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Air Suspension error - EAS_w007

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I’m unfortunately dealing with the same issue again. First thing you should do is check for leaks at the valve block as well as the reserve tank connections. If you have no leaks then most likely it’s the internals of the valve block itself. I literally just placed an order for a new valve block myself.
At least your compressor hasn’t died/seized because of it overheating.
i already checked valve block and it should be all good, I manually pushed the pressure into the air moss and the moss rose, then I found that there might be little pressure in the circulation. I pushed 8 bar into the air tank. after pushing the pressure the usa lifted my car by 4 cm. But the car is still uneven. I have a height of 17 cm in the back and 13.5 cm in the front. The compressor turns on whenever I "start" the engine for about 30 seconds, then it turns off and gives me the error eas_w007, and then I can no longer control the air suspension. do you think the compressor is already weak and needs to be replaced? So far, I've only replaced the K11 relay and pushed the pressure into the air canister. Is it okay to have 8 bars there? Is it necessary to push more or less air? I didn't notice the air leak anywhere, I just have a slight air leak when I play with the chassis up and down so the pressure drops slowly. And if I think so correctly, the compressor should maintain the right pressure. How could I level the chassis? run all the pressure out and pressurize again?
Could be the pressure sensor inside the valve block being faulty and continually telling the compressor to run. That’s why you hear the whooosh sound. You confirmed no leaks to the tanks is filled just fine. 8bar is nothing for the tank. Goes higher when fully filled.
Unless you have two failing height sensors, the block is the likely suspect IMO, but that’s just my opinion. Try disconnecting the 12V to truly reset everything, including the suspension ECU.
Hi, I have a Tesla model with 85 2013, I have a similar problem, the air supply unit is not stopping and still trying to pressurize the air. if I understand correctly, there is a mistake. It doesn't let the air through anywhere, it pressures most people and then it stops after a while and makes a woosh. It keeps pushing and trying to get air. after a few hours, the air supply unit is really hot. I came thanks to this forum that I can disconnect the fuse K11, I tried to replace it with k15 but the problem was still the same, he can't lift my chassis. the front of the car is lowered like a ferrari and the rear of the car is at normal height. I'm trying to find where the error might be, yesterday morning I received an update to the software with the fact that it is necessary to replace the 12V battery, otherwise the update will not be completed. can the battery with this error also affect the air supply unit or is the error somewhere else such as air suspension? For example, how can this error be reset via diagnostics? eas_w007 writes me an error. would you know how to help me? the car is more or less immobile and the service is quite far.

i already checked valve block and it should be all good, I manually pushed the pressure into the air moss and the moss rose, then I found that there might be little pressure in the circulation. I pushed 8 bar into the air tank. after pushing the pressure the usa lifted my car by 4 cm. But the car is still uneven. I have a height of 17 cm in the back and 13.5 cm in the front. The compressor turns on whenever I "start" the engine for about 30 seconds, then it turns off and gives me the error eas_w007, and then I can no longer control the air suspension. do you think the compressor is already weak and needs to be replaced? So far, I've only replaced the K11 relay and pushed the pressure into the air canister. Is it okay to have 8 bars there? Is it necessary to push more or less air? I didn't notice the air leak anywhere, I just have a slight air leak when I play with the chassis up and down so the pressure drops slowly. And if I think so correctly, the compressor should maintain the right pressure. How could I level the chassis? run all the pressure out and pressurize again?

If your pump is running for so long and nothing happens it can be worn out. Piston seals can be fried. First make sure that the pump is 100% and can provide enough pressure/volume.

The pump also works when reservoir is full and the car wants to raise or lower itself. The reservoir isn't connected directly to the solenoid valve block so you cannot adjust height when filling the reservoir manually unless the pump is running. You don't have to fill the reservoir, SAS will do this automatically if needed.

Air reservoir pressure is not constant since it uses this as a buffer, it also regenerates air pressure into the reservoir when lowering itself.

How you control the height of the car while the system gives you an error? Do you have diagnostic software or are you manually powering the solenoid valve block?

Did you change anything on the car before this problem happens? Installed lowering links or replaced some suspension components?
Ak vaša pumpa beží tak dlho a nič sa nedeje, môže sa opotrebovať. Tesnenia piestu môžu byť vyprážané. Najprv sa uistite, že čerpadlo je 100% a môže poskytnúť dostatočný tlak/objem.

Čerpadlo funguje aj vtedy, keď je nádrž plná a auto sa chce zdvihnúť alebo spustiť. Zásobník nie je pripojený priamo k bloku solenoidového ventilu, takže pri ručnom plnení zásobníka nemôžete nastaviť výšku, pokiaľ čerpadlo nebeží. Nádržku nemusíte napĺňať, SAS to v prípade potreby urobí automaticky.

