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Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

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“Very unusual”, “worrying”, “terrifying”, and “bonkers”; the reactions of veteran scientists to the sharp increase in north Atlantic surface temperatures over the past three months raises the question of whether the world’s climate has entered into a more erratic and dangerous phase with the onset of an El Niño event on top of man-made global heating.

“Very unusual”, “worrying”, “terrifying”, and “bonkers”; the reactions of veteran scientists to the sharp increase in north Atlantic surface temperatures over the past three months raises the question of whether the world’s climate has entered into a more erratic and dangerous phase with the onset of an El Niño event on top of man-made global heating.
In fact La Nina lasted three years rather than one year. That's why we expect a super 2023 El Nino. But yes this could mean that the world's Climate has entered into a more erratic and dangerous phase.
Good article today, NYT

Canada Offers Lesson in the Economic Toll of Climate Change​

Wildfires are hurting many industries and could strain households across Canada, one of many countries reckoning with the impact of extreme weather.

Control greenhouse emissions. Global heating increases the threat of diseases emerging – and changes where and when they emerge and spread. When temperatures rise, rains are heavier or droughts and heatwaves last longer, then the conditions for life change – and the insects, bats, ticks and other wildlife that mostly carry pathogens or diseases like malaria, Rift Valley fever, cholera and dengue are likely to geographically spread. The changing climate is already driving wildlife into new areas, destroying habitat and forcing it to survive in new ecological conditions in which previously isolated species may mix and exchange pathogens. Unless climate heating is brought under control, not only will humanity suffer, but there are likely to be many new diseases emerging, and in unexpected places.

Restore ecosystems. The past 30 years have seen an astonishingly fast transformation of the world’s forests, wetlands and soils to provide food; the greatest mining and extraction of fossil fuels for energy, power and minerals in human history; and the biggest increase ever known in trade and human travel. Logging, urbanisation and human population growth have all fragmented ecosystems and helped create the condition for diseases to emerge and spread. We must minimise the disturbance of nature and reduce the interactions between ourselves and the pathogens of other species.
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More than 1,500 lobbyists in the US are working on behalf of fossil-fuel companies while at the same time representing hundreds of liberal-run cities, universities, technology companies and environmental groups that say they are tackling the climate crisis, the Guardian can reveal.It’s incredible that this has gone under the radar for so long, as these lobbyists help the fossil fuel industry wield extraordinary power,” said James Browning, a former Common Cause lobbyist who put together the database for a new venture called F Minus. “Many of these cities and counties face severe costs from climate change and yet elected officials are selling their residents out. It’s extraordinary.

The fossil fuel industry is very good at getting what it wants because they get the lobbyists best at playing the game,” Roberts said. “They have the best staff, huge legal departments, and the ability to funnel dark money to lobbying and influence channels.
...what do you mean...? I'm not following...
US scientists confirmed that El Niño had started. Experts say it will likely make 2024 the world's hottest year.
The event will likely last until next spring, after which its impacts will recede.

What I am saying is, this week is only the beginning of a year like we have never seen before in terms of warming.
That’s not the measurement, it’s a global check of every area in their respective seasons
in Antarctica today it was -20F but but in a week it will be -70F
and 90F in Dhaka

its the collective measurement swing up that sets records

yes, this record will be broken over and over in the future due to aren’t there yet, the good spot
as Shell just stated, we are addicted to fossil fuels still
can wait until Exxon, Shell and others want govt bailouts, then we will be there
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Latest fossil fuel tactic

The fossil fuel industry has a long history of hiring public relations firms to create front groups to obstruct climate legislation and sow confusion and doubt about climate change. But the CLC is not a front group. The organization’s “carbon dividends” proposal is real. Last month when a bipartisan pair of US senators introduced a bill that lays the groundwork for a carbon tariff, the Prove It Act, that lays the groundwork for a carbon tariff, the CLC hailed the move as “an important step towards better understanding, and ultimately leveraging, America’s carbon advantage”.

The final plank of the CLC’s original plan was the repeal of not just federal emissions regulations but the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate carbon emissions at all. And buried in that section was another line that would be easy to miss: that a carbon tax “would also make possible an end to federal and state tort liability for emitters”. This otherwise innocuous sentence captured what Richard Wiles, the head of the non-profit Center for Climate Integrity, called the oil and gas industry’s “number one thing”: legal immunity for companies’ contributions to global warming and to the damages of climate change, and for their decades-long campaigns to deceive the public and obstruct legislative action.
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Generally, governments focus on the future of the planet when they feel they have nothing much else to worry about. That, at least, has been the record until now. Recessions – and even the threat of recessions – have the effect of making policymakers focus on the short term. Stretched public finances coupled with the desire to remain popular engenders a growth at all costs mentality. Fears are now surfacing about the costs of the transition to a cleaner, less carbon-intensive economy, particularly on those least able to bear them.

But for those in positions of power, the temptation to delay action remains strong. Rishi Sunak’s plan to renege on the government’s £11.6bn pledge to help poor countries deal with climate change is a case in point. It would be an act of betrayal but one sadly in keeping with the prime minister’s lack of interest in the net zero agenda.

People worry more about the future of the planet than they did when Fritz Schumacher wrote Small is Beautiful half a century ago, but what they really want is a painless transition that doesn’t force them to stop doing the things they like, such as driving to see friends and relatives or jetting off for a holiday abroad.

In truth, the real fantasists are those who cling to the belief that we can continue to exploit the natural world to satisfy our desires. If that’s what economics is about, we badly need a new economics.
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