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Elon & Twitter

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I suppose. Do you think Elon considers himself a content creator?

No idea. Ask him?
The content creator question came up specifically around the discussion about resurrecting Vine to compete with TikTok. So we have an idea of where is thought process is regarding multiple revenue streams. He's made it crystal clear he does not like Twitter being beholden to advertisers.
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He's also said that FSD will be coming "next year" every year for the past decade. The first time someone lies and people believe him or her, I blame the liar. When it happens again and again and again, I am more inclined to blame the people who actually keep believing the liar.

False equivalency. That the best argument you can make? That's grasping.

This isn't putting a rocket into orbit or making a car drive itself. This something that doesn't need NEW TECH to implement.
AGAIN - this is false. Elon stated that content creators will be paid.

I commenting on what's happening right here, right now, in reality - not some utopian future.

The first and only major change has been to raise prices on blue-check verified users. Nothing has been done to give them money - the opposite is going on.

Disagree? Bring evidence.
He's also said that FSD will be coming "next year" every year for the past decade. The first time someone lies and people believe him or her, I blame the liar. When it happens again and again and again, I am more inclined to blame the people who actually keep believing the liar.
You actually believe Elon has been lying about FSD? As opposed to being bad at predicting when software will be done (like everybody else who tries to predict when software will be done)? As opposed to being egotistical and thinking that his "first principles" superpower works in an area like software, which has no first principles?

If so, you're not very perceptive. But it should be noticed by people who think that Elon has any clue how to accomplish what he wants to accomplish at Twitter, that there are no "first principles" about anything at Twitter. It is an area in which Elon has demonstrated no superpowers, not even competence.

I have great confidence at this point that Twitter will be a massive failure for Elon in every way. Not least, ruining his favorite way to blow off steam.
I commenting on what's happening right here, right now, in reality - not some utopian future.

The first and only major change has been to raise prices on blue-check verified users. Nothing has been done to give them money - the opposite is going on.

Disagree? Bring evidence.

The guy has owned the company for 6 days. That's a pretty week argument, he's appropriately getting feedback on changes. How fast did you expect the guy to move?

He's already moving at about 100X the speed of the prior management team. And for his troubles everyone appears to be some armchair quarterback that thinks they know better.
I mean, that’s basically what I said. We’re hearing too much from billionaires. We don’t need more of it. He’s just more of same-same.

Well, he's done more for the planet that just about anyone I can think of. We bought his products, we gave him this voice.

Don't like it, don't buy stuff from him? I personally hate Jeff Bezos and try really hard to avoid purchasing stuff from him.
I mean, that’s basically what I said. We’re hearing too much from billionaires. We don’t need more of it. He’s just more of same-same.
It's funny how the Left is always fixated on Elon being a billionaire vs. what got him there. That's like not wanting to hear from people who are broke. Some would call that bigotry. I want to hear from everyone willing to contribute to the conversation without exclusion because of class or socioeconomic status.

Elon doesn't need more money. His patents are 'open source'. He was paying for Starlink out of pocket to help Ukraine and Iran, though it's fair that he wants compensation at some point. He's going to be opening up the Supercharger network to other marques in the U.S., where he could hoard this great asset for Teslas only. Elon is demonstrably not a greedy person. Yet, people keep peddling this soft character attack of branding him a 'billionaire' as if that's his sole personality—and it's indeed a subtle character attack because we know what the Left thinks of billionaires.

And yet, the Left also derides him for 'overpaying' for Twitter. Which is it? If Elon did overpay for Twitter then this was an act of philanthropy, or as Elon has told us, it's a way to bring free speech back to what is effectively the world's town square. That town square should not be overrun by bots or dishonest anonymous actors. This is why the paywall is important. Verify yourself, be taken seriously, stop hiding behind animè avatars, and have a real conversation that is a few levels above the baying of a torch and pitchfork mob.

I'm also a former vlogger. While I didn't have to pay YouTube, they did censor some of my videos for 'wrongthink' because I didn't march in lockstep to any hivemind. That censorship comes in the form of demonetizing, and depopulating videos from recommendations. This is similar to Twitter's shadowbanning and other nefarious activity in the BeforeTimes™.

Elon did overpay for Twitter because he has big plans to overhaul it, not for 'free speech' per the First Amendment, but speech that is free from the obvious parochial confines of Leftist identity politics and any related narrative.

As Elon tweeted recently, "the bird is freed".

Why not just let merit carry the day?
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One thing that cannot be disputed:

There are a lot of butt hurt Tesla shareholders in this thread. I doubt any of these guys give a **** if TSLA was trading at ATHs :).

Elon is not obviously not perfect. How he runs his new business is his choice especially when it's a private company. And No, calling people names is not free speech. So many arm chair quarterbacks ITT. If you want to make fun of a billionaire be prepared to be shown proof that you are an hypocrite(AOC can go create her own Truth Social if she so pleases).
It's funny how the Left is always fixated on Elon being a billionaire vs. what got him there. That's like not wanting to hear from people who are broke. Some would call that bigotry. I want to hear from everyone willing to contribute to the conversation without exclusion because of class or socioeconomic status.

Elon doesn't need more money. His patents are 'open source'. He was paying for Starlink out of pocket to help Ukraine and Iran, though it's fair that he wants compensation at some point. He's going to be opening up the Supercharger network to other marques in the U.S., where he could hoard this great asset for Teslas only. Elon is demonstrably not a greedy person. Yet, people keep peddling this soft character attack of branding him a 'billionaire' as if that's his sole personality—and it's indeed a subtle character attack because we know what the Left thinks of billionaires.

