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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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I live in the midwest, they slaughter so many cows here for beef, I'm sure leather is no problemo.
Well just for info, the is a huge quantity of cheap poor quality leather which is sourced out of, shall we say the Indian sub continent (where cattle are a sacred animal for the majority) these animals are stolen and butchered merely for the leather, the treatment of these animals does not stand scrutiny by any normal standards, nor the disposal of the remains.
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Well just for info, the is a huge quantity of cheap poor quality leather which is sourced out of, shall we say the Indian sub continent (where cattle are a sacred animal for the majority) these animals are stolen and butchered merely for the leather, the treatment of these animals does not stand scrutiny by any normal standards

Well... usually not stolen... sold. Whenever they stop giving milk and are no longer useful. Often taken to Pakistan and Bangladesh for the butchering.

That said, the situation is evolving. There was a ban imposed last year on selling cattle for slaughter (but it evoked protests):

Cattle sale ban leads to beef fests in India | DW | 31.05.2017

The tanneries there are pretty awful. Nasty chemicals, such as chromium compounds. Generally no water treatment - the waste just flows into the streets and then the rivers. The leather is most commonly used int he garment industry for export.
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The climate change fodder is highly exaggerated. They also told us in the 90s that by now Florida would be underwater...
No "they" didn't.

Infact Florida under water won't happen for a long time, but long before that it will be abandoned because of frequent flooding. Even now a lot of areas are uninsurable without government subsidies.
The climate change fodder is highly exaggerated. They also told us in the 90s that by now Florida would be underwater...

Having followed the whole affair very closely since the mid 80s, no serious climate projection stated this. In fact, the mainstream projections have been pretty spot on, even conservative in their estimates. But if it makes you feel better to engage in revisionist history to bolster your arguments then be my guest. Seems to be all the rage nowadays anyway.
Minor correction: they slaughter cows for money. Every value-added part of a cow contributes. To justify the cost of raising a cow, if you eliminate certain value-added components from the stream (such as leather), you need to charge more for the rest (such as beef). A higher price for beef reduces consumption.

What are you going to do with the hides? Throw them away? And then use other resources to replace leather? Like, that’s going to help the environment. :rolleyes:
What are you going to do with the hides? Throw them away? And then use other resources to replace leather? Like, that’s going to help the environment. :rolleyes:

Laws of supply and demand, of course. The lower the demand (aka, the less leather products you buy), the lower the value for hides. Meaning the lower the value per cow. Meaning the fewer that are raised in order to maintain a sufficient value to justify the cost of raising them (the more marginal producers get pushed out of business).

All parts of a cow contribute toward its value, not just the beef. And it's that monetary value (all parts combined) that determines how many will be raised.
Can we please stop talking about climate in this thread. It’s like politics. Once it starts, you can’t stop it. Besides no one is going to change anyone's mind here. There are other threads for showing off how much (little) you know about climate science.

Okay, new topic then: obviously the world is flat, as we experience it; no matter how high you get, the horizon continues to look flat. Indeed, the reason Antarctica is a "continent", unlike the arctic, is because while the arctic is in the centre, the antarctic makes up the rim of the Earth and its giant wall of ice prevents the oceans from flowing off. Gravity is of course not real (who could believe in such a "space-bending" phantom force?); the Earth accelerates upwards at 9,8 meters per second. Eclipses are of course an invisible "anti-moon" crossing in front of the moon or sun. GPS signals are faked by governments (which are of course trying to conceal the truth, just like when they faked the moon landing) to make airplane pilots think they're flying around a sphere. One of the main motives for governments faking a spherical Earth is that it's a lot cheaper to fake a space programme than to actually implement one, so by faking a space programme, they can pocket the remaining money or redirect it to secret projects.

Discuss. ;)
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Okay, new topic then: obviously the world is flat, as we experience it; no matter how high you get, the horizon continues to look flat. Indeed, the reason Antarctica is a "continent", unlike the arctic, is because while the arctic is in the centre, the antarctic makes up the rim of the Earth and its giant wall of ice prevents the oceans from flowing off. Gravity is of course not real (who could believe in such a "space-bending" phantom force?); the Earth accelerates upwards at 9,8 meters per second. Eclipses are of course an invisible "anti-moon" crossing in front of the moon or sun. GPS signals are faked by governments (which are of course trying to conceal the truth, just like when they faked the moon landing) to make airplane pilots think they're flying around a sphere. One of the main motives for governments faking a spherical Earth is that it's a lot cheaper to fake a space programme than to actually implement one, so by faking a space programme, they can pocket the remaining money or redirect it to secret projects.

Discuss. ;)
And this influences Tesla's stock price how?
Maybe the SEC is puzzled why Tesla investors are livid at them for siding with Tesla anti-investors?

I think it is the SEC that needs re-education, they need to be reminded that their mission is to help investors ...

