Co2 emissions:

Electric cars in Norway causes large cuts in CO2 all over the world

The substansial amount of criticism against Norwegian electric car policy: It is expensive and gives small CO₂ cuts. New calculations show that this is completely wrong.

The climate effect is actually very large, not least outside Norway's borders. Electric cars have become cheaper all over the world as a direct result of the huge sales in Norway, according to estimates from DNV GL.

DNV GL has estimated that Norway has 250,000 more electric cars than we would have had without the government's electric car policy. Without the economic incentives, the electric car share in Norway would have been below 1 per cent, as it is in most other countries.

Chief Researcher Sverre Alvik of DNV GL says the large sale of electric car in Norway has helped to push down the price of batteries and electric cars worldwide. This has led to higher sales in other countries than it would have been without the Norwegian effort.

- New technology, such as batteries, becomes cheaper the more you produce. Then more people in other countries will choose to buy electric cars. We have made calculations that show that the total global CO₂ emissions in the period 2010-2050 would have been almost 400 million tonnes higher without Norwegian electric car policy, he says.

A major reason why the price of lithium batteries has been reduced by almost 90 per cent in the last ten years is the large electric car sales in Norway.

If you include the global emissions gain, the cost of about NOK 250 per tonne. tons of CO₂, instead of NOK 1500, among the lowest among measures listed in the Klimakur report, which was presented earlier this year, says research leader Sverre Alvik.

However, the new findings are not unique. The same trend is seen everywhere new green technology is used. The cost of developing solar and wind power has also fallen sharply in recent years.

Source: Norske elbiler gir store CO2-kutt i hele verden

Source: DNV GL's Energy Transition Outlook 2019
