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Tracking P85D delivery thread

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I don't think you'll be challenged by the IRS, but I also don't think the point is winnable. Even in the example you cite, the farm equipment needs to be ready and available for use. I don't see how that's possible until it's delivered and in your possession.

I think these comments struggle with the concept that these assets are ready, able and registered for use. Just because the owner doesn't drive it doesn't mean anything. The fact that anyone could get in it and drive it on a roadway means it's in service. There is no mention of driving a car or a mileage requirement in the tax code. I would certainly check with my accountant regardless...the advice here is all over the map.
Was notified today that mine is on that train to Chicago scheduled to arrive the evening of the 24th. Delivery tentatively scheduled for the 27th. My DS said she would give me an update if early, on time or late. I'll post it here for other Chicago deliveries that haven't been informed if that happens.
Ha,same train and same tentative date...
must be lots of cars as train is obviously so much slower appears

Was notified today that mine is on that train to Chicago scheduled to arrive the evening of the 24th. Delivery tentatively scheduled for the 27th. My DS said she would give me an update if early, on time or late. I'll post it here for other Chicago deliveries that haven't been informed if that happens.
Future thread or spread sheett

I was informed yesterday that my P85D will arrive in Tampa December 27 (great news!) but without my next
gen seats. I suspect that will happen to a lot of people and a spread sheet tracking replacement of
those seats might help people have a realistic and less anxious perspective on how soon that will
happen. I am new to this and haven't the faintest idea of how to do that but I am sure others know how
to make one. I know I would be checking it. Dr. Ron
I was informed yesterday that my P85D will arrive in Tampa December 27 (great news!) but without my next
gen seats. I suspect that will happen to a lot of people and a spread sheet tracking replacement of
those seats might help people have a realistic and less anxious perspective on how soon that will
happen. I am new to this and haven't the faintest idea of how to do that but I am sure others know how
to make one. I know I would be checking it. Dr. Ron

the relevant columns have already been added to the main P85D tracking spreadsheet.
I think these comments struggle with the concept that these assets are ready, able and registered for use. Just because the owner doesn't drive it doesn't mean anything. The fact that anyone could get in it and drive it on a roadway means it's in service. There is no mention of driving a car or a mileage requirement in the tax code. I would certainly check with my accountant regardless...the advice here is all over the map.

I think regardless of the advice here I think we all agree that you should check with your accountant. As much as I am a fan of TM, if the IRS judges against you then you, not TM, will have to suffer the consequences.
Was informed today that my P85D is on a carrier, but they won't have my next gen seats until March or later. This is really disappointing. Tesla pulled the same stunt with the Model S deliveries in December 2012. Jammed a bunch of unfinished cars out to customers that were missing accessories (spoilers, floor mats, cargo covers, etc.) and had buggy software (bluetooth, power draining, etc.). Now they're doing the same thing here. Just trying to deliver as many cars as possible before the end of the year, whether they are ready or not. And they didn't even tell me about the next gen seats...I had to ask them what was happening with the seats. I suspect if I didn't know, they would have informed me when I arrived to pick up the car.
Was informed today that my P85D is on a carrier, but they won't have my next gen seats until March or later. This is really disappointing. Tesla pulled the same stunt with the Model S deliveries in December 2012. Jammed a bunch of unfinished cars out to customers that were missing accessories (spoilers, floor mats, cargo covers, etc.) and had buggy software (bluetooth, power draining, etc.). Now they're doing the same thing here. Just trying to deliver as many cars as possible before the end of the year, whether they are ready or not. And they didn't even tell me about the next gen seats...I had to ask them what was happening with the seats. I suspect if I didn't know, they would have informed me when I arrived to pick up the car.
And as the proud owner of a sig VIN under 1000 -- they made all my due bill items good and took exceptional care at the service center to keep me happy. I trust Tesla will make all these cars right too. Chill!
And as the proud owner of a sig VIN under 1000 -- they made all my due bill items good and took exceptional care at the service center to keep me happy. I trust Tesla will make all these cars right too. Chill!

