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Are We Last Again?

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Now that our lease is extended on a month to month basis, I’m having a hard time convincing my wife to give tesla another shot, who wouldn’t after reading all these stories of terrible customer service.

Nor would I blame her... Our plan was to swap our Volt with a Model 3 when we paid it off but that was months ago and we no longer have any desire to get a Model 3, not with the current state of this company like it is. I'm hopeful when my X lease is up in 2021 that there is either a truly viable competitor in the EV space or Tesla gets it's act together... My money is on the first one.

I've now talked 3 neighbors out of purchasing a Tesla and will no longer advocate for them at all. Only a fool would be lied to and cheated but still advocate for the company...

Nor would I blame her... Our plan was to swap our Volt with a Model 3 when we paid it off but that was months ago and we no longer have any desire to get a Model 3, not with the current state of this company like it is. I'm hopeful when my X lease is up in 2021 that there is either a truly viable competitor in the EV space or Tesla gets it's act together... My money is on the first one.

I've now talked 3 neighbors out of purchasing a Tesla and will no longer advocate for them at all. Only a fool would be lied to and cheated but still advocate for the company...

Oh I definitely no longer recommend the brand. It’s unbelievable how a company can have so many terrible employees. And the employees that are great, they are made to seem terrible by the higher ups who keep changing policies on a whim.
I’m holding out hope tesla will turn around and be as great to deal with as they were in the beginning
Unfortunately with the latest MCU screen replacement fiasco it doesn’t appear that’ll happen anytime soon.
You shouldn’t have to buy a new car and then cross your fingers and hope a defective part that’s supposed to be covered under warranty will actually be covered.

I was a huge Tesla fanboy, absolutely loved the company and it’s mission. Today’s tesla is not the same company. It’s like you said, if it weren’t for the awesome cars, the company would be shutting it’s doors quick.
Oh I definitely no longer recommend the brand. It’s unbelievable how a company can have so many terrible employees. And the employees that are great, they are made to seem terrible by the higher ups who keep changing policies on a whim.
I’m holding out hope tesla will turn around and be as great to deal with as they were in the beginning
Unfortunately with the latest MCU screen replacement fiasco it doesn’t appear that’ll happen anytime soon.
You shouldn’t have to buy a new car and then cross your fingers and hope a defective part that’s supposed to be covered under warranty will actually be covered.

I was a huge Tesla fanboy, absolutely loved the company and it’s mission. Today’s tesla is not the same company. It’s like you said, if it weren’t for the awesome cars, the company would be shutting it’s doors quick.

I look back sometimes at all of the times I was called a "fanboy" around here before my lease swap fiasco... It's pretty awesome how many times I was insulted because I advocated for the brand without question or hesitation. It's not that I didn't see the deterioration it's that I thought surely people were overstating things or something, the Tesla I thought I knew wouldn't do that to people. Then it happened to me. Now, I realize I simply ignored the warning signs because I wanted to ignore them.

The Tesla of today is a far, far cry from the Tesla of 2013 and naturally that's a pretty captain obvious statement given the growth of the company but it's in the way they've grown that's alarming. Throwing ethics out of the window, do anything you can to get that delivery complete, anything. I have unresolved paint issues on my X from delivery that I gave up on getting fixed and Tesla is supposed to have notated my account so it doesn't affect my lease turn in and I've been assured multiple times now that they've been documented. However, I know that's probably a lie just to get me to shut up...

Tesla's current slogan should be "Tesla - Transcending Cars, Incompetent and Corrupt Company"

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Well... I still am a "fanboy" (of the car)...but totally get where you guys are coming from. I have been treated SOOOO brutally bad by Tesla (as a company), but I still LOVE the car so much, I can't see myself driving anything else (at least not at the moment).

However, coming from Lexus... Tesla was a big step down in terms of how they treat their customers.
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Well says it all about where the company is at, a list a mile long with everything that is wrong in V9 (or features lacking / stuck in beta / half working), but somehow they are able to find the R&D time to add in more arcade games that nobody but media hungry Elon wants. At this point they really are taking the p**s.
Meh, I think there's a super-strong sense of S/X entitlement in these forums that presumes because we bought cars potentially years ago and spent $MANYDOLLARS on them, Tesla is somehow obligated to focus their software development efforts on a dwindling portion of the overall fleet FIRST as some sort of perpetual ball cupping for us legacy owners.

It is probably because Tesla assured it would be so from their blogs and comparisons of 2017 to many a Elon Musk tweet/conference call reference since.

Of course it seems to have been all a lie to keep selling Model S/X at the time — and Model 3 has since surpassed them in most ways (features-wise) as truly the Tesla Version 3.

Just read all the threads on Reddit and TMC about how Tesla would never leave Model S/X behind and how Model 3 will be just a poor version of them, believing this stuff... Well that didn’t happen.

Like so many things with Tesla. Didn’t happen. It was just something they said so people bought Model S/X until Model 3 was out.
Vs. what every other company on the planet would do, focusing first on their newest product that also happens to represent 3/4 of the fleet.

