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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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Also note the following tidbit:

"[Full transcript of the interview] was supplied to @arstechnica by @Tesla."​

I.e. Elon had the sense to record the whole interview, or had the rights to get the raw material from 60 Minutes.

Yes, the 60 Minutes video editing and the manipulated transcript they provided on Twitter was false/misleading material information. The SEC should go after 60 Minutes for essentially lying about a key corporate governance statement of a public company, that might have had an effect on the stock price.
Nope not gunna happen hence EM and most folk's here disdain for the sec. They are worthless when it comes to watching over the Stock's and most certainly worthless as it concerns the small investor.
Are there any other physical constraints that are limiting the fast charging of properly cooled battery packs?

The processes at the microscopic cell electrode level, both chemical and physical. Don't want Lithium metal, nor dendrites (I may be thinking of Nimh here), nor damage to the electrode surface area.

Yes - people on the left HATE oligarchy. Putin is at the moment, the epitome of oligarchy (and alt-right as well).
Yep. It is worth remembering that although Putin is pretty evil, he's also pretty stupid. I mean, Putin looks smart compared to Scott Morrison of Australia (holding up lacquered coal in parliament), Theresa May (who is unwilling to quit even though she's just been found in contempt of Parliament), or Donald Trump (who appears to have actual full-blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which features the inability to think about consquences which are more than three minutes in the future). But Putin's still pretty dumb.

Xi Jinping's pretty dumb too, and I could count down the dumbass mistakes he's making (his predecessor was smart). We are ruled by idiots.

This is bad. It's the setup which led to World War I -- a bunch of idiots in charge of nearly all the major powers. We have to get the idiots out of power. Macron, at least, isn't a complete idiot, though he's on the wrong side of a major and important issue.
MMD is back baby!

Both the NASDAQ and Dow index is still undecided whether they wants to extend the overnight rally, or want to consolidate at lower levels. +1.5% is a large jump.

Until that fight is done the main macro background of $TSLA is uncertain as well, so it filled the gap.

If the NASDAQ breaks out a second time I'd expect $370+ levels for $TSLA as well - if the current nature of the price action is maintained.
eh, i think they can, and i think they and every other car company will inevitably, within 5 years. just too obvious of a next step to ignore.

agreed 100% on all other points, though!

Based on current tech in cars for last 10 years b
If it considered service, many US franchise laws prevent OEMs from doing it...

@Driver Dave
Also, Porsche has no Atari. Or drawing app...
(one may laugh, but I was sad once I ran out of things our new SUV could do....)

Good point!

No Atari? No sale!


But it does actually point to one thing:

I'm pretty sure the Germans will never get the fun Elon is putting into these cars.

For example, No German car volume will ever go to 11.

That would just hurt their German Engineering heads.
Exactly - in addtion, I think we will soon see the drop in sales of traditional ICE cars / the competition. Until today, Tesla was selling as "addition" into the market. I think this narrative will change: as more viable BEVs are coming to market and ICE cars are getting banned in more and more places, I do think a lot of folks will delay the purchase of their next vehicle / go to EV. I believe we will start to see this effect in 2019 accelerate and I predict it will be quite dramatic in 2020.

That's where I am :)

So I'm working with German knock-out certificates as they are very easy to understand/transparent in pricing: the price of a 350 call knock-out is "TSLA - knock-out barrier = price" (i.e. today that's approx. $357-$350=$7). If TSLA goes up $10 the certificate goes up $10. If the price of TSLA drops below the knock-out, the certificate is being knocked out (i.e. loses all its value immediately). The closers the knock-out price is to the current share price, the higher the leverage and the higher the risk the certificate being knocked out...

Now I'm thinking of what would be an appropriate knockout barrier for the coming weeks/months. I currently have some (little) money in a $340 knock-out since I like to live dangerously ;-)

So, the knock-out certificates create an *incentive* for the banks which sell them to manipulate the price below the knock-out levels. All they have to do is get it below temporarily, they win even if the stock goes way up again.

I had not thought about it but this could be another source of price manipulation in TSLA. Believe it or not, the rules against market manipulation are even *WEAKER* in Germany than they are in the US. I haven't checked, but I think it's flat-out legal for them to attempt to drive the stock price down to knock you out -- you should check the German law books to see if it's not allowed, but I think it is allowed. Even if it's not allowed they would probably do it anyway and not get caught.

