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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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We are nothing if we don’t have a moral compass and ethical values. All the money in the world can’t replace that.

Regardless of whether Musk made a mistake with his Tweet that violated some technical rule, I firmly believe that his heart was in the right place and that he was trying to look out for his investors.

I think about how Elon has risked everything—every penny he’s ever made, so many hours of sleep, his marriages, so much time with his boys—all for the betterment of humanity.

I think about how, if his goal were to become rich, he could have stopped after Zip2 or PayPal. Or he could have stopped once it was clear that SpaceX was making tons of money.

If his goal were fame—well, he’d already achieved that.

If his goal were money or fame, or to take the easy way out, he would have sold his stake in Tesla or let someone else take the reigns.

I think about how he gave that SpaceX interview in which he was visibly upset that the astronauts from the Apollo missions—his heroes—disagreed with what SpaceX was doing, yet he persevered and came out on the right side in the end.

I think about the interview in which, faced with more adversity than any of us have likely ever experienced in our lifetimes, he vowed to never give up.

I think about how a short work week for him is longer than any week I’ve worked in my entire mundane life.

And I think about how he gives his all—to a degree that most if not all of us can’t even imagine—for what he believes.

Today is an especially sad day for America in a sad era for America. And I say that as a military veteran who once pledged to give my life for this country that I love, but love less and less each day.

I was glued to the radio as I worked today, listening to the politicized spectacle that our government has become, without regard for common sense. And it left me feeling sad and disappointed in our country. And embarrassed.

And when the news about this SEC case came out today, I questioned further that the things that once made our country great, are now gone.

The moral compass that led the Greatest Generation to fight tyranny and evil.

The entrepreneurial spirit that led to the invention of the computer and the airplane.

That pride that once came from “Made in the USA” and purchasing and supporting domestic products.

The open arms that welcomed those from all corners of the earth to live in a country where freedom and fairness was valued above all else.

I sit here, with a large portion of my life savings sitting in TSLA. And as I think about that, I think about what is right. And I come to only one conclusion.

I’m all in and will remain so. I believe Elon will be cleared of having any fraudulent motives. I believe redemption will come. And I believe Tesla will continue to prosper.

I believe this because my own moral compass tells me that Elon is ultimately not in the moral or ethical wrong here. To me, that is worth everything.

Tesla may fall a bit further tomorrow morning, but I don’t believe it will last.

The true and just result will prevail in the end.

My only hope is that the people in this country will one day find their own moral compass again, whether in the Senate Judiciary Committee, the floor of Wall Street, or the halls of the SEC.

All in.

Balls of steel.
I only wish I was so talented to be able to express my feelings, my beliefs and my convictions as well as you have.
You sir, have reached deep into my feelings about Elon & Tesla.
As Elon stated; Give Up? Never, No I will never quit!
An analysis of the top 10 volume days for TSLA shows that 4 of them were on drama regarding Elon, and 6 of them have been in the last 4 months.


Reminds me of the Boney M song 'Rasputin': (11:40 in video)

"But when his drinking and smoking and hunger for progress became known to more and more people, demands to do something about this outrageous Musk became louder and louder".

This song is from 40 years ago, but watch 'Night Flight to Venus' too. I promise you'll enjoy it. Now just imagine taking this trip with BFR and a Venus fly-bye. Or skip fwd to 7:10 to 'Rasputin'.

Enjoy your weekend! Cheers!

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Wait what? Elon was considering using SpaceX to fund the privatization to supplement or if funding from the Saudis wasn't secured? This now gives a new meaning to "funding secured"...I mean if he had the money to just buy out TSLA just by himself. He literally doesn't need to discuss 420 with anyone except with himself if this is the case.
Where does that come from?
"Lawyers, Tesla executives and advisers to the company were stunned that he would turn away from such a favorable settlement."

come on Elon. its more important in the long run for Elon to focus on Tesla and execute then to walk away from favorable settlements because you want your reputation unblemished. companies like apple/google/fb have settled so many times with the govt no one cares in the long run as long as you execute.
I have read the complaint It speaks to damage to investors and speaks quite a bit about shorts and doubts by analysts about Tesla’s revenues and so short sold stock they didn’t own and were damaged etc. In the end they ask for return of “ill gotten” gains. Are they not aware that that Elon was and is a major stock holder? What gains?

Over the past few weeks as other arguments against the success of Tesla have been proven wrong one after another, the mantra switched to removing Elon as CEO as the way to “save” the company. The SEC seems to repeat the drumbeat of the shorts with allegations of innuendo of intent with no basis of motivation. They concede that at best his actions were reckless and he “should have known” even if he didn’t.

The removal of him as CEO things just smells so bad as it follows the WS last mantra that one cannot avoid thinking that the SEC not acting without outside influence.

