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Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

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NPR investigated ExxonMobil. Found out they helped Solar.

The oil industry is actually the energy industry. When oil is no longer viable, they are not going out of business. They will go to alternatives.
NPR investigated ExxonMobil. Found out they helped Solar.

The oil industry is actually the energy industry. When oil is no longer viable, they are not going out of business. They will go to alternatives.
The fossil fuel industry is only interested in selling fossil fuels for as long as they can. The need to delay renewables as long a possible. Their only interest in renewables is as a greenwashing tactic.
They have no expertise in renewables. They only know how to drill for oil. (see: Fox; Henhouse)
Wind and Solar has a loooong way to go. Check out energy consumption worldwide. This is why banging the gong to get people off fossil fuels will go nowhere. But cleaning our emissions in the meantime is a more practical way of helping the environment. Does that make sense?

that’s the thing.
Solar and Wind have already gone a long way if you have followed the field for 50-60+ years.
wind turbines used to put out 100’s to a few 1,000’s of watts, like the old Bergey’s and others
however the power goes up as to the ==>cube<== of the swept area of the blades, so they now put out megawatts

solar has gone from over $1,600 - $1,800 a =>watt<= (not kilowatt, but watt) to roughly 25-35cents or so a watt,

both of these have already done a lot of the long way to go.

the batteries are on the same cost curves.

fossil fuels don’t need to be vilified, they will go away due to all their costs, including cleanup, being negative returns on investments.

there are a lot of resources out there, i would suggest you eschew the first one you used watts up something or another, as it is not quite believable and opinion guided by climate change skeptics

BP Statistical review is good as it is data, just data,

do a few graphs of the wind and solar data from there.

you may also consider that ~78% of oil burned for transportation is wasted as heat and noise, EV’s are a lot more efficient in moving a vehicle.

this could mean that as example, if an EV wasted 40% vs 78%,

1/2 the energy could move the same amount of vehicles, so you get knock on effects, plus distributed generation, T&D is essentially zero, virtually zero fuel costs

look at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab Sankey charts of energy and the growth of wind and solar.
NPR investigated ExxonMobil. Found out they helped Solar.

The oil industry is actually the energy industry. When oil is no longer viable, they are not going out of business. They will go to alternatives.
so, from reading that article, since 1973, the oil companies have been dragging their feet and delaying for 48 years
By the way, Pickens pushed wind energy in Texas big time!
T. Boone Pickens gave up on his plan to build the world’s biggest wind farm in the Texas panhandle. Pickens said as much this past July, citing difficulties with financing and a lack of wind energy transmission lines. Instead, Pickens claimed that he would scatter smaller wind farms across the Midwest, possibly in Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas. Now Pickens appears to be giving up on that idea as well, halving his original order of wind turbines to just 300 GE-branded turbines. None of the turbines will go to Texas–instead, they will be installed in Minnesota and Canada, of all places

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that’s the thing.
Solar and Wind have already gone a long way if you have followed the field for 50-60+ years.
wind turbines used to put out 100’s to a few 1,000’s of watts, like the old Bergey’s and others
however the power goes up as to the ==>cube<== of the swept area of the blades, so they now put out megawatts

solar has gone from over $1,600 - $1,800 a =>watt<= (not kilowatt, but watt) to roughly 25-35cents or so a watt,

both of these have already done a lot of the long way to go.

the batteries are on the same cost curves.

fossil fuels don’t need to be vilified, they will go away due to all their costs, including cleanup, being negative returns on investments.

there are a lot of resources out there, i would suggest you eschew the first one you used watts up something or another, as it is not quite believable and opinion guided by climate change skeptics

BP Statistical review is good as it is data, just data,

do a few graphs of the wind and solar data from there.

you may also consider that ~78% of oil burned for transportation is wasted as heat and noise, EV’s are a lot more efficient in moving a vehicle.

this could mean that as example, if an EV wasted 40% vs 78%,

1/2 the energy could move the same amount of vehicles, so you get knock on effects, plus distributed generation, T&D is essentially zero, virtually zero fuel costs

look at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab Sankey charts of energy and the growth of wind and solar.
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Power being proportional to the cube of wind speed shows tremendous potential. But I also think it is a nightmare for electrical engineers to regulate. We’ve done pretty well with wind energy in Texas during the past several years. An exception is our big foul up last February. Hopefully our engineers, regulators, administrators, and politicians get that worked out.
It looks like to me you are trying to slam Pickens and Texas. But check this out. Texas dwarfs everybody when it comes to wind energy.

It looks like to me you are trying to slam Pickens and Texas. But check this out. Texas dwarfs everybody when it comes to wind energy.

Pickens may not have reached his original goal, but he certainly was a catalyst for kicking wind energy into high gear in Texas.
“Green” hydrogen, made from renewable electricity, seems likely to play an important role in a decarbonized future. Today, though, the vast majority of hydrogen, 95 percent, is produced from fossil fuels, mostly from fossil natural gas, and almost all of this without any effort to capture carbon. Industry calls this dirty hydrogen “grey hydrogen.” Natural gas is composed mostly of methane, and the methane in natural gas is the feedstock used to produce the grey hydrogen, converting methane to hydrogen plus carbon dioxide under high temperatures and pressures. Energy is needed to generate this heat and pressure. Natural gas is almost always used to supply this energy, since it is already being used as the feedstock. Overall, emissions of both carbon dioxide and unburned methane are 50 percent greater for grey hydrogen than simply burning natural gas for the same quantity of energy. The GHG footprint of fossil fuel-produced hydrogen is substantially larger than even that of coal.

How Is the Polar Vortex Affected by Climate Change? ... The change is warming higher latitudes and reducing the temperature difference between the warmer mid-latitude and polar regions. This weakens and destabilizes the polar jet stream, causing it to dip into lower latitudes, bringing polar air farther south.

How Is the Polar Vortex Affected by Climate Change? ... The change is warming higher latitudes and reducing the temperature difference between the warmer mid-latitude and polar regions. This weakens and destabilizes the polar jet stream, causing it to dip into lower latitudes, bringing polar air farther south.

Death toll from Texas February cold spell rises by 59 to reach 210

Texas officials have added 59 deaths to the toll wrought by a February cold spell and the ensuing collapse of the state electric power grid. Why the cold weather caused huge Texas blackouts – a visual explainer The deaths newly tallied by the Texas health department lifted the toll from 151 to 210, most from exposure to sometimes-subzero temperatures. Some deaths were blamed on carbon monoxide poisoning as freezing Texans sought warmth from cars and outdoor grills. The count remains preliminary and may change as more deaths are confirmed, the department said.