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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Sometimes I marvel at the blatant lack of empathy that this board can express.
20k employees work for Tesla in California. 7k just at Fremont.
If you got some money from TSLA, it's thanks to them: Elon, for all his genius, could do *anything* alone by himself.

Luckily for everyone,
I still believe that Elon has more respect than you for his workers.

Whatever, take the holier-than-though attitude elsewhere.

I run my own company, with employees in 6 states. CA is by far the the worst to deal with of all of them. I have employees in CA only because I have to, and I keep the head count in that state at a minimum. I'm surprised, as a businessman, that Elon even setup shop for manufacturing in CA. I would have thought he would have kept design/programming in CA and then put manufacturing somewhere more friendly.

There is a reason, a good one, that CA has been bleeding manufacturing jobs to other states, and the current issues with Alameda county are a prime example of that.

EDIT - I feel for the employees, but that's not reason enough to make bad business decisions. And there is a strong argument that staying in CA is a bad business decision.
Elon and people on this board show respect for Tesla employees on a regular basis. I have the highest respect for them from management to engineers and right down to the line worker on his/her first day on the job. I think that's one of the main reasons most of us are cheering on Elon's decision to get back to work (and the brilliance he used to achieve it). Because they have families and economic demands that aren't going to take care of themselves.

As a side note, I want to add that had Elon simply opened the factory doors without first laying the necessary groundwork, I don't think it would have ended very well for Tesla or the workers.

I'm pretty sure he's referring to not a single post from one of the 'Elon is always right' group seems to care if they lose their jobs for something they had absolute no fault in.

Most would not move to Texas if their job does.
Whatever, take the holier-than-though attitude elsewhere.

I run my own company, with employees in 6 states. CA is by far the the worst to deal with of all of them. I have employees in CA only because I have to, and I keep the head count in that state at a minimum. I'm surprised, as a businessman, that Elon even setup shop for manufacturing in CA. I would have thought he would have kept design/programming in CA and then put manufacturing somewhere more friendly.

There is a reason, a good one, that CA has been bleeding manufacturing jobs to other states, and the current issues with Alameda county are a prime example of that.

EDIT - I feel for the employees, but that's not reason enough to make bad business decisions. And there is a strong argument that staying in CA is a bad business decision.

They were able to purchase the huge NUMMI plant property for just $42 million. That was unbelievably cheap.
Cathie Wood is a fund manager, not strictly speaking an analyst.

True. Cathie Wood has analysts on staff. She is the Manager. The great thing about this is her analysts are experts in their respective scientific fields and she is the money/Fund Manager expert. Many Wall Street analysts are not trained in the sciences so they have little ability to determine which innovations are reaching the breakout phase and which will never get there. Because they have no clue.

Another key difference is the Wall Street analysts have built-in biases based upon their firm's many complex economic relationships with public companies. Ark Invest has no such conflicts of interest and they can buy whatever companies they think will have the best returns (and dump them whenever they see something they don't like).
The keyword there is "attempt". If they don't attempt, they have no product.

Just because someone sells you X-ray glasses doesn't mean you will see all your favorite members of the opposite sex without any clothes on! I learned this when I was 8 years old! ;)

The "personal mini-sub" never panned out either... :(
However, on the plus side, I bet your sea monkeys actually swam for you!
I make sure to thank the entire Tesla team when delivery numbers come out. We all benefit from their hard work and dedication to what some would consider mission impossible in saving the climate.

the task of replacing combustion engines will be won over a very long period of time (2-3 decades) every day, quarter, and year is monumental as nobody knows when we go too far in polluting earth. The employees on the front line make everything possible and the people that believe in that mission are equally important. We’ll make it happen but it won’t be without bumps in the road!
So you jumped to a conclusion before knowing or having all information. You assumed he was ranting for no valid reason but to feed his own inner child.

Have you not been paying attention to who he is? That’s a serious question. Because I’ve watched, listened or read every single interview he’s given. I’ve watched, listened or read every single interview/story that others have done about him.

Elon Musk does not get emotional or rant just because it’s Tuesday. There’s always much that has gone on before to bring him to that emotional point. We don’t always get to know it nor is it necessarily our business to know, but it’s there.

Let me put it a different way. I’ll assume you’re minimally a regular Joe; at least of average intelligence, a modicum of common sense, fairly reasonable, of soundish mind etc...

Tell me, when was the last time you had an outburst, lost your cool, or broke down without there being a valid reason for it?

Everybody is entitled to be human, including expressing themselves in less than ideal ways when everything just gets to be a bit too much. Never mind it’s healthier to let it out than to stuff it down.

When I come across someone new during my day, who gives me attitude or in some other way is unpleasant towards me (and I didn’t deserve it), instead of assuming they’re a nasty person, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume something not so good is going on in their lives because we’ve all been there before.

For all that Elon Musk has done and continues to do, for all the crap he’s taken and will continue to take, don’t you think he deserves the benefit of the doubt at least until you have ALL the information?

Thank you mother hen. (Ignore the cluck, clucks from the Roosters, or as Halsey put it, "Damn the torpedos.") No clucks? Wise men.
Can we just move on from how Elon handle things? He did his best to get Tesla running again and it’s done! None of us running 3 companies with over 50 thousand employees,and none have special attention from the media’s try to pick on every move. Please focused on what you know best and contribute to this forum.

