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  1. N

    2024 Shipping Movements

    For me, these two pieces of information confirm that the TOREADOR also has a Model 3 for the EU. These will be unloaded in Zeebrugge on July 17th ... 👍
  2. N

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Sehr mysteriös, das Schiff wird auch als Frachtschiff geführt ... 🤔 Es ist eine neue Carrier (2024) und vielleicht scheint es ihre erste große Reise zu sein.
  3. N

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Should be this one ...
  4. N

    2024 Shipping Movements

    If you get the VIN, please tell us here. Then we can see where the car was produced ... :)
  5. N

    2024 Shipping Movements

    @Mr Miserable, what do you think ... fault by delivery service, new colour from SHG or first RHD-cars from the Giga Berlin ... 🤔
  6. N

    2024 Shipping Movements

    I think, there´s a batch on MORNING LADY, cause its just a few hours from Zeebrugge to the NL. The week is from 18.-23.03. and MORNING LADY arrives at 18.03. ... 🤔
  7. N

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Do you know the pier, where she has load in SHG, North or South ... 🤔
  8. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Has @Mr Miserable quit "the job" ... 🤔
  9. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    MORNING CHAMPION will arrive in Zeebrugge 31.12., for that it is next ship.
  10. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    possibly last week December
  11. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Last WuWa-video showed some digger at the pier. Maybe thats the reason, why GRANDE DAKAR stops there ... 🤔
  12. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    First ship for Koper is ASIAN CAPTAIN, ETA 22.10. ... 🤔
  13. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I´m not Mr. M, but it looks like theres no Model 3 Highland for GB in Q4 :( Perhaps in the early Q1/25, there is a chance ... just my 2
  14. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Dont think so. Has this shipping company ever transported Tesla ... 🤔
  15. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

  16. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    KoperSchedule says she will arrive in the evening of 05. August ...
  17. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Hello @Mr Miserable it looks like one of the 2 GLOVIS-Liners shipping for Tesla. Heard about an unconfirmed arrival 04. August in Koper. Therefore I think its the COURAGE ... Greets :)
  18. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Last Model Y LHD from SHG stands on Crystal RAY and HOEGH TRIDENT (VIN starts with LRW). After that all others come from Giga Berlin (VIN starts with XP7). Just Model Y RHD for GB and Ireland will delivered from SHG in Q3 ... Greets
  19. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    By @Mr Miserable ... "HOEGH TRIDENT arrives with confirmed MY onboard ..." and by me ... "and also Model 3 ..." :) ... got this last evening by a member ... Greets
  20. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Hello @sahing, VIN begins with "LRW" is Shanghai, VIN begins with "XP7" is Berlin-Brandenburg ... Greets
  21. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    This ship is a "Line-Ship" and this are her next stops ...
  22. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    May be this helps ... She is loading at SHG South actually ... Greets
  23. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    MORNING CINDY is next looser ... :(
  24. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    May be GRANDE HOUSTON has just a few Model 3 for the new turkish market on board. Next stop behind Suez is Izmir ... Greets 🤔
  25. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Nothing is impossible ... 450 Teslas for Sweden ... Greets "Tom Sawyer" left the port of Zeebrugge through the sea lock on Tuesday night. On Thursday, the ship passed the Kiel Canal. For the transport, the ferry is not used by TT Line itself, according to KN information. The "Tom Sawyer" is to...
  26. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    The "my cargo" is only for HOEGH-ships ... Greets
  27. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Its a german owner, but if u have a VIN, try it at the Hoegh-Site ... Greets https://www.hoeghautoliners.com/my-cargo
  28. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

  29. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    The info comes from a member of the German TFF forum. He apparently has a special facility on the HOEGH ships to track their cargo.
  30. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    HÖEGH OSAKA ... no RHD ... Total: 1424 Model S: 760 (vins von 497000 - 506000) davon Plaid: 124(Linkslenker: 124, Rechtslenker: 0) davon LR: 636(Linkslenker: 636, Rechtslenker: 0) Model X: 664 (vins von 382000 - 390000) davon Plaid: 318(Linkslenker: 318, Rechtslenker: 0) davon LR...
  31. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Think, the time for "last-minute-delivery-ships" is over in 2023 and thats ok. Cause the delivery-center are overloaded with cars in the last week of a quarter. Greets
  32. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    If u can take a look in the shipping-list of Ashdod, that would be helpful, The list is blocked for visitors since half a year. :confused: Ur ship should arrive end of month ... Greets
  33. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Seems at this time, that LAKE KIVU has switched to Koper ... 🤔
  34. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Exactly this ... :)
  35. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Last ship to Koper in Q4 was THEMIS, load 24h in SHG North, left 27.11. and arrived in Koper 24.12. ... Greets :)
  36. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Perhaps a small batch for the Tesla start of sale in Thailand? 🤔
  37. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Theres the HOEGH TRAPPER, which shipped over Piräus (12.02.) to Zeebrugge. If you get a VIN, try out the HOEGH-VIN-Tracker ... Greets
  38. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Hello @Mr Miserable, SEA HELLINIS confirmed as supplier by Tesla Service. Do you have a destination port ready? Greetings from German Tesla-Forum :)
  39. N

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Just got a info for a VIN from HOEGH ASIA yesterday ... Greets from German TFF-Forum :)
  40. N

    2022 Shipping Movements

    I know, but if he read this, perhaps he can tell it to @Frizzy or to the "map-master" ...
  41. N

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Info to @Mr Miserable and @Frizzy ... The shiptracking map should be updated urgently, as it is hardly informative at present. Please remove Tokyo Car, G Poseidon, MSC Immacolata and Glovis Sun from the map. These ships are no longer underway for Tesla ... Greetings from Germany :)
  42. N

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Hello, THRUXTON is definitely wrong. Actually she is at anchor in Koper and she hasn´t load in SHG when she starts the tour from Asia ... Greets from German Tesla-Forum ... :)
  43. N

    2022 Shipping Movements

    **My guess** is that WuWa filmed the HALIFAX towards the end of the loading. The RHDs are for the island, but not for GB. Now she picks up another load of another brand at the north pier and then the foreign vehicles will leave Zeebrugge together with the Tesla RHDs on another ship to Ireland.
  44. N

    2022 Shipping Movements

    GRANDE ABIDJAN to Southampton, 16.11., with or without any Teslas on Board ? 🤔 Maybe some Polestars or BYDs ... ?
  45. N

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Today the VINs were distributed by HOEGH TRADER for buyers in Germany. Then all VINs from the ships currently underway should have been distributed. Greets from german TFF-Forum :)
  46. N

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Thats the starting-point of her next Tour ... the actual Tour is no more listed.
  47. N

    2022 Shipping Movements

    absolute correct ... 👍
  48. N

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Hello, we in the German Tesla forum got the info, that the Grimaldi ship GRANDE ABIDJAN is a Charter for this tour. That is why she does not appear in the Grimaldi list. Therefore, there are only 2 possibilities for me: Either a Tesla charter including plenty of spare parts by container for...
  49. N

    2022 Shipping Movements

    First batch of Model S + X for Europe ?
  50. N

    2022 Shipping Movements

    She stayed at 2 piers in the North of SHG, Taicang and the ICO-Pier of SHG. At both places Teslas had been loaded in the past ... Greets from German TFF