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2017.46 3387a54 is out

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I’ll take that bet. If “auto lane change resulting in freeway interchange automation, GPS nav following and taking exits.“ is not shipped as a public release by 31st Dec 2017, then you will tattoo “I am a Tesla fanboi” on your forehead.

Ok, no tattoos.

But something should be wagered.

Wearing a cheerleading uniform replete with pompoms might get you arrested or at least involuntarily evaluated (5150), so that’s probably out, plus you probably don’t have one handy.

Um... $100 to the charity of the winner’s choice? Boring, but fair and doable and a good cause.

Whaddaya say?
I'll do $100. Lemme rethink exactly what my claim is on this bet. Okay I'm gonna walk back the claim to simple auto lane change by Dec 31. That means if I tell the car "70 mph" as the speed I want to go, and somebody gets in my lane doing 50 - the car will automatically pass the slower vehicle when safe and resume the speed I want. I'll leave out GPS following and freeway interchanges.
Really? Chill and standard? Did someone actually request that feature? Let’s focus on the AP boys.

To be fair, the team that implemented this new set of functionality (and more stuff we haven't seen yet I'm sure) isn't the same team working on the neural net and the rest of the AP suite, so just because we're getting some new minor features doesn't mean it will affect the AP release schedule.

Same with other things like camper mode, easy entry/exit, homelink stuff, etc. Surely there are multiple software teams at Tesla working on different projects at the same time.
I'll do $100. Lemme rethink exactly what my claim is on this bet. Okay I'm gonna walk back the claim to simple auto lane change by Dec 31. That means if I tell the car "70 mph" as the speed I want to go, and somebody gets in my lane doing 50 - the car will automatically pass the slower vehicle when safe and resume the speed I want. I'll leave out GPS following and freeway interchanges.

You're brave - I'd be really surprised if they got this working by EOY, in order to do this they would need to activate a bunch more cameras to make sure the other lane is clear and they can go over there, which I think is a pretty big hurtle that hasn't been cleared yet.
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You're brave - I'd be really surprised if they got this working by EOY, in order to do this they would need to activate a bunch more cameras to make sure the other lane is clear and they can go over there, which I think is a pretty big hurtle that hasn't been cleared yet.
Well I gotta do something to generate some suspense for myself. Also I'm basing this on on a few trends with Tesla and Musk: 1 - Musk likes to at least make symbolic deadlines (delivering a few hand built cars by a stated deadline). 2 - Dec 31 will be a full year late on the FSD claim - seems like squeaking in at least one feature by EOY will help him symbolically. 3 - I don't make any claim as to how well this feature will work. 4 - it may come with a bunch of disclaimers saying "You better watch your ass while it makes these auto lane changes because they are still very glitchy." 5 - The recent speech by whats-his-face at the owner event in Europe said we'd be pleased with AP progress in the coming weeks and I believe he even mentioned the current quarter. So hopefully that was a tease of a feature to drop in 2017.
Well I gotta do something to generate some suspense for myself. Also I'm basing this on on a few trends with Tesla and Musk: 1 - Musk likes to at least make symbolic deadlines (delivering a few hand built cars by a stated deadline). 2 - Dec 31 will be a full year late on the FSD claim - seems like squeaking in at least one feature by EOY will help him symbolically. 3 - I don't make any claim as to how well this feature will work. 4 - it may come with a bunch of disclaimers saying "You better watch your ass while it makes these auto lane changes because they are still very glitchy." 5 - The recent speech by whats-his-face at the owner event in Europe said we'd be pleased with AP progress in the coming weeks and I believe he even mentioned the current quarter. So hopefully that was a tease of a feature to drop in 2017.

Don't get me wrong I'd love for you to be right.

My personal opinion is that the "pleased with progress in current quarter" was the release of the neural net in 42 (or maybe 44, I don't remember) which sounds like it came with a drastic improvement in overall road handling. I'm personally still skeptical regarding whether we'll see any new AP "features" this year, aside from general improvements to current functionality.
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Evidently there are people who use the throttle in a binary fashion, step-on, step-off. I guess chill mode would be useful for that style of driving.