Tlak vzduchojemu nie je konštantný, pretože ho používa ako nárazník, ale regeneruje tlak vzduchu do vzduchojemu aj pri samotnom spúšťaní.

Ako ovládate výšku auta, kým vám systém vypíše chybu? Máte diagnostický softvér alebo manuálne napájate blok solenoidového ventilu?

Menili ste niečo na aute predtým, ako sa tento problém objavil? Nainštalovali ste spodné tiahla alebo vymenili niektoré komponenty zavesenia?
Ďakujem za Vašu odpoveď. Takže v rámci pokusu o opravu Tesly som išiel do neautorizovaného servisu, keďže som prednou nápravou skoro triasol zem. Problém sme vyriešili nasledovne. Predné mechy skontroloval tak, že ich ručne pretiahol cez "solenoid" alebo ako nazvať skrinku, kde je rozvodňa a tlak ide do celého vzduchového pruženia. Zistili sme, že pri pridávaní tlaku sa tlak nestratí. Auto funguje takto: Keď "naštartujem" kompresor ide asi 30 sekúnd a snaží sa natlačiť vzduch či už do podvozku alebo do vzduchovky, neviem. Po 30 sekundách sa kompresor vypne (jednotka prívodu vzduchu) a dostanem chybu a už nefunguje. Počas tých 30 sekúnd podvozok funguje bez problémov a je možné ho ovládať z auta, tak sme naštartovali auto, natlačili vzduch do vzduchovky a zdvihli auto. Teraz je ale auto nerovnomerné a výškový rozdiel je 4 cm. Stalo sa nám, že nám napísal chybu Eas_w005. Netuším v čom je chyba. Myslíte si, že je možné odpojiť systém, uvoľniť bunky zo solonoidu a vzduchovej nádoby a potom ich skúsiť napustiť? alebo ake kroky mam podniknut? Mám pocit, že nedochádza k úniku vzduchu, ale po dlhšej manipulácii sa jemne stráca tlak. Skôr mám pocit, že sa tlak presúva do zadnej časti auta, pretože mám pocit, že zadná časť auta je vyššia, ako som kedy predtým nastavil. Výšku auta som vedel nastaviť len tak, že som tlačil tlak do vzduchovky, mal som tam 8 barov,
Je potrebné niečo robiť s výškovými senzormi alebo ich resetovať alebo studený reštart ako tu už bolo povedané? Kompresor funguje len neviem aky tlak by mal vediet vytlacit? Auto funguje asi 30 sekúnd potom sa s tou chybou s podvozkom nepohne. Mám autorizovaný servis 300 km ... Myslíte si, že je chyba v kompresore alebo v elektromagnete? (Nemám tušenie, či máte na mysli solenoid, tlakový box pre každé napätie.
Could be the pressure sensor inside the valve block being faulty and continually telling the compressor to run. That’s why you hear the whooosh sound. You confirmed no leaks to the tanks is filled just fine. 8bar is nothing for the tank. Goes higher when fully filled.
Unless you have two failing height sensors, the block is the likely suspect IMO, but that’s just my opinion. Try disconnecting the 12V to truly reset everything, including the suspension ECU.
the compressor stops after 30 seconds, and when I have artificially inflated the air in the air canister, it does the woosh, otherwise it doesn't. how is it possible to reset the ECU suspension? what do you mean by IMO? What should be the standard pressure in an air canister?
the compressor stops after 30 seconds, and when I have artificially inflated the air in the air canister, it does the woosh, otherwise it doesn't. how is it possible to reset the ECU suspension? what do you mean by IMO? What should be the standard pressure in an air canister?
IMO = in my opinion
The reserve tank should not need to be refilled very often to the point of making the compressor run for 30secs unless there was a leak. Reset the suspension ECU by disconnecting the 12V battery for a few mins then reconnecting.
And, i didnt do aby change with Suspension, thus fault begann when i drove on highway 120kmh. While Lovering down, the error shown
If your pump is running for so long and nothing happens it can be worn out. Piston seals can be fried. First make sure that the pump is 100% and can provide enough pressure/volume.

The pump also works when reservoir is full and the car wants to raise or lower itself. The reservoir isn't connected directly to the solenoid valve block so you cannot adjust height when filling the reservoir manually unless the pump is running. You don't have to fill the reservoir, SAS will do this automatically if needed.

Air reservoir pressure is not constant since it uses this as a buffer, it also regenerates air pressure into the reservoir when lowering itself.

How you control the height of the car while the system gives you an error? Do you have diagnostic software or are you manually powering the solenoid valve block?

