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  1. Darreno

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Thanks Browellm. I have reconnect device or disconnect device in the app. I assume reconnect will de-authorise the car and re-run? Edit: had to disconnect. Thanks again!
  2. Darreno

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Any of you smart people know what I should do in this situation. 7kw charger needs replacing so limited to granny charger. Do I need to do another test charge on the granny so IO learns the new charge speed (if so how?). Also would I leave the tariff and have to come back on, on the new tariff...
  3. Darreno

    MYP UK Waiting Room

    They look like the 2022 camera to my eyes with the smaller lens and lack of ripple rings.
  4. Darreno

    MYP UK Waiting Room

    Car without USS should have new cameras from Samsung. Oddly when comparing the photo above to the below twitter, the above looks like the original cameras…. The new cameras have a much larger lens given the large increase in MP. Nevertheless, I doubt it matters which camera they are if Tesla...
  5. Darreno

    MYP UK Waiting Room

    MYLR are the same Matrix lights as MYP. Afaik, only real difference now between the MYLR and MYP are the differences specified on the order page as they all come from Shanghai. Wheels, tyre, pedals, spoiler, lower suspension, rear motor etc.
  6. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

    or Australia, but unlikely.
  7. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Bosh! Loading RHD Grande Halifax. @Mr Miserable
  8. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

    @Mr Miserable Glovis Sun - Barcelona 10th Dec.
  9. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

  10. Darreno

    [UK] 2022.40

    I also found AHB has been improved over .36. Responding much better to on coming cars. Still come on in decently bright areas though. I found the auto wipers to be improved as well. Much better than before. Same for AP, seems to respond better to cars merging into your lane. Still very jumpy...
  11. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

    HÖEGH TRIGGER is unlikely to be a Tesla ship. She has a lot of stops between Shanghai and Zee.
  12. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Now have Grande Abidjan due at Hamburg 22/11, not sure how that ties in with your timings. Cant remember if thats the same as we found before.
  13. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

    RCC Amsterdam due at Ashdod on 08/11 according to Ashdod ports website. VPN'd in. That answers your timings for Koper. HYPERION is due at Barcelona on 03/11 (Today), that got me excited until I saw the date! Clearly the wrong HYPERION!
  14. Darreno

    Intelligent Octopus and Powerwall integration

    If it helps, home assistant tesla car and powerwall control is in beta and about to be released. This could technically be used in conjunction with home assistants IO add on. IO - Octopus Energy - Intelligent Tariff PW Control - Add support for Tesla Powerwall
  15. Darreno

    [UK] 2022.36

    I’m finding AP behaving much better in .6. Further from kerbs and faster turning.
  16. Darreno

    Octopus Energy, including Intelligent and go

    My car IO slots tended to be within 23:30-05:30, then up to 11am when needing. Never before 23:30. The problem is you can’t set and forgot with powerwalls on IO. It’s not practical. Also, unnecessary draining battery from the PW into the car is a complete waste of the PWs warranty, usage limit.
  17. Darreno

    Octopus Energy, including Intelligent and go

    If the car tries to charge after 05:30, say 06:30-11am with an IO slot, then the battery would drain into the car during that slot, leaving no energy in the battery for the house for the day. There is currently no way to tell the battery to stop discharging and start charging during an IO slots...
  18. Darreno

    Intelligent Octopus - Undercharging

    Tesla recommend 90% max for daily. Mine is set to 90%, done a few 100%s, 3k miles in with zero degradation. https://www.tesla.com/en_GB/support/range
  19. Darreno

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    As Browellm said, it’s not a test charge. Your car starts changing when you plug it in as it would with any other charger. It’s nothing to do with IO and doesn’t form part of the schedule, by extension you will be charged peak rate of the first bit of juice. Iv had it take anything from 10 mins...
  20. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

    GLOVIS SUPREME is due at Antwerp on 18/11, Bremerhaven 20/11, Emden 22/11 if that helps with timings 👍
  21. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Hi @Mr Miserable you may already know this info. RCC AMSTERDAM is due at Koper on 15/11.
  22. Darreno

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Strange, I set up at 22kw on my 7kw Easee and had zero issues with session timings.
  23. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Got it, she is due at Bremerhaven on 12/12.
  24. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Sorry I posted the wrong list for Grande Houston. Please find her Dec Schedule below including both voyages. Shanghai 03/12, Suez 24/12, Gioia Taruo 28/12. This answers your question on Scandinavia. Once she gets to Antwerp, she is spinning back to Shanghai.
  25. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

    HYPERION RAY due into Bremerhaven on 27/11 (Next Voyage) , she is now on the list ;)
  26. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

