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AWD delivery thread

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I don’t know @wcorey, I can remember a time when my daughter was a toddler and banged her head on something while we were in line to check out at Lowes. My wife VERY POLITELY said to the cashier, “my daughter’s head is bleeding and I need some paper towels” to which the teenaged cashier replied (without even looking up), “we don’t have any” and then went back to her job. I then put my hands over my daughter’s ears because I did not want her to hear what was coming next, and sure enough my wife ERUPTED INTO A MAMA BEAR! Every window in that Lowes was rattling because of her voice, power tools turned on by themselves, grown men wept, and I kid you not, 3 Lowes employees including at least 1 store manager came running toward us shouting “we have a first aid kit, we have towels, we’re coming!” The poor little teenager running the cash register shrunk into her chair, never to be seen again. And my daughter got the attention she needed.

So you see, there is a time and a place for Mama Bear to bust out those claws. :)
Its a little harder to understand if you are not in a state that has to hand over every dollar before the car can be shipped. So, that being said after we were told "you car is built and we want to deliver ASAP" and we paid immediately, weeks ago and then found out yesterday that that was not true, the car has not even begun being built, BOOM, blast off, My wife, who is a therapist and usually very patient and understanding, lost it.
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A GRE test would have you there. "Some A turned into B" != "Any A can be turned into B". :)

so.... NO evidence then, huh?

Statistically 6 random AWDs all over the country that ALL happened to be "good enough" to be Ps with a software flash, but somehow "some" that nobody can ID or offer evidence of even existing, aren't, would be... unlikely.

That might be a bit advanced for someone still just taking the GRE though.
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so.... NO evidence then, huh?

Statistically 6 random AWDs all over the country that ALL happened to be "good enough" to be Ps with a software flash, but somehow "some" that nobody can ID or offer evidence of even existing, aren't, would be... unlikely.

That might be a bit advanced for someone still just taking the GRE though.

Well, burden of proof is "any can be turned", which has to demonstrate indeed that any-- and every -- can. Anything under "every" can only demonstrate a degree of uncertainty.

Random sort of does it, in terms of uncertainties, but i am not sure i am convinced it was truly random.

In the stories i have read, the car was forwarded to a P order. Even though it might not have been completely configured, that simply may mean they did not have enough time to do that before they shipped it -- but i suspect the car already has internal thumbprint that it can be "both". Most likely, all Ps can also be AWDs, but not AWDs can be Ps. why they were mis- or under-configured, there could be a 1000 of reasons (previously reassigned config, not enough time, delivery operator mistake etc. etc. )
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After IDA repeatedly insisted it's impossible for him to add at all without my losing my "assigned" car, even after I got him to agree it was a software push and that made no sense, I gave up on him and just asked the local store guy when I was trading my current car in.

he said sure, no problem...and about 48 hours later it was updated on tesla.com and I had to ACH the 3k (plus tax) to pay for it.

Thanks! That’s ultimately what we’d like to do also. Tesla already reassigned 1 car on 9/26 because we asked to add FSD. It would be great if we can just keep things the way they are and add FSD at Delivery!
so after being cancelled for delivery 9/29 I called today to see if there's any progress - and lo and behold they said I had been assigned a car that was just coming off the production line and that the VIN was assigned (of course they would not tell me). Somehow it will not get to New York until 10/27. Go figure. I am not holding my breath - not sure how/why it would take 24 days to get across the country. But as long as it gets here before 1/1/2019 I'm fine.
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I recall that there actually IS. Insurance companies MUST know. AWD is not high performance, PAWD is. Is Chevy Corvette rated the same as a Chevy Malibu?
  • Digit 8: Motor/Drive Unit
    • 1= Single Motor – Standard
    • 3= Single Motor – Performance
    • 2 = Dual Motor (standard)
    • 4 = Dual Motor (performance)
    • A= Single Motor – Standard
    • B= Dual Motor – Standard

I have a VIN but no car yet (it's supposedly being delivered to my house tomorrow night.) I was supposed to take delivery at Tesla Westmont last Saturday, but they cancelled on me the night before via text. I'd already insured it via USAA Friday afternoon, and the Model 3 trim choices on their website were either RWD or AWD - no performance variant (unlike for the S and X.) I'm not going to go digging around the boards, but I've seen other people comment to similar effect here. It could be that their actuaries haven't caught up yet?

