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  1. maytaurustiger

    Model S&X Price Adjustments

    That's probably why they dropped it, but just wondering, do you think Tesla will sell another 100Kish car with more features now that they dropped their supposed more "luxury" models (X and S) to 80Kish or less?
  2. maytaurustiger

    Model S&X Price Adjustments

    I agree, there were many members here mentioning that it be great for Tesla to get it under 80K for the tax credit. Yeah thanks for the input, should've gotten a Porsche instead!
  3. maytaurustiger

    Model S&X Price Adjustments

    I agree!!! I'm really upset right now so I may be saying the wrong things (hope no one gets offended in any way) but I'm just very disappointed. Yeah, other people had it worse than me for sure. Those that bought like a MXP at 140K was already mad when it dropped to 110K and now more drop and...
  4. maytaurustiger

    Model S&X Price Adjustments

    I know!!! I was just on Reddit and saw someone posting about the price drops and my heart dropped with it. You're correct, I don't feel comfortable buying another Tesla because of how they keep dropping prices. I think I saw a post here or another forum that someone was trying to sell their new...
  5. maytaurustiger

    2023.20.9 update

    Hello, I got the 2023.20.9 update on 07/20/2023. Coincidentally, my driver side headlight stopped working properly around the same time frame so I'm wondering if anyone else is having issues with the daytime running light not turning on on one side after the update. In the morning when I'm...
  6. maytaurustiger

    Do I need to supercharge if traveling total of 182 miles both ways? (2023 MX)

    Thank you for the info! I'll try that to get an idea and will try to stay below 80 mph. Thanks!
  7. maytaurustiger

    Do I need to supercharge if traveling total of 182 miles both ways? (2023 MX)

    Kk thank you for the tip 🙏! I'll stop by in person tomorrow first thing in the morning to see what they say.
  8. maytaurustiger

    Do I need to supercharge if traveling total of 182 miles both ways? (2023 MX)

    Thank you again to everyone on TMF for helping me and giving me a peace of mind on my mini work trip. ❤️ Just sharing here, can you believe I have another issue lol. My left front headlight stopped working today 🤣😭. I've scheduled a mobile service already for next Wednesday so hopefully they...
  9. maytaurustiger

    Do I need to supercharge if traveling total of 182 miles both ways? (2023 MX)

    Thank you for the suggestion on voice command and for the info on charging time. I guess it's not as bad as I was expecting in terms of charging time and safety haha. Thank you again!
  10. maytaurustiger

    Do I need to supercharge if traveling total of 182 miles both ways? (2023 MX)

    Thank you so much for letting me know! When I get there, I'll evaluate if it's worth to put Sentry Mode on. Appreciate it! Thank you so much for the suggestions! I love the breakdown of everything and I appreciate you giving me a peace of mind that it should be fine.
  11. maytaurustiger

    Do I need to supercharge if traveling total of 182 miles both ways? (2023 MX)

    Thank you so much for letting me know! That's very useful since I'm so used to the regen brake feel and want to stick with what I'm more familiar with on longer rides. Thanks again! Thank you very much for the suggestion! Great idea! I will ask the resort when I get there to see if they have a...
  12. maytaurustiger

    Do I need to supercharge if traveling total of 182 miles both ways? (2023 MX)

    Thank you for the suggestion! Thank you for the heads up! Kk I'll do a quick charge if anything. Thank you for the advice! You're correct, TMC is the best! Everyone here is super knowledgeable and very helpful! I was dreading the mini trip but yeah it's a good learning experience. Thanks...
  13. maytaurustiger

    Do I need to supercharge if traveling total of 182 miles both ways? (2023 MX)

    Thank you sooo much for taking your time in answering all my inquiries! I will definitely keep all those in mind and thanks for the heads up on how braking works at 100%, super useful and important! Can't thank you enough! Thank you very much for the info and the suggestions! That's actually...
  14. maytaurustiger

    Do I need to supercharge if traveling total of 182 miles both ways? (2023 MX)

    Thank you for your input. I understand that there are superchargers nearby but I am just very afraid to be myself in a parking lot at an unfamiliar area perhaps at night too. That's my main concern. If I was with my hubby traveling then there's no issue at all. It'll be for work so I'm on my...
  15. maytaurustiger

    Do I need to supercharge if traveling total of 182 miles both ways? (2023 MX)