Also, for the SEC to allege his actions caused mayhem in the market whilst completely ignoring what has been going on in the press dictated by interests against the success of Tesla’s mission is also pretty smelling.

This action truly appears to me to be demonstrative action that indicates a lack of objective enforcement of securities laws, rather, it appears to be tortured interpretation of vague language in order to suit outside influence, political and otherwise.

I pray our justice system is able to maintain its integrity and adjudicate these accusations properly.

I believe Elon Musk is not guilty of the accusations leveled.

I believe that Elon Musk remaining as CEO is material to the continued success of Tesla.

I continue to support him fully as a shareholder as CEO of Tesla.

Fire Away
I see it as a thinly veiled attempt by short interest groups to gain control of Tesla from the top. They have tried to do it from a stock shorting position and that didn't work & hasn't pulled the wool over Tesla fans eyes.
Then they tried, out & out blatant lies about Elon's character and mental state. Now, with the help of our own laws (very much distorted & badly applied) they are going to cripple Elon's ability to run and control the very thing that is dear to him.
And since there is a huge Tesla fan base, consisting of some of the smartest minds known to man, spanning across all walks of life, I feel it's time we pull out all the stops and Help the man, Help the company that is building what we espouse our faiths to be based on.
Freedom from crappy cars, freedom from boiler plate sales, freedom from hostage holding businesses that don't share our want of a better world.
Keep in mind, don't do as the shorts do, by resorting to lies and innuendos. Be factual, Be consistent, Be as determined to get what Elon feels we deserve - A better World, A Better Reach to the Stars
"Lawyers, Tesla executives and advisers to the company were stunned that he would turn away from such a favorable settlement."

come on Elon. its more important in the long run for Elon to focus on Tesla and execute then to walk away from favorable settlements because you want your reputation unblemished. companies like apple/google/fb have settled so many times with the govt no one cares in the long run as long as you execute.

You are leaving out key details of the agreement. You are also thinking too small. There are reasons for his actions as stated here.

Tesla’s Elon Musk Had a Deal From the S.E.C. It Fell Apart in a Morning.

That statute contains language about misleading investors. Mr. Musk’s lawyers wanted the commission to change its claim to say he was merely negligent in his statement, according to a person familiar with the details of the negotiations.

Mr. Musk was concerned about what those terms might mean for his other businesses, SpaceX and the Boring Company. He was worried the agreement could jeopardize those companies’ ability to continue working for the government, the person said.”
BTW., latest Electrek leak of Q3 production numbers:

"Tesla achieves Model 3 production goal for record quarter with 2 days still to go"

"According to our source, Tesla already produced over 51,000 Model 3’s this quarter and if they maintain the current level of production over the weekend, they will be really close to a total of 80,000 cars produced, including about 53,000 Model 3 vehicles, which would actually be on the higher side of Tesla’s own guidance."​

That's 53k Model 3's and close to 27k Model S/X's produced - both higher than expected.

No word on deliveries - those are guided to be higher than production.

Ok one thing about that headline, it was posted early Friday - so wouldn’t there be 3 days (including today) of production still to go? (Not the 2 days as suggested).
Elon Musk Had a Deal From the S.E.C. It Unraveled in a Morning.

btw the article makes the SEC case appear very weak and is clearly sourced from Elon's side. I think you get a good sense of what their legal strategy is going to be and I think they'll win. At the same time the process will be long and depress the stock price and possibly lead to more Tesla employees leaving fearing uncertainty.

Some weak people will leave no doubt. Not necessarily a bad thing. Weed them out to replace. Mark Cuban fought the SEC and won. Elon got the same lawyer. If Elon wins, this will be huge. Place your bets.
People laugh, but when Henry Ford announced his retirement and put his son Edsel in as CEO, F tanked and ol'Henry bought up all the shares for pennies on the dollar. Then he took Ford private on the cheeeap. Ford didn't return as a public company for decades.

And Elon frequently refers to Ford and Tesla as the only 2 auto companies not to go bankrupt in the last 100 years.

Jus' sayin'. He could play rough, take his fooze ball and go home. This is not a new opinion, I considered this possibility before I took my first equity stake in TSLA.
Man! You're right. I forgot all about that.
But, I would find it unthinkable that Elon would do what GM and Chrysler did to their stock holders.
For GM, FCA/Chrysler, & Ford, money makes for strange bedfellows, but not for Elon
(p.s., look at the current administration and the two prior - Money, Foundations /shell entities, book deals, speeches about crap ect.)
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Elon Musk Had a Deal From the S.E.C. It Unraveled in a Morning.

btw the article makes the SEC case appear very weak and is clearly sourced from Elon's side. I think you get a good sense of what their legal strategy is going to be and I think they'll win. At the same time the process will be long and depress the stock price and possibly lead to more Tesla employees leaving fearing uncertainty.
You either have a poor grasp of the facts or are intentionally trying to deceive.
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