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Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

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State of catastrophe has been declared in Chile. The capital city Santiago declared a disaster zone after extreme rainfall.

As I said in the quoted post the Climate Change issue causes increasing precibitable water.
Florida governor DeSantis just announced that the recent floods were not due to climate change.
Of course, he's a climate change denier.
Florida governor DeSantis just announced that the recent floods were not due to climate change.
Of course, he's a climate change denier.
The Climate Change issue has no political color so I refrain to say anything having political meaning, and I always refer to the Science.

This attitude of Governor DeSantis to deny the Science of the GHE and AGW is a serious lack of respect for people of Florida who have been hit by the recent floods IMHO.
Wish to report this table useful to calculate your own Carbon Footprint.


Gallons of gasoline burned
annually _______ * 23.4 = _________
Gallons of diesel burned
annually _______ * 26.0 = _________
kWh of electricity used
annually _______ * 1.15 = _________
Natural Gas Mcf used
annually _______ * 115 = _________
Heating Oil gallons
annually _______ * 22.4 = _________
Propane gallons
annually _______ * 12.7 = _________
Plane trips
annually _______ * 640 = _________

Total lbs of CO2 = _________
Reported this table useful to calculate your own Carbon Footprint to point out the importance of NET ZERO.

Once you have calculated your Carbon Footprint if you will produce enough Clean Energy and will manage to zero your Carbon Emissions you will be leading a NET ZERO LIFESTYLE.

Then if you will manage to get a NEGATIVE CARBON FOOTPRINT it will mean that you are also implementing CARBON SEQUESTRATION.
In fact with a negative Carbon Footprint you are giving to the grid Clean Energy that will be used by somebody else who would have used Energy produced by Fossil Fuels.
Reported this table useful to calculate your own Carbon Footprint to point out the importance of NET ZERO.

Once you have calculated your Carbon Footprint if you will produce enough Clean Energy and will manage to zero your Carbon Emissions you will be leading a NET ZERO LIFESTYLE.

Then if you will manage to get a NEGATIVE CARBON FOOTPRINT it will mean that you are also implementing CARBON SEQUESTRATION.
In fact with a negative Carbon Footprint you are giving to the grid Clean Energy that will be used by somebody else who would have used Energy produced by Fossil Fuels.
Wish to point out that the spirit of NET ZERO is not only that of balancing your Carbon Emissions, which is CARBON ZERO, but that of lowering your Carbon Emissions and increasing the Clean Energy produced by you in order to lower your Carbon Footprint and, if possible to get a NEGATIVE CARBON FOOTPRINT.
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Once again satire for the win.

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Once again satire for the win.

View attachment 1057346
It's not satire It's the consequence of the Climate Change issue.

As Earth’s climate changes, it is impacting extreme weather across the planet. Record-breaking heat waves on land and in the ocean, drenching rains, severe floods, years-long droughts, extreme wildfires, and widespread flooding during hurricanes are all becoming more frequent and more intense.

(NASA Source)
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[From the quoted article]

At least 550 pilgrims have died during the hajj, underscoring the gruelling nature of the pilgrimage which again unfolded in scorching temperatures this year.

At least 323 of those who died were Egyptians, most of them succumbing to heat-related illnesses, the two Arab diplomats coordinating their countries’ responses told AFP.

"All of them [the Egyptians] died BECAUSE OF HEAT” except for one who sustained fatal injuries during a minor crowd crush, one of the diplomats said, adding that the total figure came from the hospital morgue in the Al-Muaisem neighbourhood of Mecca.

At least 60 Jordanians have died, the diplomats said, up from an official tally of 41 given earlier on Tuesday by Amman.

The new deaths bring the total reported so far by multiple countries to 577, according to an AFP tally.

The diplomats said the total at the morgue in Al-Muaisem, one of the biggest in Mecca, was 550.
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With half the month now behind us, June 2024 is very likely to be the warmest June on record.

As it can be seen in the reported graph (black line representing Monthly Global Temperature Deviation of 2024) it is on track to beat 2023's record by nearly 0.2C, in spite of the fact that El Niño is over now.

This post is WORRISOME. PLEASE don't look it up.

With half the month now behind us, June 2024 is very likely to be the warmest June on record.

As it can be seen in the reported graph (black line representing Monthly Global Temperature Deviation of 2024) it is on track to beat 2023's record by nearly 0.2C, in spite of the fact that El Niño is over now.

This post is WORRISOME. PLEASE don't look it up.
Gave a better look to the reported graph and I found out that June 2024 is not only very likely to be the warmest June on record, that is to say 13th month in a row record warmest month, but also 12th month in a row with a Global Temperature Deviation higher than 1.5°C, the threshold set by the Agreement of Paris. Of course we are waiting to the end of the month to get the confirmation of these facts.

This post is VERY WORRISOME. PLEASE don't look it up.

Droughts and flooding have become so common in some of the poorest places on Earth that the land can no longer sustain crops, the director of the World Food Programme’s global office has said. Martin Frick told the BBC that some of the most deprived areas had now reached a tipping point of having “zero” harvests left, as extreme weather was pushing already degraded land beyond use. He said that as a result, parts of Africa, the Middle East and Latin America were now dependent on humanitarian aid. Mr Frick warned that without efforts to reverse land degradation globally, richer countries would also begin to suffer crop failures.The Global Environment Facility estimates that 95% of the world’s land could become degraded by 2050. The UN says that 40% is already degraded.