    This only confirms she is heading to the channel as Bremerhaven is the start of her 'next' voyage. It is still unknown where she will be unloading as per @Mr Miserable posts.
  27. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Hi @Mr Miserable These you might already have on your radar, however if not, for your information, this maybe useful or complete nonsense! Morning Cello, she is due at Shanghai on 02/11, Seuz 24/11, Southampton 06/12. Grande Roma. She is currently heading East and her last 3 stops on her...
  28. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

    You may already know, she is due in Bremerhaven on 18/11 to start her next voyage, and RCC Europe is due at Bremerhaven on 26/11 to start her next voyage if that helps with timings.
  29. Darreno

    Any views on Q3 Model Y suspension setup or differences from Q2 so far?

    I do wonder if they vary even mid cycled, our Sep MYLR is softer than a March MY I have access to. We have no complaints with our ride.
  30. Darreno

    Octopus Energy, including Intelligent and go

    6 months in its current form. After 6 months it will be targeted.
  31. Darreno

    Octopus Energy, including Intelligent and go

    That £66-£67 a month reduction is part of the £400 every household is getting from the Gov as support. This is correct and normal.
  32. Darreno

    Octopus Energy, including Intelligent and go

    Energy price guarantee is a cap on the unit of energy price, not total cost. You still pay for what you use, regardless the amount you use.
  33. Darreno

    Octopus Energy, including Intelligent and go

    AFAIK, there is a home assistant HACS coming shortly for PW mode switching which would work well with IO integration on home assistant.
  34. Darreno

    MYP UK Waiting Room

    Cut off for UK from Shanghai will be end of November for delivery end of December, mad end of Q4 dash. It’s the same every Q.
  35. Darreno

    Octopus Energy, including Intelligent and go

    You can turn off smart charging. So you can use the Tesla one night on Smart charging, then turn off Smart Charging to charge the Peugeot the next night between 23:30-05:30. Or, leave the Tesla on smart charging, and charge the Peugeot on a 3 pin between 23:30-05:30 at the same time. Unless...
  36. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

  37. Darreno

    MYP UK Waiting Room

    I spoke with a gentleman at Dartford SC yesterday about my MYP who advised cars from Berlin are now a long way out and the MYPs are now coming from Shanghai. Shanghai do make MYP for other markets, so it would make sense to make them for the UK if Berlin is slow ramping.
  38. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

  39. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

  40. Darreno

    Q3 collections, new owners tales and experiences

    1800 miles since 13 Sep, 3.4 miles per KW hour here. Lots of motorway driving in there. It’s cost me under £40 in electric! Nuts!
  41. Darreno

    MYP UK Waiting Room

    I was in an Amazon Fresh shop yesterday on Chancery Lane, the AI was amazing. Scan your Amazon account when going in, pick up whatever you want from the shop and walk out with it. AI watches you and charges your account a few hours later.
  42. Darreno

    Octopus Energy, including Intelligent and go

    Wire the car charger on the grid side bus in the gateway2. Car can charge from the grid with IO at the same time as the house running on the powerwall, both not connected together. Unless you want solar to charge the car.
  43. Darreno

    Octopus Energy, including Intelligent and go

    I have an Easee. Currently on IO. If on IO leave the Easee as a dumb charger so IO can pull whenever it wants. If on Go, just set schedule on the Easee and it will give charge to the car within them times.
  44. Darreno

    Intelligent Octopus - Undercharging

    This. My charger often pulls 32.4 amps without any issue on a 32amp RCD.
  45. Darreno

    MYP UK Waiting Room

    I have a Q3 batch China LR with 20 inductions and I found the Q1 batch test drive MYLR with 19s to be harsher than my Q3 with 20s. I also have access to a Q1 car and there is a noticeable difference. Either MIC seem to have improved the suspension, or I got lucky. There have been reports of an...
  46. Darreno

    Octopus Energy, including Intelligent and go

    I assume the app will update when the cap comes in.
  47. Darreno

    Octopus Energy, including Intelligent and go

    It’s from the Octopus Watch app. It’s not compatible with IO though so you will get a false reading with extra slots. It’s only accurate if the slots are only within 23:30-05:30, like the below.
  48. Darreno

    Octopus Energy, including Intelligent and go

    Why not wire the EV charger into the grid side fuse slots on the gateway? That way if your house is islanded off from the grid, the EV can still pull from the grid with the extra slots while your house runs on the battery? That way the car doesn’t touch the powerwall. The only caveat is you...
  49. Darreno

    Q3 collections, new owners tales and experiences

    What about an 'AB' badge for when you buy Acceleration Boost?
  50. Darreno

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Here you go sir. @Mr Miserable She is off to Israel.