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We want some Model 3 Leaks, renders, sketches !

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Put on a Model X front, and that is a looker of a car. If Jaguar turns this into an electric, then we have a Model 3 Competitor folks...


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    Screen Shot 2016-03-28 at 5.10.55 PM.png
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Put on a Model X front, and that is a looker of a car. If Jaguar turns this into an electric, then we have a Model 3 Competitor folks...

At this stage of the game, I feel like there could be some black knights out there so to speak.

Jaguar, Subaru, Volvo ect could come out with electric competitors and grab market share form the large OEM's. I think this was Nissans plan but their execution wasn't good enough and stagnated.
Oh people are very predictable. If Model 3 looks like a smaller Model S they'll complain about that. If it's more adventurous they'll complain about that. I'm sure the forums here will erupt with endless debates about the prototype while most will surely forget that Tesla production cars looks very very close to the prototypes. Tesla has a history at reveals of not disclosing everything and in that vacuum all sorts of crazy stuff floats to the surface. All one has to do is go read back over the Model X sighting a thread during the mule phase. Oh man, the full moon was out in full swing then.

Yeah, given that I figured even the base model is out of my price range im half inclined to "go dark" and just block everything out until the CPOs start showing up... But we both know that won't happen :)
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Put on a Model X front, and that is a looker of a car. If Jaguar turns this into an electric, then we have a Model 3 Competitor folks...
Isn't that true of just about any ICE vehicle? I would think an electric Corolla, Civic, or Accord would sell quite well.

P.S. I only noticed just now that the new forum doesn't "update" posts when you post a several a couple minutes apart ... that was a handy feature.
I'm saddened that every rendering and all silhouettes I see show side mirrors on the 3. What happened to the big fight to remove those giant sails? :pouty face:

Write your elected officials. Before outside mirrors can be replaced with cameras laws will have to be changed all over the world. The vehicle laws in all US states and most countries specifically specify rear view mirrors, at least one on each side of the driver and in some cases outside mirrors on both sides of the car are required.

Many car makers would like to get the laws changed, but it needs to change in so many jurisdictions before it would be economically feasible to include cameras instead of mirrors on cars (and even then mirrors would still need to be provided for jurisdictions that are slow to change the laws), it's going to be a while before we see mirrors go away. The CAFE requirements in the US are bucking up against the mirror laws. Car makers could make cars more aerodynamic and increase their efficiency at least a bit immediately if the mirror requirements were changed.
Just joking here, but

Wouldn't it be funny if Elon came on stage and present all the ways they figured out how to make a Model 3 $35k. And after he finishes the Model 3 rolls out and is actually just a resigned ModelS.

I know, I know. Broken Internet, falling model S resale values, not 20% smaller, Ect ect.

But it would be killer as a nail in the engine so to speak

Kind of a page from Apples play book every time they lower the price of a new Macbook

I actually think this in my brain, but I'm afraid to say it outlaid for fear of being ridiculed. Ok, I may have posted it a couple times, but not recently.

This, or something very similar to it, could be exactly what happens. Maybe the model 3 is just a simpler Model S. Talk about economy of design.