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Autonomous Car Progress

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While I agree, actually seeing the car doing it, even on video, is actually very impressive. There is really quite a wow factor here (for the time being).

True. I am sure I will geek out too when my Model 3 turns at an intersection on its own the first few times.

I am sure in 10 years, riding in an autonomous car will be much more common. It will just be another ride like any other. It won't amaze people as much.
True. I am sure I will geek out too when my Model 3 turns at an intersection on its own the first few times.

I am sure in 10 years, riding in an autonomous car will be much more common. It will just be another ride like any other. It won't amaze people as much.

Of course .. today's jaw-dropping tech is tomorrows ho-hum been-there-done-that .. but by then we will (hopefully) have something new and jaw-dropping :) In the meantime within a year or so we will see lots of intense comparisons between Tesla and Cruise and other FSD systems.
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Wow. I'm not impressed with smart summon in the rewrite. Continues to be unusable IMO.

Why do we even think they're using FSD for Smart Summon? Is there some evidence for this that I have missed? The one video I saw, I couldn't see any evidence that there were the new visualizations inside the car during the summon, which would be one hint. But maybe I missed something.

I just don't see any reason why they'd be using FSD new software for Smart Summon. So we'd need some evidence.
... with no driver interventions... that basically match Waymo ...
Latest Waymo clips are not curated. Waymo doesn't currently require driver monitoring. This software matches what Waymo had 4 years ago. Waymo is moving very safety first (very slow), so I do expect Tesla to win. I'm thinking Waymo may declare bankruptcy in 5 years, when Tesla has Level 4 you can sleep in all night. Before than, I expect Waymo to score some love with expansions.
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The butthurt from the anti-Tesla FSD'ers is going to be so intense when fanbois are uploading hour long clips with no driver interventions...

that basically match Waymo and Cruise curated clips.

They will cry afoul. "That was cherrypicked!" they will say.

Except deep down they they Cruise and Waymo clips are cherrypicked too.

I won't be butt hurt if/when Tesla's FSD is able to do hours of self-driving with no interventions. That would be great because I have a Model 3 with FSD.
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Because you cannot just drop off your car in the middle of a busy road, so FSD in order be FSD, has to be able to navigate complex parking lots in shopping plaza's.
Handle the crazy amounts of interactions with humans/cars/shopping carts/pets, etc.

I'm not suggesting that they won't EVENTUALLY. (Obviously they will!) I'm saying, how do we know that they're doing that RIGHT NOW??? As far as I understand it they're not using FSD for the freeway (and undoubtedly they will eventually), so I don't know why they'd use it for Smart Summon right now. Seems like a lot of unnecessary extra software work to validate right now.

Not saying they're not, I just want some evidence that they are, RIGHT NOW.
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Absolutely not!
Waymo could not do this 3, 5 or 1 year ago in random cities.
Waymo cannot do it today!.

Tesla is showing something that NO one has done - a general approach to solving FSD.
Trust me. Waymo could do this in random cities 5 years ago. Just because they are very safety conscience, they didn't and don't tout it. Waymo has had the ability to drive without maps from early on. Again they don't tout it because being good at it, isn't good enough for Waymo. If you want proof, ask Chris Urmson, who was head of Google self driving car program five years ago. My info comes from him.

You might think Google is stupid, but Google is very smart, lacking some ability to take risk with people's lives, like Elon, but otherwise very smart people.
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Trust me. Waymo could do this in random cities 5 years ago. Just because they are very safety conscience, they didn't and don't tout it. Waymo had the ability to drive without maps early on. Again they don't tout it because being good at it, isn't good enough for Waymo.
Oh, I see, they could but they won't!

So, glad that we clarified that!
Thanks for clarifying, beside the visualizations changing in the car, I do not have another indication.

Yeah, this is the only video I have seen, and it looks like the new visualizations, but frankly I cannot tell for sure:


Even if the new visualizations are there of course that doesn't mean they're actually operating Smart Summon based on them.

Regardless, it seems to be of pretty limited utility, as before, still.
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Trust me. Waymo could do this in random cities 5 years ago. Just because they are very safety conscience, they didn't and don't tout it. Waymo had the ability to drive without maps early on. Again they don't tout it because being good at it, isn't good enough for Waymo.
Yeah, it's silly to say that Waymo wouldn't be able to match this level of performance. They don't because they're in the robotaxi business not the car selling business. Tesla's approach makes sense for Tesla.