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2021 Shipping Movements

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The latest San Francisco Port Schedule has been published but doesn't tell us anything we didn't know already.
Sry, @Mr Miserable, but is it real? The list is from last week and it still has SUMMIT on it, for example, which wasn't even at Pier80. :rolleyes:

The distribution of ships in Q2 from SFO is 5x Asia and 2x Europe. Therefore, I hope that the next two, CHORUS and CENTURY will sail towards Europe.

Sry, @Mr Miserable, but is it real? The list is from last week and it still has SUMMIT on it, for example, which wasn't even at Pier80. :rolleyes:

The distribution of ships in Q2 from SFO is 5x Asia and 2x Europe. Therefore, I hope that the next two, CHORUS and CENTURY will sail towards Europe.

GLOVIS SUMMIT was at Pier 80. Scroll back on this thread and you will find she was alongside last weekend.

I have already explained that I have found no evidence to suggest GLOVIS CHORUS will be heading for Europe. GLOVIS CENTURY is trickier - as I have explained before, the evidence would suggest that although she will be heading to Europe during May it will not be from Pier 80 on this forthcoming visit.
GLOVIS COSMOS passed through the Mona Passage last night and has now entered the Atlantic Ocean.
It’s a little early to say for definite but it looks very much like she has taken up a great circle course (the blue line) to the English Channel.
The weather in the Atlantic is looking fine for the next 6 days but then it shows signs of breaking down, nothing dramatic though
Her ETA at Zeebrugge is 9 May.

GL COSMOS Atlantic Prog.png

LAKE FUXIAN is still alongside Pier 80 and I’m informed that she is still planning to depart this evening, possibly around 6pm (local)
My ETA for her arrival in Zeebrugge is around 22 May.

GLOVIS CHORUS has left Vancouver and is heading for Pier 80. She will arrive tomorrow afternoon (local).
I don’t know her destination but I have seen no indications that it could be Europe.

GLORIOUS LEADER This ship is carrying Model 3’s to the UK from China.
She is presently in the Mediterranean about 20 NM NE of Algiers making around 16 kts.
The Southampton Port Schedule confirms her arrival in Southampton early on 5 May and has allocated a berth in the Western Docks.

GL LDR Med.png

RCC AFRICA is carrying LHD Model 3's to Israel and EU from Shanghai .
An AIS signal was received briefly this morning by a ground station as she entered the Gulf of Suez and a signal was received via satellite a couple of hours ago confirming her position. One can only assume that whatever was blocking the signal has now been removed in preparation for her canal transit.
She is due to arrive off Suez this evening.
She is due at Ashdod on 2 May. I expect her to arrive in Zeebrugge around 13 May at the earliest.

GLOVIS CORONA has now left Singapore and is now heading for Sri Lanka. She is no longer of interest and is off the watch list.

GLOVIS SUN is enroute to Zeebrugge and possibly Southampton too. She is currently just NW of Taiwan and making 15 kts enroute to her first stop in Singapore to refuel.
I estimate she will arrive in Zeebrugge around 29 May and Southampton possibly around 31 May.

GL SUN S China Sea.png

PRIME ACE is on the watch list. She is also on her way to Singapore and will arrive there about 5 hours behind GLOVIS SUN.
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GLOVIS COSMOS is indeed following a great circle course (the shortest distance) across the Atlantic.
If you want to know about great circle and rhumb line courses - CLICK HERE
The weather forecast for her voyage has improved and she looks like she will enjoy a smooth crossing.
Her ETA in Zeebrugge is 9 May.

GL COSMOS Atlantic Prog.png

LAKE FUXIAN’s departure was delayed yesterday and she has only now finally departed. Her AIS has been updated and it confirms her destination is the Panama Canal with an ETA of the evening of 8 May. This will be a fast voyage!
There is a strong N’ly wind blowing down the Pacific coast at the moment and it will make the seas a little choppy for LAKE FUXION’s first couple of days at sea.
My revised ETA for her arrival in Zeebrugge is around 21 May.
The LAKE FUXIAN competition will open later today!

Lake Fuxion Pacific.png

GLOVIS CHORUS has spent the last couple of days racing down the Pacific coast from Canada to Pier 80 and is due to arrive alongside later this afternoon (local).
I still don’t know her destination but I don’t think it will be to Europe.

GLORIOUS LEADER This ship is carrying Model 3’s to the UK from China.
She is presently approaching the busy Straits of Gibraltar at 16kts. At the narrowest the Strait is just 7 miles wide and there is a traffic separation scheme in force there whereby traffic exiting the Med must keep on the north side and traffic entering must stay on the south side.
The only challenge she has is that she is approaching the one-way system from the south and she needs to be on the north side and so she will have cross the stream of opposite direction traffic to get there. Fortunately there are plenty of gaps but the sooner she does the manoeuvre the easier it will be. She is not alone - there is a bunch of them that need to cross. The Straits of Gibraltar can be an interesting spectator sport! I have no weather concerns for her at the moment.
The Southampton Port Schedule confirms her arrival in Southampton early on 5 May and has allocated a berth in the Western Docks.