Second post, so much common sense. Think you got the wrong forum mate! :eek:
Whatever, take the holier-than-though attitude elsewhere.

I run my own company, with employees in 6 states. CA is by far the the worst to deal with of all of them. I have employees in CA only because I have to, and I keep the head count in that state at a minimum. I'm surprised, as a businessman, that Elon even setup shop for manufacturing in CA. I would have thought he would have kept design/programming in CA and then put manufacturing somewhere more friendly.

There is a reason, a good one, that CA has been bleeding manufacturing jobs to other states, and the current issues with Alameda county are a prime example of that.

EDIT - I feel for the employees, but that's not reason enough to make bad business decisions. And there is a strong argument that staying in CA is a bad business decision.

Except you didn't explain any of this in your previous post. I can actually agree with you on this, buy it's not what you wrote before.
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Is it? If you were an employee, how would you feel if your employer said if you didn't come to work against county order, which may or may not be constitutional/moral/legal/whatever, it might affect your unemployment benefits, and one more thing: we're relocating the company in a couple years or so?
I said this before and I'm saying again, I'm getting a vibe from Tesla that says we'll get to our end goal even if we have to step on some people who supported us in the past. The SP too high tweet could have harmed employees who couldn't afford to hold the stock long term. Tesla factory employees made like $60k a year and they're living in one of the most expensive places in the US.
Tesla runs buses over to the central valley every day. The cost of living is much less there.

The bill of rights limits what the government can do not private organizations. If you work for a company and you don't like some aspect, you can quite.

Now just why are you here on an investor section of a forum? Are you an investor?

This is kinda fascinating -- FOX News switching sides to cheerlead for the quarterback of sustainable energy. Well, they've switched sides before on other issues (e.g. Trump several times). Their audience of critical thinkers doesn't seem to notice.

More fascinating is a Cleantechnica story today claiming the Trump administration has dropped the coal and natgas industries like a hot coal, and somehow now supports Obama-style clean energy.
Mammoth Solar Power Plant Drives Another Nail Into US Coal Coffin

A stopped clock can be right twice a day... maybe more if you drop it on its head a few times.
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CNN goes from F*ck Elon Musk to Tesla is a powerhouse
Tesla was unprofitable for years, but now it's poised to become a powerhouse - CNN

screw them
There's some good stuff in that story...

It hasn't received a lot of attention..., but Tesla has become incredibly profitable.

Tesla (TSLA) followed that successful 2019 result by surprising Wall Street with a first-quarter profit, despite the Covid-19 pandemic cutting into its sales and forcing plant closings in California and Shanghai. (They have since reopened.)
The key to that profitability has to do with product itself — electric vehicles are far less complex to make than those with internal combustion engines...

In its January note to investors the electric automaker predicted "further cost efficiencies should allow Tesla to ultimately reach an industry-leading operating margin." Unlike the past, when Tesla would fall short of Musk's bold promises, it was the industry profit leader, at least in the first quarter.
Tesla's gross profit margin was 20%, compared with 17% at Toyota and Volkswagen, and less than 10% at General Motors, Ford and Fiat Chrysler. The company has maintained a profit margin of 18.8% or better for the last three quarters.

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For those who don't follow space: Jim Bridenstine is the NASA Administrator.


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CNN goes from F*ck Elon Musk to Tesla is a powerhouse
Tesla was unprofitable for years, but now it's poised to become a powerhouse - CNN

screw them

Don't screw a gift-horse in the mouth (or something like that)!

From the CNN article:
Tesla's gross profit margin was 20%, compared with 17% at Toyota and Volkswagen, and less than 10% at General Motors, Ford and Fiat Chrysler. The company has maintained a profit margin of 18.8% or better for the last three quarters.

Err, wait a minute! I didn't know Tesla produced ICE vehicles to make up for all those EV's they build at a loss! :confused: /s
I'm pretty sure he's referring to not a single post from one of the 'Elon is always right' group seems to care if they lose their jobs for something they had absolute no fault in.

Most would not move to Texas if their job does.
This is how I would see it unfolding (if it does at all):

1) New US Gigafactory opens with CT and battery manufacturing (at least one year from now?). By this time Giga Shanghai expansion is complete, Giga Berlin is at initial capacity.

2) Expand new US Giga capability for M3 and MY (so, what, at least two years from now?)

3) As demand dictates, begin ramping down Fremont and transferring its M3 and MY manufacturing to new US Giga. For employees that want to transfer to the nice, shiny, new Giga, there will likely be promotion potential. For those that don't want to leave, the layoffs begin as production shrinks. Depending on contraction rate, perhaps this could be handled through hiring freeze and natural attrition. It happens all the time. (three to four years from now?)

4) Fremont continues MX, MS, Roadster and perhaps experimental production techniques at much reduced work force. Company is no longer crippled by loss of Fremont production. Eventually, remaining lines are transfered to (second?) new US giga and Fremont is closed.
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For those who don't follow space: Jim Bridenstine is the NASA Administrator.

Tesla should release the "NASA Astronaut" themed Model X. NASA can always use the money so they get $1000 of the extra $10,000 package cost for the special graphics and other space-themed details.