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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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Tesla needs to do something about this. In the current form I think they should not allow people have the hands away from the steering wheel at all and personally I wished they also employed a driver monitoring system. There are way too many crashes recently and politicians could well start to propose serious hurdles for all autonomous systems

Yes, I was thinking along the same lines, hands-on at all times until the algorithms are at level 3.
One possible solution is to start charging these people with a crime.

Instead of being a moving violation, it can be “negligent use of a motor vehicle” that has more serious consequences—some jail time, etc.

Yeah, they should put them in jail in the neighbour cell of Elon who will be sitting there for calling the thing "autopilot"

So... that whole thread that they're talking about was an absolute cluster, and Musk needs to... consider his words more carefully, I'd say.

Basically he (if you take him at his word, and many don't) accidentally stumbled on a very long-running anti-semitic claim, by not being as clear as he should have been when calling out those that control the media. There were a few people that were suspicious of that tweet (they wanted to make sure he wasn't actually trying to invoke anti-semitism), and there were hundreds of Nazis that were... not suspicious of that tweet (they thought that he was supporting their anti-semitism - seriously, don't look at the replies to that tweet).

Then, when he clarified that he didn't mean anti-semitism by that tweet, his wording skirted rather close to "if you're bringing up racism, you're the real racist" deflection tactics used by racists, which... did not help.

(That's one problem with discourse in our society today - a bunch of edgelords try to skirt the boundaries of what's acceptable to attack people, hide behind plausible deniability, and when they do overstep the boundaries, gaslight their victims and audience to make them think the victim is who overstepped, not the edgelord. So, then, the targets of those edgelords are forced to assume that anything like this is a malicious attack for their own safety, and you get what happened here.)
That was such a bizarre situation. Seems to me like the attack dogs will come up with any old *sugar* to attack Musk. I mean, it's obvious that the media is controlled by powerful people (such as... Rupert Murdoch. Or David Smith, who controls Sinclair Broadcast Group and uses it to spread propaganda. Historically, William Randolph Hearst.). Because controlling media is, inherently, power.

It's a complete leap to assume that "powerful people" means "Jewish people" -- that is just straight-up anti-Semitism, and I can't argue with Musk saying that anyone assuming that was being anti-Semitic. It *isn't even the standard anti-Semitic conspiracy theory*, because the standard anti-Semitic conspiracy theory is that Jewish people run the banks (which isn't true either, obviously, as Jamie Dimon, Richard Davis, and John Stumpf make clear).
Yes, I was thinking along the same lines, hands-on at all times until the algorithms are at level 3.

I'd love it if someone asks him about new features in autopilot and timelines in the next annual shareholders meeting. Having object recognition or some form of fool-proof autopilot in the next release will help to diminish the number and impact of mainstream media headlines.
Anyone worth their tire time will tell you that through the sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties ~ okay, until we bought our Model X; I almost always bought a leather cover to add body to our steering wheel since standard steering wheels were not too much thicker than heavy duty gauge wire. I never bought goofy dice to hang from the mirroro_O Just sayin’

Bottom line Tesla’s steering wheel has body and feels like a steering wheel should ~ if you like, no if you love to drive.

First, okay at first I was going to complain that the current sensitivity needed to be increased, but actually I think that is actually a positive since it forces the driver to take action at a time or two when boredom might be setting in on the drive. Roads are really disappointing now days. My dad would give us heads up about an up coming dip in the road so we could all yell “wheeee.” No not like the little piggy enroute to the bathroom :confused: No, it was the feeling of your stomach falling farther down in your bodyo_O

Second, I thought there was already in place a mechanism to force the driver to keep their hands on the wheel or after repeated warnings it would disengage. I usually remind Xena I am in control, even if it is superficial :rolleyes: In other words, I have not tested the system anytime recently to confirm. And, regardless, the short time involved in the Utah accident was too short for serious attention getting.

Bottom line for me is that any driver oblivious of the hazards of driving, forgotten or elitist should be taken off the road regardless of make or model; autopilot or manual pilot. There are laws helping with this like not texting and driving, or for my wife when she finally got the point of wearing a seatbelt (mandatory law). My god she was stubborn :rolleyes:

At what point is enough laws, or manufacture safety features enough and it becomes the driver’s responsibility? At what point? Intelligence does not guarantee responsibility:(
One possible solution is to start charging these people with a crime.

