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what version of cybertruck dual or tri motor will be produced 1st?

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Originally, Tesla said the dual motor would be built first. They then said that the triple motor version would be built first. Many people (including us) put in refundable reservations for both dual and tri motor versions, just in case things change again.

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I think it should be by who put down deposits first. Who was willing to be loyal on day one. I have a 6 Jan 2013 antique S. I dont need a trip motor. So u go in today, order tri motor u go to head of the line? I'm not pulling anything , I'd like the range. But not 3 motors.
But u go to the head of the line s____.
If they want to produce high-revenue models first, then that's probably why the dual and tri-motor models are slated to be first off the line in late 2021 while the single-motor is projected for late 2022.

That said, I am curious to know if performance models were produced first for other models. I am aware the base RWD version of the Model Y was pushed back a full year (which buyers did not know during preorder). And wasn't the standard range Model 3 pushed back as well?
I changed my order from the dual motor to the tri motor for the delivery first option.
Made extra $$ from owning Tesla stock for a year!

Ronbastron, I'm considering doing the same but for the purpose of getting an earlier delivery. When did you order the trimotor and have you checked for the estimated delivery using the spreadsheet formula on this website. mine is January 2023 and I ordered November 24,2019.
First TRI motor seems to be the Plaid+ Model S. IF that goes well, then I'd strongly suspect the TRI motor CyberTruck would be made/delivered first.

Many variables. example: will copper become a problem? Could save 1/3 on a Dual vs Tri motor.
Adjust demand with price? or supply [Dual vs Tri ] Bit coin only ? Tesla/Elon can be flexible and creative.

How cheap can/will the competition go?? Rivian, F-150, Silverado, RAM. 2022 could be very exciting.
I hope I'm wrong but... Plaid+ Model S with the 520+ range is quoted on the Tesla website as mid-2022 estimated delivery. That model is obviously relying on the new batteries for range/performance. If I had to guess our tri motor CT's won't be shipping before those. Therefore, if the Austin factory is operating end of 2021/early 2022, I assume we will see some dual motors hitting the streets before the tri motors. Then when the new batteries are ready we will see production move over to the higher end tri motors to ship the most profitable trucks first.

I have a tri motor reserved right after the reservation books opened, so I hope I'm wrong and I get my truck early 2022. But the logical side of me is saying mid-2022 is likely going to be the earliest date for this model.
Ronbastron, I'm considering doing the same but for the purpose of getting an earlier delivery. When did you order the trimotor and have you checked for the estimated delivery using the spreadsheet formula on this website. mine is January 2023 and I ordered November 24,2019.
Sounds about right. I ordered Nov 26th, 2019 and I am number 230,000+ overall with an estimated delivery of April 2023. Since changing to Tri-motor I am at 90,000. Don't know the estimate there, but would expect it will be a lot sooner. Maybe Fall of 2022.

I am quite certain, as, with other models, TESLA will release the most prosperous model first. Unless there a reason for battery constraint, I would surmise we will see the Tri-motor moving off the line first.
My guess is the big battery day announcement of new long life long range battery’s and tech is taking much longer than he thought.

does this mean a predictable delay in the Cybertruck?

If they cancel the Tri-Motor or it has lower this 500 miles of range, I’m out. All the way out.

Elon has already delayed the CT with 4680. When pre-orders went live he said the tri-motor 500+mi range would deliver first. Weeks later he walked that back to the dual motor 300mi range variant.

We are at least 2 years away. All these people who thought Elon would flip a switch and suddenly we would have Tesla's with 500-600mi range are hilarious.

Over Promise, Under Deliver.
Elon has already delayed the CT with 4680. When pre-orders went live he said the tri-motor 500+mi range would deliver first. Weeks later he walked that back to the dual motor 300mi range variant.

We are at least 2 years away. All these people who thought Elon would flip a switch and suddenly we would have Tesla's with 500-600mi range are hilarious.

Over Promise, Under Deliver.

certainly seems to be his MO.
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Elon has already delayed the CT with 4680. When pre-orders went live he said the tri-motor 500+mi range would deliver first. Weeks later he walked that back to the dual motor 300mi range variant..
You have the facts backwards. We originally reserved dual motor since tri-motor was going to be delayed a year. We then reserved a tri-motor once they said it would be released first.

At the time, they said that the two less expensive versions, which are going to start at $39,900 and $49,900, are coming in “late 2021,” while the more expensive version with more motors and bigger battery pack is going to be available in “late 2022.”
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You have the facts backwards. We originally reserved dual motor since tri-motor was going to be delayed a year. We then reserved a tri-motor once they said it would be released first.

At the time, they said that the two less expensive versions, which are going to start at $39,900 and $49,900, are coming in “late 2021,” while the more expensive version with more motors and bigger battery pack is going to be available in “late 2022.”
Sorry pal, it even says on the website that dual motor will deliver first.
Elon has already delayed the CT with 4680. When pre-orders went live he said the tri-motor 500+mi range would deliver first. Weeks later he walked that back to the dual motor 300mi range variant.

We are at least 2 years away. All these people who thought Elon would flip a switch and suddenly we would have Tesla's with 500-600mi range are hilarious.

Over Promise, Under Deliver.

We were at the live unveiling on November 21, 2019. When pre-orders went live, it didn't say tri-motor would be first. It said tri-motor wasn't expected until late 2022:


Sorry pal, it even says on the website that dual motor will deliver first.

Since December 6, 2019, the website has said both dual-motor and tri-motor are expected late 2021. Where do you see dual-motor will deliver first? Where do you see he "walked back" that tri-motor would be delivered first?



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Yup. After they got the huge reservation numbers then they had to switch things up.

Also, this is Tesla so--
Things will change up until they release the first production CT.
Things will change after they release the CT.

We were at the live unveiling on November 21, 2019. When pre-orders went live, it didn't say tri-motor would be first. It said tri-motor wasn't expected until late 2022:

View attachment 670869

Since December 6, 2019, the website has said both dual-motor and tri-motor are expected late 2021. Where do you see dual-motor will deliver first? Where do you see he "walked back" that tri-motor would be delivered first?

View attachment 670856View attachment 670858
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