Yep... I know people that do this, with my mom being one of them. In a vehicle that goes to full regen anytime you let off the accelerator, it will quickly make people sick. An ICE smooths out the power spikes caused by doing this, but even then, it's terrible for gas mileage and not a pleasant ride.
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You're brave - I'd be really surprised if they got this working by EOY, in order to do this they would need to activate a bunch more cameras to make sure the other lane is clear and they can go over there, which I think is a pretty big hurtle that hasn't been cleared yet.

On the other hand, it’s the next logical step. It’s already very good at keeping in the lane comfortably and changing lanes(via signal) safely and comfortably. The only way left to improve is to start navigating. And the simplest baby step towards that is figuring out when it should change lanes to try to maintain a speed.

Although I will say, there’s one other non-behavioral feature that would be a smaller step towards this: displaying cars in other lanes on the dash.
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@EinSV, the way you present EAP and FSD is not the same way as Tesla does. Of course, one could feel it is ethical to market "car has the hardware for self driving" without being clear on "the software is not ready, and will not be until 2020". But I guess you would not sell your car to a friend without telling the last part?
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There are more than one way to look at things. Yours is not the only point of view. In fact, it's pretty clear that your perspective is a small minority.

...the consensus is that ...

With AP2, virtually everyone except a very vocal minority ... The vast majority... -- most owners --

... the vast majority of ... etc.

Look, you seem pretty good at getting a pulse on things it seems, you should sell your services to TV network for the next election :)

The only thing I know is that I’m not getting what we paid for for now. Far from it. The rest is spinning, positive or negative.
I got the update last night and now have zero autopilot or cruise function. It’s not showing cars or lines on the display either. I wonder if it is recalibrating autopilot? It’s turned on in settings. Anyone with the same problem?
That typically means ap computer crashed three times in a row and needs to be powered off

Go to the car settings /poweroff, press the poweroff and wait 2 minutes (you may hear a loud fan from general vicinity of glove compartment if you have ap2 (turning on and quickly off), no idea if there are any sounds in ap2.5) with all screens off. then press the brake pedal and see if it helped.
The easy entry/exit implementation feels like a hack - basically automating what some drivers had already done - creating an "easy exit" profile. The only real improvement with the new feature is automatically switching to/from the exit profile when going into/out of park.

We have two profiles stored in the car. My wife's seat settings are quite different from mine - and would likely prefer a different easy entry/exit setting than what I use.

There should be different easy exit settings - for each stored driver profile.
There are more than one way to look at things. Yours is not the only point of view. In fact, it's pretty clear that your perspective is a small minority.

AP1 was not activated for a full year. After it was activated, the forums were filled with fearmongering and complaints about its initial performance. Fast forward a couple years, the kinks have been worked out and the consensus is that AP1 is fantastic.

So fantastic that according to TMC members who have looked into it, used car buyers are paying 2-4 times more for AP1 now than they did new ($5-$10K) compared to similarly equipped cars without AP. How much Premium would you Pay for AP1?

This is unheard of. Options virtually always depreciate, usually significantly. In fact, I have never even heard of an option that appreciates at all (except perhaps in classic or antique cars), much less one that appreciates 100-300%. This is the market speaking loudly, and it is saying AP1 is awesome and buyers who were able to get it for $2500-$3000 got an incredible deal, even if it doesn't have every capability that was initially hoped for.

With AP2, virtually everyone except a very vocal minority seems to recognize that it is improving at a very rapid pace, after a rocky start. The vast majority of posters also seem to enjoy using it, except that same vocal minority. People have every right to complain about features that do not exist yet. At the same time, people who enjoy their AP2 cars -- most owners -- are entitled to their perspective.

Personally, I love my AP1 car, but I can't wait to order an AP2 Model 3. I will also be ordering FSD, and look forward to having the opportunity to use it from the activation of the first FSD features, even when it is not close to self-driving. I think it will be a blast -- a once in a lifetime experience.

So it is a matter of perspective. I personally think that the people you call "fanbois" and "cheerleaders" are the vast majority of customers who realize they have remarkable feature, and enjoy using it. You choose to dwell on the shortcomings. That's your perogative.