Not really. Most car companies (and perhaps most technology companies) do prioritize their highest end models with upgrades.
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The general gist of these comments sounds like a few people had a few things happen to them, and they went ballistic because they were unable to understand how this might happen to a company who is in reality a little over a decade old. The people at Tesla are not liars and cheats and most of us know it. To call them liars and cheats is pretty stupid just because one does not like the way they were treated. The vast majority were treated professionally and their cars are trouble free and quick and with a LR battery and another motor or a Performance option, they are quicker and can go a lot further. Or is it farther. Never could figure that.

This forum, unfortunately, allows a few people to sound like their experience is the norm, when it isn't. Since we got Milli's 3 and began showing it, we have a good half dozen friends who have bought one. Neither me or any of them have problems, no one has been unprofessional to any of them, and they absolutely LOVE their cars. Tesla is a new company with growing pains, not some old Methuselah who has been around for 960 years, or in the case of GM, maybe a century or a little more. You folk would do far better to try to help the company grow smoothly than try to tear it down. Unless you're upset that your short stock bids are losing money.
@roblab I do respect any long-time owner’s/Tesla followers opinion opinion of course as another point of view, but I do hope you also respect the fact that many owners have found Tesla’s ethics wanting.

The personal experiences are usually just a tip of the iceberg and the rest comes from forming their (our) opinions of Tesla while closely following them. It is not fair to dismiss them as ”a few things happening to them” in my view.
My car has been great after the first month or so, when they finally gave me the autopilot that I had paid for, and I gave up on getting the 19" wheels. This car was not a minor purchase for me, it was a stretch, but I incorrectly justified it by thinking I was getting the top of the line. Yeah, I know once a new motor or battery pack comes up it is unrealistic to expect it to be replaced when an upgraded version of the part comes out, especially if the original part is working correctly. But the software updates? Which car do you think is going to see advanced summon first? Do I even need to ask about FSD? Once the new S comes out, will the old S go the way of the old roadster?
I do not play video games, never have, and no one else in my family has seemed to be terribly interested in trying out the games on my Model S. So, I do not care whether or not or when my car will get the latest new ones.

But I do show them to folks when I am introducing the car to people, such as at EV events. Most people react as though the games (as well as the other Easter eggs like the fart app and the fireplace mode) add to its "cool factor," its exciting new-ness.

Privately, or on here, I share the view that the games are a waste of engineering talent who could be applied to other problems I do care about, such as the longstanding audio system irritations. But I know that others disagree.

In any case, the games might not sell any cars but they do seem to add to people's feeling of the Teslas as "fun."
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The general gist of these comments sounds like a few people had a few things happen to them, and they went ballistic because they were unable to understand how this might happen to a company who is in reality a little over a decade old. The people at Tesla are not liars and cheats and most of us know it. To call them liars and cheats is pretty stupid just because one does not like the way they were treated. The vast majority were treated professionally and their cars are trouble free and quick and with a LR battery and another motor or a Performance option, they are quicker and can go a lot further. Or is it farther. Never could figure that.

This forum, unfortunately, allows a few people to sound like their experience is the norm, when it isn't. Since we got Milli's 3 and began showing it, we have a good half dozen friends who have bought one. Neither me or any of them have problems, no one has been unprofessional to any of them, and they absolutely LOVE their cars. Tesla is a new company with growing pains, not some old Methuselah who has been around for 960 years, or in the case of GM, maybe a century or a little more. You folk would do far better to try to help the company grow smoothly than try to tear it down. Unless you're upset that your short stock bids are losing money.
I beg to differ and I think you might be doing what you suggest others are doing.

I have not suggested that there are people without incident. Not at all, in fact the opposite is true. Many people have been problem free. Thats great, but I have been on this forum long enough to see guys like Jeff turn from fanboy to disgruntled. Remember, I still consider myself a fanboy of the vehicle. It is second to none IMO, the company, in terms of customer service needs a lot of work. That’s not tearing it down, rather trying to constructively build it up.

In my 2 years of ownership, I have been called a “liar” by a salesperson. It took Tesla 7 months to replace a dangerous driver’s seat and recently they tried to short me about $1,500 for their cancelled maintenance contract until I threatened litigation.

You may think my complaints are unwarranted but I do not and I think if most people were in my shoes, they would agree. Again, love the car, but the company needs work. Do I want them to succeed??? Absolutely, the world needs them to succeed (and no, I don’t own TSLA).
Oh, I didn't realize this was a pre-existing mobile game. For some reason, I thought it was developed by Tesla just for Tesla. I was wrong about that... But Tesla, why re-invent the wheel here? Anyone who drives a Tesla is likely to have a phone that they can play this game on anywhere, not just while sitting in their car. I've played it a few times in the car before I realized it was a mobile game, but from now on, I'll just play it on my phone, to avoid the wear on my steering components.