Steve, I think your experience in Vancouver, WA was very different than those of us at the former Menlo Park, CA store. Items were missing for 6 months, they were overwhelmed with service requests, they forgot which items were due, etc. Probably because they delivered 10 or 100X the number of cars Vancouver did. I would bet the P85D orders that will need seats replaced at the Palo Alto store will be 10X anywhere else. That will create a bottleneck once again.
Steve, I think your experience in Vancouver, WA was very different than those of us at the former Menlo Park, CA store. Items were missing for 6 months, they were overwhelmed with service requests, they forgot which items were due, etc. Probably because they delivered 10 or 100X the number of cars Vancouver did. I would bet the P85D orders that will need seats replaced at the Palo Alto store will be 10X anywhere else. That will create a bottleneck once again.

The option of course is not to accept delivery. Tesla is offering to issue a credit, if you opt to keep the nappa/perf seats. What they are not offering is stay in the queue for NG seats, but also receive financial compensation. We are paying for an item now that won't be delivered potentially for months. I'd like to to see Tesla rectify that.
I have been thinking about the heated steering wheel and comments that if a car ships without a heating steering wheel, there is no way to retrofit because it's a different wiring harness. Considering that Tesla has been making efforts to streamline options that can be chosen in order to reduce the number of variables in the production line, wouldn't it seem that they would be using one common wiring harness capable of "plug and pay" with a heated steering wheel if installed?

That's a really great point.

One possibility is that the information we've received about the wiring harness is just wrong.

I guess another would be that there are plans to change over to a new wiring harness soon, and that the heated steering wheel requires this new harness that all cars will soon be built with. In one sense that could also explain the seemingly haphazard way the heated steering wheel is being doled out, as Tesla could be making sure they are able to make use of all the old wiring harnesses before switching to the new.

Before anyone makes a rumor out of this, --THIS IS PURE CONJECTURE ON MY PART!-- I'm just guessing at things that --MIGHT-- be consistent with what we've heard about Tesla wanting to streamline production, but also now hearing about a second wiring harness. Guessing. Haven't heard a thing. Pulling this out of my... OK, you get it.
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I have proposed on this forum, but not yet to Tesla, that I will pay for the NG seats I ordered when they arrive and are installed as promised. In the mean-time I will accept delivery AND a credit for the lesser seats. I suspect they will refuse the proposal, and I will have to decide whether or not to accept delivery on their terms, but I am of the opinion this is the right thing for Tesla to do. The hold back provides a proper incentive for them to complete the contact as accepted.

The option of course is not to accept delivery. Tesla is offering to issue a credit, if you opt to keep the nappa/perf seats. What they are not offering is stay in the queue for NG seats, but also receive financial compensation. We are paying for an item now that won't be delivered potentially for months. I'd like to to see Tesla rectify that.
The option of course is not to accept delivery. Tesla is offering to issue a credit, if you opt to keep the nappa/perf seats. What they are not offering is stay in the queue for NG seats, but also receive financial compensation. We are paying for an item now that won't be delivered potentially for months. I'd like to to see Tesla rectify that.

I agree that Tesla should be doing something for those of us not getting exactly what we paid for. We will be without the better seats for some time, and then will be inconvenienced somewhat when they do come by having to have them installed.

That being said, I'd be satisfied with something other than monetary compensation. A "good will" kind of thing, which they may already be planning on doing, but just not telling us about or doing "officially" would be fine by me. What I mean is this: if in a year or two something comes up that Tesla ordinarily might not do for a customer, but that also is not completely out of the realm of possibility, I would hope that they would do it for me, as compensation for the fact that I worked with them on the seat issue. I helped them out this time, they help me out in the future.

If this is what they have planned, I'm cool with it.

But you're right, Andrew, what they have officially offered falls a bit short, as the credit just takes things back to the way things would have been if the person had ordered the seats they did not want in the first place, and the "wait for a seat swap" gets us the seats we ordered eventually, but with some inconvenience, and with a delay.
I'm not aware of a case with respect to the electric vehicle credit but I am now aware of situations like this coming up with depreciation. For example this one:
Tax Court addresses “placed in serviceâ€￾ date
The $11 million placed-in-service date

I just want people to have thought about this and understand the risks. If they do so and still want to move forward that's their business.

If you go by the first article, you would not be able to claim the credit until you get the next-gen seats, as you ordered them and they were not installed, and will be installed in 2014. But that might be taking it a bit too far.

- - - Updated - - -

If you go by the first article, you would not be able to claim the credit until you get the next-gen seats, as you ordered them and they were not installed, and will be installed in 2014. But that might be taking it a bit too far.
Sorry ... Meant 2015
Picked up my car on Thursday. Which seats are these?


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