All this is a way of saying, pick a low knockout price!!!
The original term was MMD - Mandatory Morning Dip, market manipulation by shorts to drive down the price, usually in the morning.

MMA - Market Manipulation Action.

I do not think this is the sole explanation of the dip(s).
Another for today: Suppose it was someones job to fill all the open orders for this stock. They have to buy or sell to fill large broker orders. They get paid based upon how the order is executed compared to some standard, oh let's call it the volume weighted average price. If on balance there are lots of buy orders (be it from shorts or longs) it has to be gamed as the day and week goes on. In a quiet or bearish market, the buying is easy, price going down, sentiment down, many are selling (retail). On a day like today, perhaps a little bit of positive sentiment, run the price up premarket for retail shorts and retail longs, do so excessively. Then keep up the pace a little bit as the market opens, perhaps buy some of what you need. Then when the stay at home retail crowd starts to thin, or they have exhausted all their "dry powder" then drop the bottom out. MMD. Buy what scared retail or new small wannabes sell out, if the sell off works, drive the price down further.

I think this is some of what happens also in the 1:30 -2:30 time frame also. Bottom out the price.

End of day shows where the big boys are, especially end of week.

I Imagine the market makers do this quite well.

Bull market = soup bowl daily pattern
So, the knock-out certificates create an *incentive* for the banks which sell them to manipulate the price below the knock-out levels. All they have to do is get it below temporarily, they win even if the stock goes way up again.

This reminds me: one of the biggest sellers of knock-out ('barrier') $TSLA options in Europe appears to be UBS I believe ...
Isn't Porsche using 800V, while Tesla uses 350V? This means they can put roughly twice as much power to the batteries over the same thickness charging cable as a 350V charger.

The question is whether the cells can be charged that quickly - which I believe is mostly a function of active battery cooling capacity, of which the Taycan appears to have enough.

Are there any other physical constraints that are limiting the fast charging of properly cooled battery packs?

That is, obviously, the issue. There's no magic to moving current over a wire. C rates are the issue.

There's a lot of limits, of which cooling is only one.

That used to be my leading theory, but Porsche has already claimed that their cells are 270Wh/kg.
Elon and JB answered a question around this on the last earnings call or some other forum recently. Can`t recall their exact words, but they said that they Supercharger V3 would be 200-250 Kw as above that the trade offs are too big. My understanding is there is no "free lunch", so with the current chemistry you try to find a balance between charge speed, longevity, capacity, etc.

So I am also very interested in these 300-350 claims that the VW group has been making. I would love to be wrong, but there is always some fine print or other trickery with "these guys". Anyway, this is too much OT. But for this to become a game changing feature that would affect Model S sales and the TSLA share price (see what I did there, how I brought it back on topic?) I would like to see some real world tests head-to head 10 to 50% or 10-80% charge times compared to Tesla.

Also, I still think Tesla may surprise us once they roll out V3 Superchargers. I would bet the Model 3 is already capable of at least 200 Kw (as some have done the math and speculated on these forums) and since this is more chemistry than form factor related, may be that newer S and X with 2170 chemistry inside the 18650 cylinders would also turn out to be capable.
Market Action:

TSLA is down because Elon is unveiling the pickup truck next year.

Elon Musk on Twitter

I think more because he is promoting that he still can deliver cars by the end of the year in US (some may think it is demand problem). And generally when there are many tweets from Elon, the price goes down. Maybe his twitter is connected to some trading algorithm.

will see what happens when amateur hour is over
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Top Senate Democrat calls for permanent renewable energy, storage, EV tax credits

From article: "The 115th U.S. Congress has not even adjourned for the winter, and already a newly resurgent Democratic Party is making demands that reflect its majority status in the U.S. House come January.

Climate appears to be near the top of the list. On Friday, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), the Democratic Leader in the Senate, sent a letter to President Trump demanding that any infrastructure package taken up in 2019 include “policies and funding to transition to a clean energy economy and mitigate the risks that the United States is already facing due to climate change.”

And in a list of policies that Schumer says should be included, the top item is “permanent tax incentives for domestic production of clean electricity and storage, energy efficient homes and commercial buildings, electric vehicles, and modernizing the electric grid.”

In concrete terms, this could mean an extension of the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for solar and energy storage, the Production Tax Credit (PTC) for wind and the federal electric vehicle (EV) tax credit.
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