Does anyone have an example of a P3D VIN with a number in digit 8? Maybe they're only doing A's and B's. Mine is a B.


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When I got my S in 2016, it took nearly 3.5 weeks from end of production to delivery. It goes by (a slow) train until Birmingham, AL. And then by truck to service center.
Makes sense. Rep mentioned my car was en route to Birmingham now. Here’s hoping it gets there soon considering that’s the slow and laborious part. Can’t imagine the truck takes more than a few days.
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Makes sense. Rep mentioned my car was en route to Birmingham now. Here’s hoping it gets there soon considering that’s the slow and laborious part. Can’t imagine the truck takes more than a few days.
Hate to say this, but my IDA had told me my car was in transit as well. Then, 10 days later it was at Freemont. He could not explain why.
These folks really either don't know how the system works, or are being told to lie.
Or more accurate where is the thing that you cashed a $60k check for already and wont provide answers to

Bro, I get it. My story was not intended to be a criticism of you. Rather your use of the term Mama Bear made me laugh and reminded me of when my wife’s claws came out.

And I totally get your frustration having paid for something that has not arrived when it was promised. I mean, I’m really frustrated right now and I’m only out $3500 at this point, but still am having to force myself to be calm when I speak with Tesla. It is not right at all that they took your money and gave you no car, and I sincerely hope you get yours soon.

And while I am a BIG fan of the state of Texas, they and the other anti-Tesla states need to get their SH$T together and update their laws so this doesn’t happen any more. FWIW if enough residents of Texas like you start writing and calling their state Reps demanding a change in the law to allow Tesla to sell directly, it WILL happen. The auto dealers lobby is powerful, but ultimately every politician wants to get re-elected and therefore wants to keep their constituents happy.
Or more accurate where is the thing that you cashed a $60k check for already and wont provide answers to
First off, with apologies, it wasn't known you had previously paid in full. While it might be too late for you at this point, for fellow Texans, perhaps demand a bill of lading at time of payment. I still maintain it's wrong on their part to rob Peter to pay Paul, or Michael. I believe there is unanimous agreement they have completely botched deliveries.
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Got an exciting update this afternoon!
So I decided to call the "delivery hotline" again, and this time a lovely guy named Victor answered (with zero hold time btw :eek:). I asked for my order update, noting that last time I was told there's a VIN and car is "in transit". Victor confirmed that there is indeed a VIN assigned to me and the vehicle is currently "at our compound"... whatever that means (Victor didn't know where exactly it was beyond the fact that it left Fremont). He also scheduled a delivery appointment for me for 9/27. He also sent an email confirmation of the delivery appointment and included the VIN for me. It was the same VIN that a sales person gave me yesterday, so that was good to get confirmed. Victor was very helpful and nice, and our conversation ended there.

But obviously this isn't our first rodeo - we all know how delivery scheduling went last week. So then I call my local service center in Devon, PA, where we (the 3 is actually for my wife) would be taking delivery. Another great guy (forgot his name) answered and helped confirm a few more things for me:
  • Yes, we have you with a VIN assigned (confirmed same VIN as I was given before).
  • Your vehicle is currently at our Chicago hub, and next it will be going to the New Jersey distribution center, and then arriving at our Devon location.
  • It's expected to arrive at Devon, PA on 9/23.
  • We can schedule your delivery any day after that.
I told him I just got scheduled for 9/27, and he saw it pop up on his system as well. He said we can keep 9/27 and then may move it up a couple of days once we have the vehicle on location. So while a lot of these details are still questionable (I'll believe it when I see it with my own eyes), I am beginning to feel a little bit of the warm and fuzzy. :)
I'm contemplating changing my config from P3D- to P3D+. I've had the same config since early August. I'm a little bit concerned about changing and "losing my place in line", but at this point I'm not sure if config date and reservation date mean anything (especially for the performance models).

Any thoughts?
Personally I wouldnt touch a thing.
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