When soil degrades, the organic matter that binds it together dies off. This means that it is less able to support plant life – reducing crop yields – and absorb carbon from the atmosphere.

Environmentalists expect that as soil degrades, failing crops will strain global food supplies and increase migration from affected areas. “It's going to be disaster for human beings,” Praveena Sridhar, chief science officer of environmental group Save Soil, said. “It’s going to be like Mad Max.” She added: “There will be no humanity. There will be no charity. There will be no fairness... The only thing that lets you be will be survival.”

Mr Frick said that to tackle hunger and land degradation at the same time, the world’s poorest should be incentivised to rejuvenate degraded land through regenerative practices – including by being made eligible for funds from carbon credits schemes. He cited a WFP project in Niger in which local women had created micro-dams in arid land to slow the movement of water, then used dung and straw to create a basin in which trees could be planted. The trees created shade from the sun, allowing the women to grow fruit and vegetables.
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Wish to report this table useful to calculate your own Carbon Footprint.


Gallons of gasoline burned
annually _______ * 23.4 = _________
Gallons of diesel burned
annually _______ * 26.0 = _________
kWh of electricity used
annually _______ * 1.15 = _________
Natural Gas Mcf used
annually _______ * 115 = _________
Heating Oil gallons
annually _______ * 22.4 = _________
Propane gallons
annually _______ * 12.7 = _________
Plane trips
annually _______ * 640 = _________

Total lbs of CO2 = _________

Wish to report this case of Mr. Jim Riggins who managed to get a negative Carbon Footprint by producing more Energy than he used.
As it can be seen in the pic his Energy Total Consumption was 6243 KWh/yr while the Total PV (PhotoVoltaic) Production was 7585 KWh/yr.
This way he managed to give to the grid 1342 KWh/yr that has been used by somebody else who would have otherwise used Energy produced by Fossil Fuels.
This way Jim implemented CARBON SEQUESTRATION.
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View attachment 1057996

Wish to report this case of Mr. Jim Riggins who managed to get a negative Carbon Footprint by producing more Energy than he used.
As it can be seen in the pic his Energy Total Consumption was 6243 KWh/yr while the Total PV (PhotoVoltaic) Production was 7585 KWh/yr.
This way he managed to give to the grid 1342 KWh/yr that has been used by somebody else who would have otherwise used Energy produced by Fossil Fuels.
This way Jim implemented CARBON SEQUESTRATION.
Wish to point out that this way to produce more Clean Energy than that which is used is the spirit of NET ZERO.

If everybody behaved like Jim and would lead a NET ZERO LIFESTYLE we could work out the Climate Change issue.

Here Prof. Jacobson is being satirical.

El Nino is over and the tropics are cooling off. Eventually that should have a global impact in bringing down temperatures that are now averaging nearly 1.64°C above pre-industrial over the last 12 months.

Actually current 365-day Global Temperature Deviation is 1.63°C according to Copernicus.

In the reported graph the Temperature of June 13th over the last 85 years is reported which, as it can be seen from the graph, has worsened this year.

Actually Prof. Jacobson means to say that in spite of the fact that El Niño is over the situation of the Climate Change issue is not improving at all.

The deadly heatwave that scorched large swaths of Mexico, Central America and the southern US in recent weeks was made 35 times more likely due to human-induced global heating, according to research by leading climate scientists from World Weather Attribution (WWA). Tens of millions of people have endured dangerous day – and nighttime temperatures as a heat dome engulfed Mexico – a large and lingering zone of high pressure that stretched north to Texas, Arizona and Nevada, and south over Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

As long as humans fill the atmosphere with fossil-fuel emissions, the heat will only get worse – vulnerable people will continue to die and the cost of living will continue to increase,” said Izidine Pinto, co-author and researcher at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute.
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We are toast...

DeLay looks to Freud for a framework to understand denial: individuals negate distressing ideas and when the repressed thoughts begins to surface, people either deny reality or accept it but deny their moral culpability. This is how people respond to the climate crisis: rejecting the science or committing to “pseudo-solutions, gimmicks and false promises” to get themselves off the moral hook.

This denial is seductive to us all and in many ways it is in fact essential to function in the world. “You can’t admit, as a capitalist subject, that there’s little you as an individual can do,” DeLay writes, “and neither can you imagine the end of capitalism.” Your options, then, are “intensely boring” (attending meetings to “advocate for a ban on new gas hook ups”) or “terrific” (“ecoterrorism”), and “denial is going to come out in surprising other ways”.

He says there are some mitigation activities we should focus on. Though he’s no fan of reformism, without the Labour party in the UK or the Democrats in the US taking power, there is no chance of climate action, he says. Although what they offer is “not very much at all”, you can get some concessions from what he calls “capitalist climate governance” – the Paris accord, COP and “limited funding”. DeLay also does not advocate for living as hedonistically as you want, suggesting there is use in reducing your own emissions, even if this is patently not going to even touch the sides of the crisi