Hint: the SEC dropping the share price of one of the most innovative American companies from ~$310 to ~$250 by suing its CEO because he tried to protect shareholders took billions dollars of value from Tesla shareholders and enriched anti-shareholders with about half a billion dollars.

And the SEC had the audacity to force Tesla and its CEO into a one-sided settlement to enhance the returns of anti-shareholders by another 40 million dollars, and they are also trying to damage Tesla by unprofessionally meddling with its board of directors? Was a windfall of half a billion dollars not enough?

Is the SEC not just a Shortseller Enrichment Commission, but also a Shareholder-value Elimination Commision?
Some of those that work forces (Sec) are the same who burn crosses (long TSLA) we need to rage against the machine.
Don’t know about that flat earth stuff, but, climate change is being caused by the ADDITION of carbon to the carbon cycle (atmosphere). It’s source is solely fossil fuels where carbon was almost permanently sequestered by physics in hydrocarbon chains.

Only reason it’s being unsequestered is that a bunch of evolved apes figured out that it burns.

We can’t reduce or conserve our way out of this. This burning of fossil fuels must come to a complete end. There is not a compromise.

All the other stuff is noise being promoted by fossil fuel interests to add...

You guessed....


Fire Away!

(end of weekend rant)
(Market relevance is TSLA tracking oil price, for,those keeping score at home;))
There is a clarity in science through discussion which is grievously lacking in politics. The extremes on any controversy are afraid of being wrong so fear facts. Facts are universally true because there is potentially universal agreement about them even though they must be capable of refutation. Things that cannot be tested are true only by definition so don't have relevance in practice. We call this circular reasoning. Hence the extremes can only be backed by revelation, faith, or religious arguments—dogma. This quest for certainty cripples our reason and effectiveness in the empirical world and can lead to war and destruction.

For Einstein there were no privileged reference points and the aim of universal agreement was the check requiring modification of our most basic of notions. There is absolutely no difference in the Sun's behavior on Earth or Mars. Observers on each planet can observe the Sun rising on the East and setting on the West. (Now you know the translation into English of East and West from the Martian language.) There is absolutely no reason to set the Sun, or nearby, as a first approximation to the center of the Solar system, unless you want a universe of observers who can communicate a common understanding. Science is the ultimate social enterprise and in my opinion Einstein is the first truly scientific student of society. Science, like civility, rests bedrock on communication. Symmetry and humanity require empathy.

If I knew how to do it I would move all arguments denying climate change to a religious thread. Karen is right.

Or, I could just delete your asses with the comment: "talk to your priest about this." Or, "you don't know the first thing about risk assessment." This is an investor thread, no?
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Agree. Interesting for me is how slowly those negative media are changing about Tesla. I do not expect that today they are FUDsters and tomorrow they are supporters. I think that there will be transition where you will se mix of bad and good news so the average reader will not notice or less notice the change. Of course this slowly approach will allow mainstream media that they save their faces and average reader would trust them further because they have "always right".

This is the moment where the quality of journalism can rise. If somebody start to publishing old articles of main media and confront them with new one, can be interesting. On the other hand who cares about history?

I must say that I'm pi*** of to see that those main media could go away without punishment about what they did to Tesla. The worst thing is that they can do it easily again.

Can someone write a book about that? Please...for sake of all of us!

Definitely. Went through all of the week's headlines with #Pravduh team today and it was again simply shocking. So much obsession over SEC, Murdoch, Elon stepping down (and Teslaquila) and such a tiny amount of time spent on safest car ever and insane sales milestones. And the safety articles were often negative! Simply insane. It's almost like these people don't have brains...
Hey @ZachShahan this reminded me to ask you.....immediately following your questions during the Q2 call, there was an unidentified analyst who made the following statement. Do you have any idea who followed you in the Q&A line up?

Unknown Analyst

A quick request. Years ago, you warned about a coming short tsunami and it seemed obvious that it was coming, but the shorts didn't really seem to recognize it and then sort of attacked you, trolled you for months. And then finally, it came. You again warned very honestly, I think, very directly that there is going to be a short -- kind of epic short squeeze. We have, I think, the whole community has a little request. Don't let the trolls get you down. Don't see the trolls too much, but we do like it when you tease the trolls a bit. So you do your judgment, but thanks a lot for what you're doing.

Elon R. Musk

Co-Founder, Chairman, CEO & Product Architect

Right. Well, thank you for your enough coverage of [ cleanup ] energy technology.

That was me. :)

(But there are some mistakes in the transcription there. Ending should be: Don't feed the trolls too much. But we do like it when you tease the trolls a bit. So, use your judgment, but thanks a lot for what you're doing.)

Still waiting on that squeeze ;)

Didn't expect some of what followed, and I think Elon didn't expect the market or press to act as irrationally as they have.
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