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Clean Vehicle Assistance Program and Tesla

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Applied 1/6/21 for context. In my experience, every time I speak with someone on the phone I'm told something contradictory.

Two months ago: Once you send us your tax documents, you'll have a decision within days (I never believed this)
Several weeks ago: Once you're in final review, you'll have a decision within days.
Last Tuesday: You're not in final review yet, but we will email you when you are.
Last Friday: You're in final review (I never received an email), and you'll have a decision probably next week and within two weeks at the latest.
Yesterday: You're in final review and we have no other information.
Today: You're in final review, so it will be another 3 weeks at least. Probably early April.

TL;DR don't believe what they tell you, it'll probably be much longer than whatever they say. I've been told I'll probably be matched to a car by the end of April so I'm just hoping I won't have to deny delivery.
I’m in a very similar situation right now. Applied 1/20 and I have the same experience- they keep telling my different things everyday. I’m just hoping I won’t have to delay delivery till June. Would I have to apply for the grant again if I delay delivery till June? Does the grant still stay valid for up to 120 days?
Spoke with them today, applied 1/30, application hasn’t been reviewed yet, and when I asked about time frame I was told they’re not able to accurately provide the timing and that it’s all on a first come first serve basis
I was refraining from contacting them as I'm sure their phone is ringing off the hook, but I caved and called today just to make sure they had all of the proper documents. When I asked if the 90-day range was still accurate, I got a similar response. They can't provide estimates at this time, the applications will be reviewed and processed in the order that they are received.

The last approval in this thread was on 3/10 with an application date of 12/16, so that should give us a ballpark range.
I was refraining from contacting them as I'm sure their phone is ringing off the hook, but I caved and called today just to make sure they had all of the proper documents. When I asked if the 90-day range was still accurate, I got a similar response. They can't provide estimates at this time, the applications will be reviewed and processed in the order that they are received.

The last approval in this thread was on 3/10 with an application date of 12/16, so that should give us a ballpark range.
I'm sure they're tired of answering the same questions daily. I was trying to refrain from calling in as well but wanted to be sure our documents were in order before they got around to reviewing my application. Turns out I needed to turn in the whole 1040 instead of just the first couple of pages.
Hi everyone! I applied on 01/29 an got an email today from them telling me that my application wasn’t ready for approval because I made a mistake on the names but luckily they’re going to let me resubmit and keep my place in time! I would have lost my mind if I had to wait again haha. I’ll submit a screenshot of the email so at least they’re looking at applications near my date already.


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Applied 12/19 and no update yet!
I submitted all of my correct documentation on 12/19 and they didn’t need any additional information. 4 weeks ago, I called and they said I was in “final review” and it would be within 2-4 weeks. The 4 weeks passed and no update, so I called yesterday again to follow up on the status of my application and they said it will be within 2-4 weeks for approval (exact same thing from 4 weeks ago -_-).
So, just a heads up that they are giving inaccurate estimates and I guess it just fluctuates. I based my delivery date on the 4 week timeline and had to decline the VIN. Hang in there y’all!
Hey guys do you happen to know what would happen if the CVRP funds are used up? I applied on 2/14 for CVAP and seeing how fast CVRP rebates are being given out (few million a day) I'm afraid there will be no more CVRP funds by the time my CVAP gets approved.
Applied 12/19 and no update yet!
I just got off the phone with the after I submitted my corrected application and the lady I talked to (Jasmine) told me that they’re looking at applications from January right now but approving applications from December so that it’s taking about the full three months right now so that means like another month of waiting for me with luck :(
I’m in a very similar situation right now. Applied 1/20 and I have the same experience- they keep telling my different things everyday. I’m just hoping I won’t have to delay delivery till June. Would I have to apply for the grant again if I delay delivery till June? Does the grant still stay valid for up to 120 days?
i think from recent post, it is no longer 120 days but 60 days to use the grant after approval.
I just got off the phone with the after I submitted my corrected application and the lady I talked to (Jasmine) told me that they’re looking at applications from January right now but approving applications from December so that it’s taking about the full three months right now so that means like another month of waiting for me with luck :(