    Hello everyone, sorry if these are beginner questions because this will be the first time I'm going a bit far with an EV so I'm sort of nervous haha. I will be going somewhere total about 182 miles both ways (91 miles one way), and I'm trying to avoid needing to supercharge my car (2023 MX)...
  16. maytaurustiger

    Model X price cuts- yet again

    Yesterday when I checked my local inventory and I saw a new MX (not demo) for $88,800 (same specs as mines)! It was gone by the end of the day haha.
  17. maytaurustiger

    Falcon wing frozen? New delivery

    Hello, just wanted to follow-up to see if Tesla was able to fix your FWD issue(s). Hope all is well!
  18. maytaurustiger

    Falcon wing frozen? New delivery

    Congrats on your MX! Unfortunately, I don't think there's a way for someone to check just visually because I believe it's internal (inside the door). If your FWDs are working normally at the moment then I think it should be ok.
  19. maytaurustiger

    Model X price cuts- yet again

    Hope everyone's having a great weekend so far! I tried to steer this thread to a more positive vibe because I believe in balance. I do see both sides here and I do think we should all respect everyone's experiences and views, the bad AND the good experiences. I wouldn't want to get...
  20. maytaurustiger

    Will 2022 MX get Vision Park Assist?

    I believe the 2022 MX has USS Park Assist. There was an update for Vision Park Assist last week so if you don't have it already, you should try to check Software to see if you have any updates.
  21. maytaurustiger

    Model X price cuts- yet again

    Yeah that's why it's appreciated when members like you share your experiences. It is very dangerous to have a car stopped working even on regular streets with no speed! The way they handled your situation was bad so I'm glad everything's all good for you now, and you either already gotten rid of...
  22. maytaurustiger

    Model X price cuts- yet again

    Yeah it's very unfortunate and I'm grateful that the other members shared their experience so that others are aware. It's just crazy how everyone's experience with Tesla differs so much. You never know if you will be facing the good side or the worst side of Tesla. So far my experience has been...
  23. maytaurustiger

    HW on Current Inventory

    I bought my MX back on March 18th and have HW4 and the Phoenix radar (build date 02/01/2023) but no USS. The cameras have that red tint to it. Does the MXP you're looking at have USS?
  24. maytaurustiger

    I feel like competing automakers want to push business to Tesla

    Congrats on your new BMW i4! Glad to hear your MX buyback has been completed!
  25. maytaurustiger

    Model X price cuts- yet again

    ^I believe @holeydonut just posted today that his buyback has completed and the check cleared. Maybe you could try to connect with him to see how you can also get your buyback resolved.
  26. maytaurustiger

    One year with my 2022 Model X Plaid

    Beautiful MXP! Thanks for sharing!
  27. maytaurustiger

    Model X price cuts- yet again

    I think when you said trash, you meant your MX due to what happened to yours and similar to @rpo, correct?
  28. maytaurustiger

    Tesla Vision Updated

    Thanks for the info! Sorry I never got back to you @cstromme. I still haven't had the chance to try auto door open but I also read on Reddit someone tried but still not opening all the way with Vision.
  29. maytaurustiger

    10+ Reasons Why I Love My 2023 Model S vs. My 2022 Model Y Performance

    I have the 2023 MX and those are pretty much the same reasons why I got it over the MYP. If I were to get a sedan again, I'd definitely get a S. I love the way it looks and has a lot of range and really fast. I get all happy seeing pictures of it or in person haha.
  30. maytaurustiger

    Tesla Vision Updated

    Perhaps try to reboot if you see Parking Assist unavailable. I had that prompt when it finished installing but after rebooting, it worked. I drove to work and it was working fine for me.
  31. maytaurustiger

    Tesla Vision Updated

    Yeah I know what you mean, I'm sure I would've missed it too. Hopefully they will bring it back with an update or something 🤞. I also want Summon.
  32. maytaurustiger

    Tesla Vision Updated

    Unfortunately, no, I don't believe it did. I don't use the automatic door open feature so not sure if it makes a difference. I'll try tomorrow and let you know.
  33. maytaurustiger

    Tesla Vision Updated

    ^My Vision update has completed! Initially when the update was finished, it shows "Park Assist unavailable" but after rebooting, it works! First picture shows my German Shepard Dog in front of my car. The second picture is him right in front of it so it shows STOP. The third picture is without...
  34. maytaurustiger

