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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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I just wanted to congratulate everyone at TMC and go on my rooftop right now and shout out: "MA.......WE MADE IT MA!!! WE MADE IT!!!"

Maybe. I'm not sure it's clear that the federal rules require an actual physical reader connected to the charger. Maybe using the app, which in turn charges your credit card is good enough?

Correct, I don't think the federal rules require an on-site reader, but each state adds their own requirements to get the funds. Oregon requires an on-site display and credit card reader. (But it can be one kiosk per site, it doesn't have to be per stall.)

That is part of what makes it complicated, as there will be more than 50, different, sets of requirements and application processes.
Design of roads needs to take into account automated driving to truly make Levels above 3 possible.
If true that means we are decades away from above Level 3 driving. Roads are not going to be redesigned anytime soon. FSD needs to be able to solve existing situations at least as well as humans can.
This actually shows tremendous deficiencies in terms of how old the infrastructure is. Our roads and airports had been designed 60 years ago. There were 6x less cars on the roads as well. Hardly anything has changed. We build and design really bad which shows in every major city that has cars.

This is not a task to be fixed by FSD driving through it. We need to start building our infrastructure like it is 2030, but with the governments being so corrupt kissing ass of you know who, I am not holding my breath.
"New data now reveals that one in every 10 Tesla Model Ys delivered last month is now up for sale, with asking prices as much as $22,000 higher than new."

Hah! That's nothing! Ford wants $1.2M just for the licence to sell their EVs... and they'll give you 6 weeks to come up with the cash! :p

Cheers to the Longs!
More potential Fed perspective.... WTI one year chart:


Traders jumped all over the Putin disruption and made their bank. That BS trade has been broken and we're headed back out the other side pretty much unscathed.

Considering nothing's even been resolved with Russian exports yet, I see the more recent price action as very bullish for the Fed(who's looking to lower inflation) and simple logic states WTI has a LOT further to fall once the situation with Russian exports is stabilized.

Xi and Putin supposedly meeting in person today. I think whatever comes out of that conversation will also bring futures down a LOT, should China choose to announce it. Logically it would be either a long-term deal on cheap crude or if it breaks down China may comply with the G7 cap on Russian imports.
Well that’s just a load of hogwash. People have been saying for YEARS how much effort it saves them on road trips. How they arrive at their destinations far less tired and stressed.

And so you don’t think I’m simply repeating secondhand information, I’ve got over 85,000 miles on my car. The majority of those are long distance trip miles. AP has been an absolute godsend when doing mile after mile and hour after hour of traveling.

No, it can’t always navigate 12 lane road rage rush hour or a hairpin turn or a confusing construction zone with multiple temporary painted road markings no longer clearly defining the path forward. And sometimes it does get into the wrong lane or doesn’t drive as aggressively or defensively as I would in situations. It can’t read the minds of distracted drivers anymore than I can and sometimes it makes mistakes like everyone else does. And sometimes it even sees dead people, but I understand some humans claim that too. It also has occasionally appeared intuitive and saved my bacon or filled in when I wasn’t on top of my driving game.

Like so many times before, Tesla is held to some impossible standard that nobody else ever is. Nobody’s ever run an obscured stop sign before, huh? Or Chuck’s turn, where I imagine there’s been human accidents galore because it’s a stupid, dangerous, poorly thought out, engineered road situation. And you’ll definitely never see tire rubber on curbs in parking lots. 🙄

What a blessing it is to have such an immaculate driver as yourself testing this useless system that’s never driven a guy having a heart attack to emerg. Until it’s a perfect system, there’s not an ounce of good that can come of it.
I love the smell of your piercingly accurate sarcasm (stings like napalm) in the morning. AND, I'm not being sarcastic saying that. Cats have a way of seeing the idiosyncratic nature of human double standards.

Perfect is the enemy of good. Less virtue signalling, more virtue peeps.
More potential Fed perspective.... WTI one year chart:

View attachment 852764

Traders jumped all over the Putin disruption and made their bank. That BS trade has been broken and we're headed back out the other side pretty much unscathed.

Considering nothing's even been resolved with Russian exports yet, I see the more recent price action as very bullish for the Fed(who's looking to lower inflation) and simple logic states WTI has a LOT further to fall once the situation with Russian exports is stabilized.

Xi and Putin supposedly meeting in person today. I think whatever comes out of that conversation will also bring futures down a LOT, should China choose to announce it. Logically it would be either a long-term deal on cheap crude or if it breaks down China may comply with the G7 cap on Russian imports.
Would that be good or is that bad for TSLA?

Haven't had my coffee yet... and maybe I'm just a little slow.
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Similar good/great morning volume as yesterday. ~21M(7M pre-split) in the first hour. That was moderate for a pre-split day, but huge post-split.

Let's hope this MMD is as brief as yesterday. If the pattern repeats we're headed to what....$313 today?

Triple witching is even closer now, so I doubt that plays out. BUT.....that is the underlying momentum. If the MM's mash it down today, the shorting will just be unwound Mon/Tues.

Good stuff. Only the beginning.
We’ll see. Climate change isn’t a problem easily solved by non profits given the scale. .
I didn't see any claim his actions would solve climate change.

He's putting his money where his mouth is when it comes to fighting it.

Not saying what they did is bad. But it’s not all that great either.

I'd love to see critics share what they've done materially to fight the issue....
And add CCS connectors, and add an additional or bigger transformer, and add more Supercharger cabinets, without adding more stalls, to increase the simultaneous per stall output power to at least 150kW. (V2 sites couldn't be upgraded, they would have to be torn out and rebuilt as V3+ sites.)

And don't forget the on site display and 24x7 call center.
IMO this is the whole problem with the new requirements. FEELS like the folks that made up these requirements never driven/own an EV and/or never been on an EV road trip with a Tesla. Its like taking two steps forward and then a step back. Charging tapers and timing of arrivals makes these requirement cost more than it needs to be. Boy this feels like a government run business requirements.

On a FSD side note we started to carpool with another of my daughters swimming friend this week. The practice ends at 8:45pm so very dark and without street lights in the streets I made a wrong turn at a "Y" fork. The second night (last night) I let FSD navigate the drive home. Surprise surprise it wasn't confused and drove the route without me disengaging it. It did better than me! At the end of the drive I asked her if she knew she was driven home by the car. She said maybe a little but not really. I'm sure she will be telling her parents and friends that she rode in a self driving car.
Similar good/great morning volume as yesterday. ~21M(7M pre-split) in the first hour. That was moderate for a pre-split day, but huge post-split.

Let's hope this MMD is as brief as yesterday. If the pattern repeats we're headed to what....$313 today?

Triple witching is even closer now, so I doubt that plays out. BUT.....that is the underlying momentum. If the MM's mash it down today, the shorting will just be unwound Mon/Tues.

Good stuff. Only the beginning.
We’ll see how it holds up throughout today with the macros tanking again. So day this week it’s shown the ability to maintain strength throughout the day. Feels like today will be a real test though (and for the macros as well).