But repeatedly insulting the vast majority of owners who have a different perspective from you is way out of line IMO. Feel free to continue complaining about AP all you like, but the constant insults and personal attacks at people who are enjoying what are clearly the best systems on the market (AP1 and AP2) is getting old.

This won't be short. If you have a short attention span or football to watch, skip to the last paragraph about what we actually agree upon.

Here we go:

Creating an almost completely false narrative and then railing against that would have made you a lot of money in politics these past couple of years.

Along with your other false claims, you falsely claim that I don't like AP1 *and* AP2, and yet conveniently ignore:

1. I have repeated noted that TACC is worth the price of the car. Autosteer, on the other hand, whether AP1 and especially with AP2 is not yet ready for prime time - and I'm being kind. See, if you had AP2, which you admit you do not (yet still are compulsively compelled to comment anyway), you could count the number of disengagements during a 10-minute trip on, say, Sepulveda Blvd through Los Angeles. Or any other non-highway road in an urban area.

2. I have repeatedly advocated that unless and until AP2 improves to at least meet, in part, the functionality shared in the 12/2016 video, the best bridge car for the next couple of years would be an AP1 car, ideally RWD for the full frunk instead of the microfrunk.

3. In fact, I am actively looking for an AP1 car similar to my last one to replace my AP2 car.

That's hardly railing against all of AP as you incorrectly yet conveniently assert in order to attempt to support your screed.

What I especially dislike about people that don't know what they're talking about and yet still misrepresent the current state of, for example, AP2, is that it misinforms new owners and does a disservice to the company. As a shareholder who is long TSLA - with plans to buy yet a THIRD Tesla (which will be an AP1 car to replace the current AP2 car) I find deliberately spun (and poorly at that) posts like yours particularly objectionable.

Let's be clear: AP2 is IN NO WAY at the level we were promised in 12/2016, 3/2017, 6/2017, or even today. Save the SINGLE use case that I've described multiple times in which AP2 is superior to AP1, AP2 is a colossal disappointment. Second only, perhaps, to the myopic fanbois who insist upon commenting without direct knowledge nor experience with AP2.

Others in the thread have already gently pointed out to you - oh, and as AP2 owners - that it has not met expectations. To which, in part, you reply:

Fair enough. My guess is that a year or two from now — as AP2 continues to improve — many people in your shoes will feel differently. That certainly seems to be the case with AP1.

Ya think? With just another "year or two" of development, eh? Gosh golly geewhillickers, Batman - I sure hope so, because the competition ain't sitting on their hands. It's worth noting that senior management has again touted the future functionality *that they already have in dev releases of the firmware*. Surely you are not suggesting it will take another TWO YEARS to deliver that to existing owners. Oh, my.

Yeah... thanks for playing. Not your best work.

Oh, and later in the thread after being gently called out for your entire post missing the mark (see below) your fallback is that you don't like nastiness? Really? After your screed? Wow. You're the one who poked your nose into my proposed bet post with calisnow, which I will get to shortly. How about this - don't act like a fanboi, and people won't suggest that you are a fanboi.

What's going on here? You realise that the line of discussion you quoted is in reference to this?

AP2 performance increase by 10/31 - or "Pwned by Mobileye" inked on my buttocks

Yes. But it is also in the context of a long string of personal attacks on the "liars," "fanbois," "cheerleaders," etc. who dare to disagree with his point of view on AP. You don't have to be a "liar" or "fanboi" to enjoy AP2 or to acknowledge what should be obvious -- that it is improving at a rapid pace.

You can have an honest difference of opinion or perspective without so much nastiness.

Yeah... about that honest part... opinion and perspective are poor substitutes for direct experience with both AP1 and AP2. Might want to reupholster that armchair. Oh, and, "improving at a rapid pace"? Compared to what - Gary the Snail? Perhaps you meant compared to AP1... um, nope. "Rapid pace". Bwahahahahahahahahahaha.

