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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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looks like the AH SP is cooling down now. Much like the 800-> 880 AH last quarter. And the next day was bad.
But after weeks people will realize they missed the discount.

You wouldn't believe it doubled in ONE quarter for a company with 150 billion market cap.

Don’t waste your time track Frankfurt price, especially premarket. Even NYSE premarket doesn’t matter.
Cannot believe I become a prophet One day.
Both of these comments come true.
Hopefully in two weeks the SP will go solid up.
Interesting observation, perhaps both extremely depressing and uplifting.

Called to order a Solar Roof as we need a new roof anyway (hail damage). Would go well with our two MS's as we're part of the DFW Solar Tour every year--nothing helps "sell" Teslas like solar panels and electric bills which TOTAL UNDER $26 FOR THE YEAR, this with two EV's in the garage . . . .

But I was placed in a queue, then asked to leave a number " . . . for a call back within 24 hours."

Which was met with: "Mailbox is full."

Really, Tesla?

You can't even get the VM systems figured out?!?

People are calling in to TRY to order one of your most expensive products and you can't even take their name and numbers for a callback.

Who is supposed to be keeping on top of such administrivia?!?

This is sort of the opposite of rocket science, no?

In late May, I was considering replacing my 2013 Model S with a newer used Model S. I looked at Tesla's inventory and found a $65,000 car I thought was worth considering. I completed the online form to contact Tesla regarding that vehicle. The next day I received a single text message that said something like, "if you're interested in used Teslas, email directly to [email protected]".

and that was it. No phone call. No follow up. Not even a contact name.

I didn't bother. Figured my 2013 is fine for a while longer.

Tesla doesn't have a demand issue, and likely won't for years, so they can get away with their sales people and customer service being poor for now, but it leaves lasting impressions on potential customers.

As for the stock price, days like today remind me why I'd prefer never to take my own company public. I suspect the people saying we will see a spike next week are correct, but think about how the employees at Tesla feel today. They pushed very hard through Q2 to do an amazing quarter given the circumstances, and their hopes of seeing the results reflected in the stock price today get squashed. I'm sure the people doing the manipulations know that and hope to hurt morale. Fair argument to say the world would be a better place without Wall Street.
In late May, I was considering replacing my 2013 Model S with a newer used Model S. I looked at Tesla's inventory and found a $65,000 car I thought was worth considering. I completed the online form to contact Tesla regarding that vehicle. The next day I received a single text message that said something like, "if you're interested in used Teslas, email directly to [email protected]".

and that was it. No phone call. No follow up. Not even a contact name.

I didn't bother. Figured my 2013 is fine for a while longer.

Tesla doesn't have a demand issue, and likely won't for years, so they can get away with their sales people and customer service being poor for now, but it leaves lasting impressions on potential customers.

As for the stock price, days like today remind me why I'd prefer never to take my own company public. I suspect the people saying we will see a spike next week are correct, but think about how the employees at Tesla feel today. They pushed very hard through Q2 to do an amazing quarter given the circumstances, and their hopes of seeing the results reflected in the stock price today get squashed. I'm sure the people doing the manipulations know that and hope to hurt morale. Fair argument to say the world would be a better place without Wall Street.

Employees are not as concerned about this dynamic as it may seem.
No worries my friends... we are so good!

Getting my dry powder ready.
It's been a tough day to sit on some "relatively" safe Call options today. The movements are nothing normal, I guess it just takes a next level understanding of the market evaluate how a good ER will actually play out.

It's also helpful to improve option dynamics understanding. Besides the share price change, call options are also going down due to IV crush (IV has dropped from ~160 to ~80 today) and usual time decay. Calls expiring on Friday are particularly vulnerable to time decay right now.

For the day after earnings, you need a LOT of upwards movement just to offset the IV crush and time decay for an option expiring Friday. Both can be mitigated by owning August calls instead of 7/24 calls (you don't mention your expiration date - consider this some general information using your post as a jumping off point).

By a lot - I had some 1700 sold calls for Friday. They repriced from ~60 yesterday to ~10 today, and that was back when the shares were down maybe $7 on the day (I closed that position too early today :D).
One scenario ..
MM playing IV. Sell Calls before earnings, hedge with Shares. After earnings, close Calls, low IV. Make money just on Volatility. So Sell the Underlying Stocks.
Take profits.

(+just temporary, SP goes back up based on fundamentals)

Big money being made today on that scenario (sell options at high IV, buy them back today at low IV).
Lol, I still can't load the page. Is this a hotspot on the web or what?

I could imagine the MM's launching a DOS attach as they know us retails rely on the site.

Of course I could just look on my broker site, but I'm worried I might catch a glimpse of my portfolio balance :eek:

Works for other stocks, but not $TSLA???

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