Did you change anything on the car before this problem happens? Installed lowering links or replaced some suspension components?
If your pump is running for so long and nothing happens it can be worn out. Piston seals can be fried. First make sure that the pump is 100% and can provide enough pressure/volume.

The pump also works when reservoir is full and the car wants to raise or lower itself. The reservoir isn't connected directly to the solenoid valve block so you cannot adjust height when filling the reservoir manually unless the pump is running. You don't have to fill the reservoir, SAS will do this automatically if needed.

Air reservoir pressure is not constant since it uses this as a buffer, it also regenerates air pressure into the reservoir when lowering itself.

How you control the height of the car while the system gives you an error? Do you have diagnostic software or are you manually powering the solenoid valve block?

Did you change anything on the car before this problem happens? Installed lowering links or replaced some suspension components?
And, i didnt do aby change with Suspension, thus fault begann when i drove on highway 120kmh. While Lovering down, the error shown
IMO = in my opinion
The reserve tank should not need to be refilled very often to the point of making the compressor run for 30secs unless there was a leak. Reset the suspension ECU by disconnecting the 12V battery for a few mins then reconnecting.
I have a feeling that the compressor is probably broken, today it made a strange sound, I will send it to the Continental company for repair on Monday. do you think that when i reset the ecu, the suspension will equalize?
If your pump is running for so long and nothing happens it can be worn out. Piston seals can be fried. First make sure that the pump is 100% and can provide enough pressure/volume.

The pump also works when reservoir is full and the car wants to raise or lower itself. The reservoir isn't connected directly to the solenoid valve block so you cannot adjust height when filling the reservoir manually unless the pump is running. You don't have to fill the reservoir, SAS will do this automatically if needed.

Air reservoir pressure is not constant since it uses this as a buffer, it also regenerates air pressure into the reservoir when lowering itself.

How you control the height of the car while the system gives you an error? Do you have diagnostic software or are you manually powering the solenoid valve block?

Did you change anything on the car before this problem happens? Installed lowering links or replaced some suspension components?
Thank you for your reply. So, in an attempt to repair Tesla, I went to an unauthorized service center, as I almost shook the ground with the front axle. We solved the problem as follows. He checked the front bellows by manually pulling them over a "solenoid" or as they call the cabinet, where the substation is and the pressure goes into the entire air suspension. We have found that the pressure is not lost when pressure is added. The car works like this: When I "start" the compressor goes for about 30 seconds and tries to push the air into either the chassis or the airgun, I don't know. After 30 seconds, the compressor shuts down (air supply unit) and I get an error and it no longer works. During those 30 seconds, the chassis works without problems and it is possible to control it from the car, so we started the car, pushed the air into the air rifle and lifted the car. But now the car is uneven and the height difference is 4 cm. It happened to us that he wrote us an error Eas_w005. I have no idea what the mistake is. Do you think it is possible to disconnect the system, release the cells from the solonoid and the air container and then try to fill them? or what steps should I take? I have a feeling that there is no air leakage, but after prolonged handling, the pressure is gently lost. I rather feel that the pressure is moving to the back of the car, because I feel that the back of the car is higher than I have ever set. I could only adjust the height of the car by pushing the pressure into the air rifle, I had 8 bars there,
Is it necessary to do something with the height sensors or reset them or a cold restart as has already been said here? Compressor only works I don't know what pressure it should be able to push out? The car works for about 30 seconds, then it doesn't move with the chassis error. I have an authorized service of 300 km ... Do you think there is a fault in the compressor or in the electromagnet? (I have no idea if you mean a solenoid, a pressure box for each voltage.
Thank you for your reply. So, in an attempt to repair Tesla, I went to an unauthorized service center, as I almost shook the ground with the front axle. We solved the problem as follows. He checked the front bellows by manually pulling them over a "solenoid" or as they call the cabinet, where the substation is and the pressure goes into the entire air suspension. We have found that the pressure is not lost when pressure is added. The car works like this: When I "start" the compressor goes for about 30 seconds and tries to push the air into either the chassis or the airgun, I don't know. After 30 seconds, the compressor shuts down (air supply unit) and I get an error and it no longer works. During those 30 seconds, the chassis works without problems and it is possible to control it from the car, so we started the car, pushed the air into the air rifle and lifted the car. But now the car is uneven and the height difference is 4 cm. It happened to us that he wrote us an error Eas_w005. I have no idea what the mistake is. Do you think it is possible to disconnect the system, release the cells from the solonoid and the air container and then try to fill them? or what steps should I take? I have a feeling that there is no air leakage, but after prolonged handling, the pressure is gently lost. I rather feel that the pressure is moving to the back of the car, because I feel that the back of the car is higher than I have ever set. I could only adjust the height of the car by pushing the pressure into the air rifle, I had 8 bars there,
Is it necessary to do something with the height sensors or reset them or a cold restart as has already been said here? Compressor only works I don't know what pressure it should be able to push out? The car works for about 30 seconds, then it doesn't move with the chassis error. I have an authorized service of 300 km ... Do you think there is a fault in the compressor or in the electromagnet? (I have no idea if you mean a solenoid, a pressure box for each voltage.
I added an overview of the SAS for you, hope it will clarify how the system works. I think when the compressor is running for 30 seconds and the system doesn't detect enough air pressure it will throw an error code and will stop the SAS from working. Not sure what EAS_w005 is.