Wow thats hilarious. I spoke to her today as well. I was calling in regards to an email I got from them saying that they are reviewing my application and they needed all the pages of my tax return. She gave me the same message about application approvals for December. Told me that the process is 90 days from when you applied
That would put me in a difficult situation because I know Telsa only does deliveries in the west coast during end of each quarter and that would be March and July for me and I'm hoping to get approval by mid April and my grant would have already expired by July :(
What should I do?
I applied February 12 and place an order on an existing inventory SR just last week. Delivery is next week. I was told application approval would take another 45 days. That would mean rejecting my SR and risk not getting an SR. I’m just going to eat the cost and give 5k out of pocket. Risk is too great on missing out on the SR
I applied February 12 and place an order on an existing inventory SR just last week. Delivery is next week. I was told application approval would take another 45 days. That would mean rejecting my SR and risk not getting an SR. I’m just going to eat the cost and give 5k out of pocket. Risk is too great on missing out on the SR
I’m in the same boat. I was thinking of waiting out to get approved for the grant. If no there’s no inventory on the SR- I’ll just get the LR. I’ve seen some LR demo models that go for 47-48k. You’ll be paying an extra 2-3k and have the LR.
I’m in the same boat. I was thinking of waiting out to get approved for the grant. If no there’s no inventory on the SR- I’ll just get the LR. I’ve seen some LR demo models that go for 47-48k. You’ll be paying an extra 2-3k and have the LR.
I’m in California so add tax to that and it’s about 9k difference between the Sr and Lr 😰. I only go on a road trip maybe twice a year and the difference on time saved with LR isn’t much. Only saves me about 15 minutes. I’d rather save those 9k.
I’m in the same boat. I was thinking of waiting out to get approved for the grant. If no there’s no inventory on the SR- I’ll just get the LR. I’ve seen some LR demo models that go for 47-48k. You’ll be paying an extra 2-3k and have the LR.

I really don’t see the point of getting existing used inventory. The price between used and new is almost negligible. I’m in a difficult situation here.
Just called the CVA program to check my status and heard a recording that as of March 17, 2021 they are instating a reservation list? Does anyone know about this?? It seems funding may have ran out right now. 😔

I hope this is not the case.. I applied on 2/2 and heard that they’re currently working through January. So close yet so far! And I’m not in the position to buy without this 5k help.
I really don’t see the point of getting existing used inventory. The price between used and new is almost negligible. I’m in a difficult situation here.
No. I was referring to the demos LR. They are new and have not been registered to anyone. So the CVAP and both CRVP applies if if you are in CA.
I really don’t see the point of getting existing used inventory. The price between used and new is almost negligible. I’m in a difficult situation here.
I was referring the demos LR. They are new and have not been registered to anyone. Both CVAP and CVRP apply in CA.
I applied February 12 and place an order on an existing inventory SR just last week. Delivery is next week. I was told application approval would take another 45 days. That would mean rejecting my SR and risk not getting an SR. I’m just going to eat the cost and give 5k out of pocket. Risk is too great on missing out on the SR
So you are willing to miss out on $5k in order to take delivery of a SR? If I was in your shoes, (and I am, really want a SR, but still have not been approved) i rather just get the LR AWD at the end it will only cost you an extra 5k and i would do a long range AWD upgrade for 5k all day long.
So you are willing to miss out on $5k in order to take delivery of a SR? If I was in your shoes, (and I am, really want a SR, but still have not been approved) i rather just get the LR AWD at the end it will only cost you an extra 5k and i would do a long range AWD upgrade for 5k all day long.
It’s 10k actually. 55k total for LR with taxes and fees 45k for SR with taxes and fees. I had the LR initially .