And yet, the Left also derides him for 'overpaying' for Twitter. Which is it? If Elon did overpay for Twitter then this was an act of philanthropy, or as Elon has told us, it's a way to bring free speech back to what is effectively the world's town square. That town square should not be overrun by bots or dishonest anonymous actors. This is why the paywall is important. Verify yourself, be taken seriously, stop hiding behind animè avatars, and have a real conversation that is a few levels above the baying of a torch and pitchfork mob.

I'm also a former vlogger. While I didn't have to pay YouTube, they did censor some of my videos for 'wrongthink' because I didn't march in lockstep to any hivemind. That censorship comes in the form of demonetizing, and depopulating videos from recommendations. This is similar to Twitter's shadowbanning and other nefarious activity in the BeforeTimes™.

Elon did overpay for Twitter because he has big plans to overhaul it, not for 'free speech' per the First Amendment, but speech that is free from the obvious parochial confines of Leftist identity politics and any related narrative.

As Elon tweeted recently, "the bird is freed".

Why not just let merit carry the day?
Whatever. I get that he doesn’t care much about money. Oh, and that he is a saint or the second coming or something.
But he throws his money around for more influence and to get his way. HIS way. Not humanity’s.
And frankly his tweets prove about 100 times over he’s not wise enough to have the megaphone he’s got.
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I think it's kind of obvious what's objectionable. Charging for making your voice louder and increasing your visibility means that those with means have more effective free speech than those without. This is pretty much true everywhere isn't it? But I thought Elon was trying to be better than that.

I would like to think that those with high quality tweets would be those who would be amplified. But no.

So it's not that "free speech" is suffering, it's just that if you don't have the means to pay $8/month then what you get is second class free speech.
You must realize that legacy Twitter did have 'second class speech'. That's heretical speech which disagrees with the status quo, the mob, the hivemind, etc. The penalty? Shadowbans. Bans. Cancellation. Attacks from the mob in all their forms. Maybe losing your job (Gina Carano).

This is why Elon bought Twitter, to get rid of all that nonsense and create a level playing field. This doesn't mean it will be a Hellscape (Elon's word here), but it will no longer be overrun by the WokeMob™ or those who place identity politics over everything else.

Put another way, Twitter was a toxic dumpster fire. It will only get better under Elon, just like every other company he runs.

This just in, SpaceX just successfully launched the Falcon Heavy AND landed two side boosters on their struts, simultaneously.

Twitter's in good hands.
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It's funny how the Left is always fixated on Elon being a billionaire vs. what got him there.
I'd like to see the alternate universe where neither California nor the federal government gave any incentives for people to buy EVs. No HOV stickers, no tax breaks, etc. It's possible that Tesla would still be in business, and it's also possible that Elon would still be a billionaire. But it's also entirely plausible that he wouldn't have enough money to buy Twitter in 2022.
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Whatever. I get that he doesn’t care much about money.
But he throws it around for more influence and to get his way. HIS way. Not humanity’s.
And frankly his tweets prove about 100 times over he’s not wise enough to have the megaphone he’s got.
Your opinion of course. Money is power, but so are numbers. The WokeMob™ narrative is so pervasive that it takes a multibillionaire to resist it. Anyone else resisting it just gets squashed, drowned-out, or canceled. Remember Gina Carano losing her job because of an awkward tweet? I do. How about James Damore? His job loss didn't come as a tweet so much as disagreeing with some ideology-based internal training at Google (which owns YouTube) to which he wrote a science-based rebuttal. Then the torch and pitchfork brigade got him fired. I'm not sure how that turned out but I wouldn't be surprised if Google settled out of court rather than being embarrassed beyond imagination. Damore is a very shy person and on the spectrum, and Rogan conducted a fascinating interview with him. No honest person, in my view, can listen to Damore's own account of what transpired and walk away thinking Google was anything but wrong—and maybe a little evil.

Yet, the Leftist 'reporting' of Damore's response demonized him beyond belief, much like the FUD we see against Elon from his detractors. It's as if real journalism died and everything is just an editorial these days.

Elon's stated goal for Tesla is "to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy", so how is that not good for humanity? This is the same Elon who has 'opened sourced' his patents and will be opening up the Tesla Supercharger Network to other marques, and who helped Ukraine and Iran with Starlink on his own dime (though he should be compensated). You will not convince me that he's not trying to help, though you may disagree.

And really, megaphones aren't granted by the mob, or you or me. There are lots of people with big voices that are only out for themselves. Who's going to take their megaphone away, you? And if someone disagrees with you, who gets to mute your megaphone? This was exactly the kind of thinking which got Twitter into trouble and created so much entrenched warfare between various groups. However, there's no corollary on the right where they control the speech of millions. The biggest platforms for speech are all controlled by the Left, from Google ideology-modified searches to YouTube demonetization for 'wrongthink', to the obvious failings of Legacy Twitter. Book burning is still happening, but now it's digital.

No wonder Elon felt moved to buy the company and fix it. I consider it philanthropy.
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Bloomberg just announced that Elon plans to eliminate 3,700 jobs or half the workforce of Twitter on Friday. Here's the article, apologize if it's paywalled (it was my last free article... hell if I'm going to pay them a cent!):

Musk Plans to Eliminate Half of Twitter Jobs in Cost-Cut Drive Musk Plans to Eliminate Half of Twitter Jobs to Cut Costs
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Bloomberg just announced that Elon plans to eliminate 3,700 jobs or half the workforce of Twitter on Friday. Here's the article, apologize if it's paywalled (it was my last free article... hellof I'm going to pay them a cent!):

Musk Plans to Eliminate Half of Twitter Jobs in Cost-Cut Drive Musk Plans to Eliminate Half of Twitter Jobs to Cut Costs
Hopefully gets rid of the custom matcha, catered lunch and wine on tap too.
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