Compressor specs are 0-16bar, your first step is to make sure compressor is 100%.

There is no need to add pressure to the buffer tank or the system. This is only for first fill from factory to save compressor life and add nitrogen air.

When raising or lowering the car the system doesn't do all wheels at the same time. It switches between front and rear axle.


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Hi, I have a Tesla model with 85 2013, I have a similar problem, the air supply unit is not stopping and still trying to pressurize the air. if I understand correctly, there is a mistake. It doesn't let the air through anywhere, it pressures most people and then it stops after a while and makes a woosh. It keeps pushing and trying to get air. after a few hours, the air supply unit is really hot. I came thanks to this forum that I can disconnect the fuse K11, I tried to replace it with k15 but the problem was still the same, he can't lift my chassis. the front of the car is lowered like a ferrari and the rear of the car is at normal height. I'm trying to find where the error might be, yesterday morning I received an update to the software with the fact that it is necessary to replace the 12V battery, otherwise the update will not be completed. can the battery with this error also affect the air supply unit or is the error somewhere else such as air suspension? For example, how can this error be reset via diagnostics? eas_w007 writes me an error. would you know how to help me? the car is more or less immobile and the service is quite far.
All is FINALLY well!!!
Getting to that secondary bank of hidden fuses was such a huge pain. Whomever designed that needs to be fired. I started loosening one of the top power wire nuts to give me room to remove the secondary cover when I heard a “plop”. The damn screw posts are not held in place so it dropped to the tray below. Thank goodness I had a magnetic nut/bolt tool. Once I retrieved it and put the nut back on, I proceeded to just loosen the rest to give me enough room to bend the wires up. That gave me enough room finally to release the sliding trap door protecting the secondary row. Continuity test confirmed F82 was blown/shorted.
Now where to find a 40A MIDI fuse. Called a couple electric supply places to no avail. Autozone clerk didn’t even know where to begin when I said “MIDI fuse”. Finally got lucky and a local auto parts store knew what I needed and had exactly one in stock.
Got it installed and reconnected the 12V battery. Checked for power on pin30 of K11. Still zero. :( Expletive laden few mins followed.
I decided to check the new fuse again, assuming it had instantly blown, but to my surprise, it was still good. At this point I threw in the towel and decided I had done as much as I could. As I was putting all the covers, air box, etc. back on, the compressor comes to life and my stanced-out lowrider lifts itself up!! The SAS computer must’ve needed to go through its boot sequence and clear previous faults.
Talk about relief! I climbed in the car and cycled through all the height settings and the car responded with no issues.
Can’t thank you enough @Gtech ! Not only did you save me $$ (I spent prob 6hrs total diagnosing, etc.), but I had a small road trip planned this weekend that can now take place.
I have the same problem.
Red icon on the dashboard.
The front is down, the back is up.
Where can I find the security you exchanged?
(sorry for the bad English, google translator.)

I have the same problem.
Red icon on the dashboard.
The front is down, the back is up.
Where can I find the security you exchanged?
(sorry for the bad English, google translator.)
Read page one oft his thread for location of the K11 relay as well as the 40A F82 fuse to see if you’re getting power to the compressor. Has it been running a lot lately?
What firmware version are you in, btw, and which model car do you have? Mine is a P85D.
Read page one oft his thread for location of the K11 relay as well as the 40A F82 fuse to see if you’re getting power to the compressor. Has it been running a lot lately?
What firmware version are you in, btw, and which model car do you have? Mine is a P85D.
Model s p85 2013/11
Fw version 2021.24.28.

that's what i mean, relay or fuse.
i just can't interpret where in the car these are.
Model s p85 2013/11
Fw version 2021.24.28.

that's what i mean, relay or fuse.
i just can't interpret where in the car these are.
Has the compressor been running a lot lately?
K11 relay is in the right fuse box after you remove the windshield cover. F82 fuse is in the box under the air filter by the fireman’s loop.


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