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Everyday a bad news...
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
I really don't undersand these media guys
I didn't understand the headline when hovering. Tesla injuries idle workers? Is this some kind of penalties for those that aren't working hard enough? Reading the article Tesla assures that there are no problems. “The most important metric is fatalities, and our number is zero,” Not exactly the best defense. "Yes, but we only maim our employees. We never kill anyone.":rolleyes:

In fairness they also responded with:
"The electric-car maker also said it gives employees the time they need to rest and recover even if it makes their OSHA statistics look worse. Its overall injury rate last year was slightly better than peers, and there are an average of roughly four deaths a year in the auto industry, according to the company."
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But shouldn't there be reports about users not being able to complete their orders?
I know the website has timed out for me a couple of times after the Y reveal as i was trying to browse through the options. It is not unreasonable that interest in Y, the re-set on AP pricing plus the pending price increase culminated in significant traffic over the weekend.
Does anyone know anybody that has ordered a Model 3 in Norway lately? Last update to the European invoice number tracker sheet for Norway was 5,112 on 24th January.

In that time Germany has increased from 3,100 to 7,160 so I imagine the Norway total is substantially higher by now.

I'm pretty sure every Norwegian citizen is now driving a Tesla, so there can't possibly be any more orders.

I mean I haven't gone there to witness it firsthand, but that's my best guess.
Hopefully it's not a literal quote of Judge Nathan's response though - that would be highly prejudicial to the SEC and would be grounds for appeal, reversal and selection of another district court judge ... definitely not something we want! :D

You have written several disclaimers regarding your analysis of Elon Musk's case with the SEC.

But as far as I can read, your TMC posts have actually predicted several significant developments in the case.

You predicted for example that Elon Musk's initial filing would include focus on his first amendment rights and that it would cover all relevant, legal aspects of the case - which they did, and to further prove your point, Elon Musk's second response to the judge criticizes the SEC for _not_ doing so.

So I think the analysis you are providing here for free is better than what some lawyers could do - when charging their expensive fees.

Thank you for that.
Stopped by to see what the other side is thinking and just had to laugh. You people dont think the following things are extremely obvious:
- $420 funding secured was an unsubstantiated stock pump. There was never any evidence that he had anything close to funding secured.
- Elon agreed to the settlement rather than fight and face whatever consequences those were. He decided abiding by the agreement was the best thing for him and Tesla.
- Settlement said he had to get "pre-approval" of any communications that could reasonably move the stock.
- He tweeted numerous tweets that could move the stock, but one in particular where he said Tesla "will make around $500K (cars) in 2019". The stock could reasonably move based on a production forecast that is both higher and later in the year than previous guidance. You might not thing it is, but Wedbush used this forecast to update their investment recommendation so unless you think they are completely unreasonable, then the tweet affected the stock.
- None of the tweets were pre-approved. Not one per Elon.
- So his violation of the court approved agreement is clear.
- First amendment rights have no application to commercial speech. None. Its ridiculous to even raise the idea.
- Elon does not respect the SEC. And now, apparently he does not respect the agreement that he made or the court that he made it in.

I dont know what his punishment will be, but his last one was so small that he said paying $40M was worth it. This one is going to be a lot harsher.
I really hope you meant "insightful" (blush), I really didn't want to incite anyone to do anything! :D

LOL spot on, he said sheepishly. Edited, but without an “EDIT:” notation, to remove all evidence of incitement.

Penance: material for an article in Pedantry Today:

“Inciteful” is a useful word with a very different meaning than “insightful”. Most dictionaries do not even seem to offer a definition of “inciteful”, and it seems that they should. but oxford dictionary comes through:

“(of words, actions, etc.) offering incitement.”

... along with some “cited” examples like this one, which illustrates the clear difference and almost opposite meaning from “insightful” (and hence the risk of misspelling).

  • ‘Compton expressed ‘shock’ at the ‘savagery of the piece’ and that the Voice had allowed the printing of such ‘inflammatory and inciteful statements’ without a ‘single shred of factual support.’’
Everyone ordering now should probably take advantage of the lowered FSD prices while they are lasting - that guarantees a HW3 upgrade regardless of whether the car comes with HW3 straight away or not.
i don't think we have seen this being a guarantee. I know there have been elon tweets, but nobody has said that "anyone who buys FSD now will get the HW3 at some point in the future for free" We're still parsing words and statements and that last point - as much as it has been brought up in many places before - just hasn't been stated.

Having bought FSD for 2K on Sunday, I'm for SURE hoping it means we'll definitely get the HW3 hardware update for free. It will make the entire AP experience (regardless of when FSD is available in the wild - which will be a while yet) better.
New EPIC Bounce!! Wow. Yeah, it doesn't seem like that huge of a news, but short positioning must have been so lopsided to trigger this move.

Yeah, this is the first substantial bounce since the $295 levels days ago, and I'm wondering what the trigger is.

$263.5 isn't a particularly significant technical level that I can see, macros are not swinging such levels, so this smells like some sort of hidden fundamental news being traded on - or simply short price action is exhausted?

@tivoboy or @Papafox might have a better idea.
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I hear you, but there was no problem booking the reservations in 2016, i.e 150k+ within minutes. This rate is definitely lower by an order of magnitude or more. Thoughts?

Same reason there are more up escalators in a subway than down. A deadline means a rush at a single point in time whereas the 3 reservation was not time critical, if it failed at T, wait till T+1 and try again. Plus, as I recall, some people ending up with multiple reservations due to web site timeouts.
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