The ONLY thing upon which we agree is that we both love/loved our AP1 cars. I'd suggest you keep yours a wee bit longer. When AP2 catches up to the claims made in Amsterdam recently, not to mention the video disclosed A YEAR AGO and the forecasts from THREE YEARS AGO (stop sign and traffic light reaction from the 10/2014 event), then reality will match "opinion", "perspective", and wishful thinking. Which is when I will buy my FOURTH Tesla, thankyouverymuch.
@EinSV, the way you present EAP and FSD is not the same way as Tesla does. Of course, one could feel it is ethical to market "car has the hardware for self driving" without being clear on "the software is not ready, and will not be until 2020". But I guess you would not sell your car to a friend without telling the last part?

Good catch. And very well put.


Look, you seem pretty good at getting a pulse on things it seems, you should sell your services to TV network for the next election :)

The only thing I know is that I’m not getting what we paid for for now. Far from it. The rest is spinning, positive or negative.

Well and succinctly said. Definitely a career in faux populist politics for that level of spin. Does "many people say" sound familiar? LOL.

Of course, when people who haven't invested in AP2 then feel compelled to support it as just fine and dandy, you've got to consider the source.
I doubt coast to coast happens this year. Tesla got plenty of buzz on the announcements of the semi and roadster last night. This buys them time. I do expect we will see at least one functionality increase by Dec 31 though - auto lane change resulting in freeway interchange automation, GPS nav following and taking exits.

Exhibit A above.

I'll do $100. Lemme rethink exactly what my claim is on this bet. Okay I'm gonna walk back the claim to simple auto lane change by Dec 31. That means if I tell the car "70 mph" as the speed I want to go, and somebody gets in my lane doing 50 - the car will automatically pass the slower vehicle when safe and resume the speed I want. I'll leave out GPS following and freeway interchanges.

Exhibit B above.

Yeah he does realize that - but his point is still well taken and appreciated. Also I took the bet...

No, actually you did not take the bet. You made a statement with 3 elements, received a bet for those 3 elements, retracted 2 of the 3 elements, offered to take exactly one-third or 33% of the bet, and *then* claimed to have taken the bet. For a few posts, anyway (see below), before applying what we in the business affectionately refer to as "weasel words".

Sounds like an opportunity to get a pool going. Winners decide on which charity the proceeds go to.

This is a great idea. It's holiday season and charities are going to need all the help they can get. Whether $10 or $100 (or more, or less, or a donation of time/volunteering), I hope people choose to participate. Win or lose, this could turn into something (every year at this rate), and paying up is so easy now - just point and click.

Well I gotta do something to generate some suspense for myself. Also I'm basing this on on a few trends with Tesla and Musk: 1 - Musk likes to at least make symbolic deadlines (delivering a few hand built cars by a stated deadline). 2 - Dec 31 will be a full year late on the FSD claim - seems like squeaking in at least one feature by EOY will help him symbolically. 3 - I don't make any claim as to how well this feature will work. 4 - it may come with a bunch of disclaimers saying "You better watch your ass while it makes these auto lane changes because they are still very glitchy." 5 - The recent speech by whats-his-face at the owner event in Europe said we'd be pleased with AP progress in the coming weeks and I believe he even mentioned the current quarter. So hopefully that was a tease of a feature to drop in 2017.

Allllllllrighty then. In the space of a single thread, we have a statement with 3 parts, a bet for those 3 parts, a retrenchment to 1 part put forth as acceptance of the whole bet (not), and then the icing on the cake - all the ways he can win without delivering even the 1 part without a bunch of caveats (see disclaimers). They're gonna revoke yer TFC card if you keep that up.

Look. If this was for real money (or a real tattoo), I'd counter with $33 instead of $100 - and even that's generous, given the gutting of the terms.

However, I will still take the bet at the full price because whether 1 part or 3 parts, it ain't happening by 12/31. I'm sure if it was for a real tattoo, you'd feel likewise. I'd be up for the tattoo thing, but have been informed that it would have a significantly deleterious effect upon domestic harmony. Soooooo... no tattoos for me.

So I accept your counter-bet for the ONE part - auto lane changes to get around a slower vehicle directly in front in the same lane for the full $100 to the charity of the winner's choice. HOWEVER - it must do this. No wiggle room or weaselry - it either works or it does not. Fair enough?

The funny part is I do hope you're right. However, here's my counter-perspective: They've got more than enough things about which to worry with less than 6 full weeks to go in the year. Like year-end numbers. Anyway, may the best man win.