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Colourblind / Colorblind user and the app.

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I’m red / green colourblind (and in the UK, hence the spelling!). I love the app and my M3P.

It’s known as Deuteranopia. About 1 in 10 of the worldwide male population is affected.

My issue is that I can’t easily see the icons for the heated seats in the all. You get the helicopter view of the interior and tap the seats etc. but the “lit” bars to show 1,2 or 3 settings for the seats are near invisible to me. Not sure if anyone reading this has any input to the app development but a color-blind mode would be good where the illuminated bars are yellow.

Please !

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Me too - strong protanope here - I basically can't see red light (eg, red text on black background is normally invisible; sometimes I can't see dim red LEDs, etc).

I have applied my own color correction (in lieu of software support) in the form of pink cellophane plastic over the screen (https://www.amazon.com/Clear-Fuchsia-Cellophane-Gift-Wrapping/dp/B088NMQCS2).

It really brings out reds, such as the location icon, chargers, traffic, seat heater indicators, red lights in fsd preview, etc etc. Important things to see! I really, really wish they would add colorblind accessibility features too - most OSs and phones support something along these lines these days, and in a car, it's even more important for safety. Simply being able to rotate the color hue wheel, or, as you suggest, select a different hue for highlights would go a long way. It would also be really great if they could take color impairment into account in the design of the UI - namely 100% avoiding the sole use of color to indicate status. This goes for the app, too - I can't see whether the new Sentry icon is red or gray, for example. Enormously frustrating.

You would likely need to experiment with color filters to determine what helps you the most - perhaps the pink would help you too by brightening reds, or something greenish-blue or cyan to darken them.

Let's hope Elon one day might help with a software update! I believe more than 10% of people with XY chromosomes are colourblind to some extent, some much more severely than others. The FSD visualization actually helps me at times now - eg the way it displays flashing red or yellow lights in an oriented 3-light set helps me distinguish flashing yellow from flashing red, which is normally entirely impossible for me if the light is in a single-light fixture.
That’s exactly it. I was wrong when I said deuteranopia (I didn’t know the term and googled it) I am in fact protanopic too.

Many things show little to no sympathy for us really. I had to use a parking machine the other day when it asked me to press the green button for yes and red for no. In dim light when the buttons are only reflective, this is a joke.

I’ll try the film, thanks for the tip!

How do we get this feedback to the actual developers? I tried in the AppStore and it just took me to Tesla.com to buy a car :(

Does anyone know how we can potentially effect change?

I have the same sentry mode issue, also the bar graph above the speedo showing green for regen and red for drain, is a mystery to me!
Ideally this type of thing is done at the operating system level. Instead of requiring each application developer to do something special (and always different), apps output normal colors and the OS changes that for display. It seems iOS does it, see here: How to use an iPhone if you have color blindness | AppleInsider
Android also has those options in its accessibility settings.

Have you looked at those?
That’s a great idea. Thank you. I have played about with these settings just now and they’re fascinating. The best one for me isn’t the one that reflects my type of colour blindness, but greyscale. I don’t want a greyscale iPhone though, just the Tesla app, so I guess I’m that guy who’s never satisfied.

The particular icons that are troublesome are the seat heater ones. Red on black is very difficult to see when you have fewer red receptors and it looks a very very dark red. Grey scale made the red into light grey and this was great but the other options just made the red change to brown or such. Obviously nothing affected the black.

Different icons would help, but I don’t think anyone developing the app is listening here so I’ll go quietly.

Thanks for all your help, advice and sympathy.
