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Current Delivery Times

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My EDD is August 22nd to September 11th and I had the agreements thing pop up today. I called my SA and he's saying he's seeing the estimated date being around September 1st in his system. I go on a two week vacation on the 3rd so I really hope that's the case. :)

He also mentioned that the Fremont plant was building for other countries until recently and that local deliveries should start speeding up since they're focused on domestic builds now. All that said, he did say that historically they tend to track pretty close to the estimates and are not usually early. * Fingers Crossed *
They only build Model Y for USA and Canada out of Fremont. Model 3, different story. But if you asked about MY specifically, he told you wrong unless he was referring to Canada as “other countries”.
All non-North American Model Ys are built in China for now.
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It is weird that there are a couple people that don't have the un-clickable review documents button but almost everyone else does...I assumed it was everyone, but the fact that there are a couple people saying they don't have it gives me the tiniest bit of hope... 🤞 🤞
I got the unclickable review documents link just today. although I ordered about two weeks ago.
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You’ve probably been asked this before but did you have your order on hold or not complete any steps until more recently?
Nope haven't had a hold completed everything as soon as I could. The only thing I can think is against me is being in Michigan but I'm not too sure about that either. Honestly it has to be the chip shortage and other supply line issues imo.
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Based on your location, you are looking at an end of quarter push car. And others will tell you, color, city, state and order date don't really matter to Tesla. We have all seen how their logistics throws all that out the window, especially toward the end of the quarter.

How it will probably work, based on last quarter. You will see orders be fulfilled based on their unknown logistics algorithm, in July and August, hence why we are seeing people all over see movement. Then at the beginning of September you will see a push for the east coast and central us. Then mid-September you will see all east coast and central orders stall out and all west coast orders go off. You will also see a bunch of cars hit the inventory about mid September. And there will be exceptions, like an order being reassigned due to multiple reasons.

Obviously, this all speculative and could be completely wrong, but that is what happened last quarter and there are still way too many April and May orders out there to think that June and July orders have a good chance of being fulfilled before September. Will I be bummed that I don't get one before September, hell yeah because Tesla set a different expectation with their EDDs, but judging by history I wouldn't be surprised that there are a good amount of June and July orders waiting in October.

Not trying to bring anyone down, just trying to do Tesla's job on setting realistic expectations.
With all due respect, your assessment may be somewhat accurate to most based on history. However, there are some June/July orders already being delivered ahead of April/May. How do you know that the current April/May folks that have not received delivery are the exception to the rule for some odd reason? The majority of people that order a Tesla probably aren’t even part of this forum and we have no clue what their experience has been.

I am not saying I have any better idea than you or anyone else (unless someone has Elon’s cell #???) however, I am still hoping for my August delivery with a 6/19 order date. We also have no idea what Tesla is doing in response to the increase in demand and decrease in supplies. We do know prices have sky rocketed, so perhaps that extra money is being used to somehow speed up production?

I feel for the April/May folks still waiting and pray that they do get delivery ASAP, before me. But I also hope that I don’t have to wait until October myself…
I got the button too. I got excited at first and then thought that maybe it was related to my financing expiring since I am more than 60 days from order day. Then I came on here and saw everyone else was getting the button too…


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With all due respect, your assessment may be somewhat accurate to most based on history. However, there are some June/July orders already being delivered ahead of April/May. How do you know that the current April/May folks that have not received delivery are the exception to the rule for some odd reason? The majority of people that order a Tesla probably aren’t even part of this forum and we have no clue what their experience has been.

I am not saying I have any better idea than you or anyone else (unless someone has Elon’s cell #???) however, I am still hoping for my August delivery with a 6/19 order date. We also have no idea what Tesla is doing in response to the increase in demand and decrease in supplies. We do know prices have sky rocketed, so perhaps that extra money is being used to somehow speed up production?

I feel for the April/May folks still waiting and pray that they do get delivery ASAP, before me. But I also hope that I don’t have to wait until October myself…
Thank you for checking the reality of folks.. Thats why I said my june 1st order should be an august but they stated september..
With all due respect your assessment may be somewhat accurate to most based on history. However, there are some June/July orders already being delivered ahead of April/May. How do you know that the current April/May folks that have not received delivery are the exception to the rule for some odd reason? The majority of people that order a Tesla probably aren’t even part of this forum and we have no clue what their experience has been.

I am not saying I have any better idea than you or anyone else (unless someone has Elon’s cell #???) however, I am still hoping for my August delivery with a 6/19 order date. We also have no idea what Tesla is doing in response to the increase in demand and decrease in supplies. We do know prices have sky rocketed, so perhaps that extra money is being used to somehow speed up production?

I feel for the April/May folks still waiting and pray that they do get delivery ASAP, before me. But I also hope that I don’t have to wait until October myself…
Thank you for checking the reality of folks.. Thats why I said my june 1st order should be an august but they stated september..
Who cares about our assessments? It’s not like it’s going to actually impact your order timing. We are all gonna get our cars when they get delivered by Tesla, not when we predict it. Stay positive and accept there is no control for timing, unless you find inventory.