GL LDR Med.png

RCC AFRICA is carrying LHD Model 3's to Israel and EU from Shanghai .
She will shortly complete her transit of the Suez Canal.
She is due to arrive at Ashdod, Israel tomorrow .
I expect her to arrive in Zeebrugge around 13 May at the earliest.

Screenshot 2021-05-01 at 12.05.55.png

GLOVIS SUN is making good progress and is now established in the South China Sea.
The weather looks fine for her at present.
I have revised my estimate for her arrival in Zeebrugge to around 28 May and Southampton possibly around 31 May.
GL SUN S China Sea.png

PRIME ACE is on the watch list. She is also on her way to Singapore and will arrive there about 5 hours behind GLOVIS SUN.
With LAKE FUXION finally on her way to Zeebrugge, it must be time for the:

LAKE FUXION competition!

For those who are new here, I do these fun competitions for every ship on the Pier 80 -Zeebrugge run. The idea is to see if you can guess, using your skill and judgement, where the ship will be at the designated time in the future. There is no prize, it's just a bit of fun. You can scroll back in this thread to see previous competitions and results.

All you have to do is decide where LAKE FUXION will be at Midday UTC on 14 May 2021. She should be in the Atlantic Ocean and I have divided the area into squares. Choose a square (preferably a blue one). Each of those big squares is subdivided into 25 smaller ones and you have to choose one. Click HERE to enter - it's free and easy to enter using your forum username only.

Only one entry per person.
The competition will close as soon as LAKE FUXION enters the Panama Canal.
There is no prize!
The winner will be the person who chooses the closest small square first.

Just CLICK HERE and give it a go! Simple!

The big squares
Atlantic Major Squares.png

The minor squares
Minor Squares.png

LAKE FUXION Competition is the link
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do You know when is the departure time from Ashdod? and did they deliver 1503 SR+ to Ashdod? Did I get you right?
At the rate they are unloading, I wont be surprised if they ship tomorrow, and thats correct, 1503 Tesla's get unloaded this ship (there is another fairly large shipment from USA coming as well) with the only two (and first) shipment tesla did this year, they already became the most popular EV in Israel this year. I expect the numbers to continue to grow until the end of the year
Btw congratulations for the first M3´s directly delivered to Israel from Shanghai 😀
yes indeed, google trends did show a lot of interest of people from Israel searching for it ;)
GLOVIS COSMOS is making excellent progress across the Atlantic at around 17kts.
It looks like she will enjoy a smooth crossing.
Her ETA in Zeebrugge is 9 May.

GL COSMOS Atlantic Prog.png

LAKE FUXIAN is making steady progress down the Pacific coast despite some choppy seas that may be restricting her speed.
She will encounter smoother seas as she heads further south and should be able to speed up as a consequence.
My ETA for her arrival in Zeebrugge is around 21 May.

The LAKE FUXIAN competition is now open - CLICK HERE to enter!

Lake Fuxion Pacific.png

GLOVIS CHORUS Strange one this. She arrived yesterday afternoon (local) after racing down the Pacific coast from Canada and then went and took up an anchorage in SF Bay. The plan is that she will move alongside Pier 80 at about 6am local time today. I think it will be because her charter doesn’t actually commence until today - but that is just a guess.
I still don’t know her destination but I don’t think it will be to Europe.

GLORIOUS LEADER This ship is carrying Model 3’s to the UK from China.
She passed through the Straits of Gibraltar yesterday and is presently heading north along the Portuguese coast about 50NM SW of Lisbon.
The Southampton Port Schedule confirms her arrival in Southampton early on 5 May and has allocated a berth in the Western Docks.

GL LDR Med.png

RCC AFRICA is carrying LHD Model 3's to Israel and EU from Shanghai .
As can be seen from the excellent photos from Ashdod above (Big thanks to @ohadlevy for posting them), she is quickly unloading 1500 SR+ there.
She will soon be back at sea enroute to Zeebrugge and on that basis I will revise my ETA for her to arrive in Zeebrugge to 11 May.
In any case we shall soon find out when she departs.

GLOVIS SUN is making steady progress in the South China Sea maintaining just under 16 kts.
The weather looks fine for her at present.
My ETA for her in Zeebrugge is 28 May and Southampton around 31 May.

GL SUN S China Sea.png

PRIME ACE is on the watch list. She is also on her way to Singapore and will arrive there about 5 hours behind GLOVIS SUN.
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At the rate they are unloading, I wont be surprised if they ship tomorrow, and thats correct, 1503 Tesla's get unloaded this ship (there is another fairly large shipment from USA coming as well) with the only two (and first) shipment tesla did this year, they already became the most popular EV in Israel this year. I expect the numbers to continue to grow until the end of the year

yes indeed, google trends did show a lot of interest of people from Israel searching for it ;)
As a matter of interest, what is the cost of an SR+ in Israel?
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