    Tesla Vision Updated

    I just got the notification too! Currently installing it now. Sooo happy and excited because I've been waiting for Park Assist since I got the car in March haha. I have HW4 too so we shall see how good it is.
  35. maytaurustiger

    Tesla really needs to step up their SUV game (BMW iX impressions)

    Thanks for sharing regarding the MB GLS. Yeah it's unacceptable how Tesla treated you and your family and took so long and still not able to fix it! Hopefully they process the buyback of your car already or asap.
  36. maytaurustiger

    Tesla really needs to step up their SUV game (BMW iX impressions)

    I had bad experience with a BMW a long time ago so I never considered getting another one haha. I was interested after hearing a few people here talking about the iX. We know someone that just recently leased an iX and informed us that one of the doors in the back wouldn't lock and the dealer...
  37. maytaurustiger

    Tesla Delivery experience lacking in customer service

    From my own experience, I picked up my MX in March and I've had a good delivery experience overall (minus an issue with the left FWD; resolved already). The delivery team was aware of the issue and was very accommodating. We went in and everyone was greeting us and the delivery person comes out...
  38. maytaurustiger

    Plaid Front Motor Failure

    Model X Plaid - Rear left motor disabled - Vehicle shutting down ^It seems some people with MXP had similar or same issues too (not sure if it'll help).
  39. maytaurustiger

    Tesla really needs to step up their SUV game (BMW iX impressions)

    Thank you sooo much for the insights! I truly appreciate all the details! For now I'll just stick with my MX and we will see how other EVs improve in the near future haha.
  40. maytaurustiger

    Tesla really needs to step up their SUV game (BMW iX impressions)

    Nice! Please share your experience if you can. Thanks in advance!
  41. maytaurustiger

    Tesla really needs to step up their SUV game (BMW iX impressions)

    Please share your experience because I'm curious between MX vs iX now haha. Thanks in advance!
  42. maytaurustiger

    Tesla really needs to step up their SUV game (BMW iX impressions)

    When I was supposed to pick up my MX, it wasn't successful since there was something wrong with the left FWD so they were able to give me Uber credits to pick me up from my house to Tesla the next next day after they fixed it. Then a few days later, the left FWD still wasn't working so I brought...
  43. maytaurustiger

    Tesla really needs to step up their SUV game (BMW iX impressions)

    Sorry, I was wondering if anyone could please clarify what the difference is between Tesla and the BMW iX's Level 3 autonomous driving. The only thing I know is that the iX doesn't require hands on the steering wheel versus Tesla requiring it. Is it just comparing Tesla's Autopilot feature or...
  44. maytaurustiger

    Charging Door Opens Randomly

    This happened to me recently on 5/26 (at home) and one more time on 5/27 (at work), but it hasn't happened ever since. Coincidentally, on 5/26 when it first happened to me, I was on the freeway and saw a M3 that had the charging port opened. Not sure if it's a glitch in the system? How many...
  45. maytaurustiger

    Home WIFI not in range

    Initially, my home wifi wasn't able to reach my car so my hubby bought the eeros mesh wifi, which extends our wifi, so now my MX is able to connect to wifi for updates, etc.
  46. maytaurustiger

    Is Tesla trying to get minimize sales of X Long Range?

    I'm not sure but around my area (SoCal), my exact build (MX 5 seater white with black interior 20" wheels) is not available in inventory. I used to be able to see 1-3 of these but not recently. Either people are buying them or they're not making as much 5 seater. I had to get the 5 seater since...
  47. maytaurustiger

    My X was broken into without breaking the glass

    I just saw another post similar (or same?) on Reddit but the Reddit one says the trunk was opened instead of frunk. Hopefully it's not some glitch. Last Monday and Tuesday, my charging port was opened out of nowhere when I wake the car to get in. It only happened twice and it stopped so not sure...
  48. maytaurustiger

    Convince me to stay with a Model X

    Wow it's absolutely gorgeous!!! 😍 Great to hear about the quality too!
  49. maytaurustiger

    Convince me to stay with a Model X

    ^It seems @Yarecki is in the same situation, I believe.
  50. maytaurustiger

    Drivers and passenger door not opening fully

    Yeah that's what I was thinking too, I'm just going to be ok with the door not fully opening all the way right now in case it malfunctions one day and hits another car or something.