Instead of being a moving violation, it can be “negligent use of a motor vehicle” that has more serious consequences—some jail time, etc.

Yes, after some thought I agree. In U.K. they have the charge "driving without due care and attention", improper use of AP is maybe even worse...
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While you are bashing Autopilot: How about Mercedes Benz Drive Pilot that is way less capable then Autopilot? Or Propilot? Don't they also suggest you don't have to stay vigilant?

You know the answer very well but if you want to start a new nonsense discussion:
1. Nobody else names a driver assist system autopilot
2. No other company has been so aggressively pushing the "no hands on" feature like Elon Musk (video on company website, CBS interview etc.)

There won‘t be any more replies by me to this subject to your replies...
Tesla needs to do something about this. In the current form I think they should not allow people have the hands away from the steering wheel at all and personally I wished they also employed a driver monitoring system. There are way too many crashes recently and politicians could well start to propose serious hurdles for all autonomous systems

This would only make sense if autopilot was causing people to crash more than average, which it isn't. The problem is people are on their phones, so you would have to require all vehicles from all brands to require hand on wheels and eye tracking at all times. Why pick on Tesla?
I would be surprised if Tesla had already hit 200K. The mass deliveries to Canada seem to imply an effort to wait for Q3. Did Troy remember that the first year of Roadster production doesn't count towards the 200K?

I don't recall, but I would imagine so. He is very thorough.

I agree on the mass Canadian deliveries aspect. It will be interesting to see what happens.
So... that whole thread that they're talking about was an absolute cluster, and Musk needs to... consider his words more carefully, I'd say.

Basically he (if you take him at his word, and many don't) accidentally stumbled on a very long-running anti-semitic claim, by not being as clear as he should have been when calling out those that control the media. There were a few people that were suspicious of that tweet (they wanted to make sure he wasn't actually trying to invoke anti-semitism), and there were hundreds of Nazis that were... not suspicious of that tweet (they thought that he was supporting their anti-semitism - seriously, don't look at the replies to that tweet).

Then, when he clarified that he didn't mean anti-semitism by that tweet, his wording skirted rather close to "if you're bringing up racism, you're the real racist" deflection tactics used by racists, which... did not help.

(That's one problem with discourse in our society today - a bunch of edgelords try to skirt the boundaries of what's acceptable to attack people, hide behind plausible deniability, and when they do overstep the boundaries, gaslight their victims and audience to make them think the victim is who overstepped, not the edgelord. So, then, the targets of those edgelords are forced to assume that anything like this is a malicious attack for their own safety, and you get what happened here.)

Just a a short note, if one looks at early Model X pics, they would find pics of a Model X parked in front of a garage of a real nice home. Happens to be Elon’s. Most importantly a small detail is apparent to the observer in the know. On the right side of the garage door is a Mezuzah which is as follows:

“In mainstream Rabbinic Judaism, a mezuzah is affixed to the doorpost of Jewish homes to fulfill the mitzvah (Biblical commandment) to "write the words of God on the gates and doorposts of your house" (Deuteronomy 6:9).”

Now a typical Jewish household would have it on the doorposts where people enter. More observant households have on every entrance including the garage door. I expect that calling a Jewish guy an anti Semite is great fodder for the antimsemite who is trying to justify his own position.

Fire Away!
So I just returned from one of my several times a year trips to Germany. I may have to start shorting TSLA since it appears that almost no one in the areas I visit ever drives a Tesla. Can anyone in Germany explain that? I go to Cologne 3 or 4 times a year for 3 years now and have only seen one parked Model S and one on the Autobahn. There is a Tesla Store in Dusseldorf near Cologne, but the one time I stopped there to visit it was closed so I couldn't chat with anyone.

This trip I also spent 4 days in Berlin for a meeting and despite a whole lot of traffic saw no Teslas at all. Is it just the areas I am frequenting? Mostly Cologne around the university and the HBF and this one trip to Berlin where I wondered about and near Alexanderplatz. I thought Tesla was holding it's own in Germany, but all I see are Beemers, Mercedes, Audis, VWs and assorted Opels, Toyotas, Fords, KIAs, Hyundais and Jeeps. And some car brands I never heard of. One more useless personal data point perhaps, but I did notice a growing large number of large SUVs since I started so I'm wondering if the Model 3 will have much of a market there. Will Germany ever be much of a Tesla market?
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