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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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I “disagree” with the assumption made by someone considering an EV that a long trip isn’t possible - the limitations of driving electric are fewer than expected and hurdles much lower - once you own an EV, range anxiety is no longer a thing.

The supercharging network is vast and expanding, I accept rare corner case exists where there remains a supercharging desert in Texas, and well, in the worst case, stop by a campsite and charge for a night and sleep in the trailer - after all, that’s why you’re towing a trailer, to camp. Campsites are surprisingly ubiquitous in rural America. That’s it, THE worst case, you charge at a camp site. Besides, if there remains a hole in the supercharging map, I promise you, stations will role out there soon.

In the summer of 2013 I charged at the same Delaware supercharger discussed up-thread on a 15,000 mile trip to the furthest Six Corners of the United States in a 60kwh Model S — gleefully watching TSLA run-up from
$30 to $118 (presplit). There were only 7 supercharger stations on the Continent, and yet, I never ran out of charge, with only 227 mile of range on that 60kwh battery, and yes, I sought out all the Kitch: large balls of twine, BioSphere2, building sized potatoes, the towers of NYC and Devil’s in Wyoming. Never ran out of power.

From the launch of Tesla’s Customer Stories :
Cross-Country Trip

So, yeah, I “disagree” whenever I read a post by someone who doesn’t own an EV stating long trips aren’t possible. In EVERY instance, you’ll figure it out. I’ve never heard of someone stranded and dying of starvation because they took their BEV rather than an ICE... that’s because there is power running to virtually every structure in America - no matter how rural. If it has lights, odds are, you can charge there.

8 years after that 15k mile trip I’m kinda surprised that I still need to say this, especially on the investor form : you’ll overcome the rare corner case where driving an EV could cause inconvenience... every time... the OP said that he had enough money to buy a Model Y, then do it... have faith, order your dream and own the best, safest, quickest vehicle ever made - you’ll love every electrified mile!
To be fair, pulling a good sized trailer will easily cut your range in half and makes your example much more difficult to accomplish without anxiety.
It seems the Hedge fund shorts are unwinding their position, buying back their shorts and selling their s&p and qqq index positions.
Hence, the largest mkt cap components of the s&p index and the qqq index get sold.
Those of course include the faangs and Tesla.

Frankly msft and apple had blow out earnings, why would anybody be selling
Those positions unless they are the main components of the indexes . The same
Applies to Tesla.

Once msft and aapl go positive, should imply a signal to buy Tesla.
And furthermore, add a maybe to my hypothesis, as nothing is certain.

I agree this is probably much of the reason for the sell off generally during Thursday and Friday. I would perhaps expect TSLA to go positive even before MSFT and AAPL
Seems as if people who want a special color go with wraps these days, so I can see why Tesla might not want to bother.

Seems as if people who want a special color go with wraps these days, so I can see why Tesla might not want to bother.
Considering the "base" colour is currently a time-consuming two-coat dealie that used to be a $2000 option on Model S... would be nice if there was a "primer" base option that would make the car cheaper to make. Make every colour a cost option and the primer is the base.
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I “disagree” with the assumption made by someone considering an EV that a long trip isn’t possible - the limitations of driving electric are fewer than expected and hurdles much lower - once you own an EV, range anxiety is no longer a thing.

The supercharging network is vast and expanding, I accept rare corner case exists where there remains a supercharging desert in Texas, and well, in the worst case, stop by a campsite and charge for a night and sleep in the trailer - after all, that’s why you’re towing a trailer, to camp. Campsites are surprisingly ubiquitous in rural America. That’s it, THE worst case, you charge at a camp site. Besides, if there remains a hole in the supercharging map, I promise you, stations will role out there soon.
Agreed. When I first started road trips with a Tesla (early 2013) there were no Superchargers with 1500 miles. You had to plan a bit more back then so as not to waste the day charging at an RV park, but we had no trouble with actually doing the road trips. Eight years later we've done about 75K total miles of road trips ranging from 1500 miles to over 5000 miles. Best road trip cars ever.
I placed an order to add extra shares at $780.

I am just trying to factor in how much of a possible sell off could be expected of the big boys to cover their short positions before the expected big buys resume with the excellent news with the quarter earning, Plaid announcement, and all these new Model 3 and MIC Y orders filling in like there is no tomorrow.

I might try to catch half at $780 and another half of it dips further.

with the shenanigans going on, it’s a big more difficult.

A true dip will take this into the 50DMA.

As much as we do not want to think about it, WS is in a sticky wicket and future booms depend on them extricating themselves without crashing everything.

There will be casualties. I hope on Monday or next week so we can bury this with minimal damage and move on. I will keep my opinions to my self as to what may happen.

But If not, then when and how?

Only reason I mention the 50.

Not an advice.
One of the frustrations of being a TMC Mod is that correcting for errors of usage is not on the table.

FORTUNATELY THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO COPIED TWEETS! And especially when emanating from the NYTimes.

Or perhaps Neal is from the North Country, as only an Alaskan or Yukonner would think that a cache has cachet:
Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 2.02.14 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 1.59.10 PM.png
Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 2.01.40 PM.png

I guess this must be Neal's vision of the Right Bank Hotel.....


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It looks like markering rebranding campaign is marching along :). Ev1 #neverforget
This morning my son told me to check out the GM site and also the Chevy site.

How should I put it? The rebranded GM site is now all rainbows and unicorns.

The Chevy site, um, isn’t. Still just "Get your giant rolling oil-burners here!"

GM: Pushing the Limits of Transportation & Technology (Pushing the limits of credibility more like. Sigh, but Washington will pretend to fall for it and shovel more money into the furnace.)
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