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Elon & Twitter

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He may "feel" that way, but I would argue that Twitter is possibly the most effective way for him to reach his audience of fans. Far more effective than YT, Tiktok, IG, etc. He can still reach them without paying that $8/mo, that's optional, but I would view that in the current form, he's getting a lot more from the platform than he brings.

Now, if Vine (a Tiktok-like short video service) comes back to Twitter (which would be paid to creators - Elon said that yesterday), then I would argue that King could derive a lot more revenue than that $8 blue-tick fee.

Honestly, I think a lot of this is the rabid left hating Elon for becoming more moderate (his self-proclaimed position - I'm NOT here to argue that). The people attacking him post-Twitter take-over by all accounts appear to be of only one political persuasion, and they are not pulling any punches, they are mad as hell (and probably afraid as hell of next week).

well - hear me out - maybe it is because Elon hasn't become more moderate and instead moved fast to pretty right of center ...

1) he shared a while back a political spectrum chart claiming that the Democrats have moved FAR to the left while the GOP hasn't moved one inch ; he later added to it that he used to vote Democrat but now they have become the party of extremism
--> his take but pretending that Trumps GOP and after Jan 6th is just about the same as the GOP under McCain / Romney or GWB is laughable (all 3 previous presidential candidates are HATED by MAGA)

2) he repeatedly voiced his support for DeSantis (his right, but i wouldn't call DeSantis even within the GOP a "moderate")

3) he frequently trolls the well known left of the Democrat party (Sanders, AOC, Warren) - but I don't see him trolling the right of the Republican (aside from a short spad with Trump ... not about Jan 6th and 45 being coocoo... but because Elon supports DeSantis)

4) sharing conspiracy theories like the Paul Pelosi one which was graciously picked up by Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson, Don Trump jr etc and other "moderates"
That probably describes the fringes on both sides. The difference is currently one side sees Elon as a savior and the other as the devil.
if all the applause you are getting is coming from center-right but center-left is mad... chances are you aren't a moderate... ironically MAGA world still hates EVs and renewables and won't get a Tesla - but they like when he's trolling Hillary / AOC or posting some conspiracy theories
You cannot argue with his results. Would you rather have Mary Barra? I'm sure she comports herself well but.....you know....she's terrible.
the "new Elon" hasn't been around long enough to yet call a verdict on his results. Just until 1+ year ago he wouldn't tell people who he is voting for, what party has become extremist, and go on twitter feuds with politicians. Something after 2021 with him not getting recognized by the WH as leading EV manufacturer has melted his brain...
well - hear me out - maybe it is because Elon hasn't become more moderate and instead moved fast to pretty right of center ...

1) he shared a while back a political spectrum chart claiming that the Democrats have moved FAR to the left while the GOP hasn't moved one inch ; he later added to it that he used to vote Democrat but now they have become the party of extremism
--> his take but pretending that Trumps GOP and after Jan 6th is just about the same as the GOP under McCain / Romney or GWB is laughable (all 3 previous presidential candidates are HATED by MAGA)

2) he repeatedly voiced his support for DeSantis (his right, but i wouldn't call DeSantis even within the GOP a "moderate")

3) he frequently trolls the well known left of the Democrat party (Sanders, AOC, Warren) - but I don't see him trolling the right of the Republican (aside from a short spad with Trump ... not about Jan 6th and 45 being coocoo... but because Elon supports DeSantis)

4) sharing conspiracy theories like the Paul Pelosi one which was graciously picked up by Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson, Don Trump jr etc and other "moderates"

Ahem, you don't win any minds over by "party of extremism". There are plenty of examples of far left extremism (previously cited), so you are just trying to pick a fight by using terms like that.

He trolls Sanders, AOC, and Warren only AFTER they pick a fight with him. You MUST understand that, it is the mindset of someone who was bullied when young, he will NEVER let a swipe go unanswered, NEVER. Like it or not, that's his personality. And frankly, those three, when they called him out, got put properly in their place (Billionaires don't pay their fair share - Elon then went and paid more tax than anyone in human history . . . EVER).

I've already address the Paul Pelosi in a previous comment - he was wrong there.

Even with ALL your counter arguments, a strong argument can still be made that Elon is by all measurements "moderate". He believes in Climate Change - as strong as ANYONE on the far left. That right there makes him a target of the far right and their Oil+Gas bros.
Rabid, mad, afraid?

I think you’re living in a fantasy world. Few care that much. It’s a toxic platform that will hopefully improve, but might not. That’s about it.

Just one immediate example - Lorena Gonzalez - far left (former) politician from San Diego - told Elon to "F off". That covers at least "mad" and probably a degree of "afraid".

I leave Rabid for the Antifa-likes.
Ahem, you don't win any minds over by "party of extremism". There are plenty of examples of far left extremism (previously cited), so you are just trying to pick a fight by using terms like that.

He trolls Sanders, AOC, and Warren only AFTER they pick a fight with him. You MUST understand that, it is the mindset of someone who was bullied when young, he will NEVER let a swipe go unanswered, NEVER. Like it or not, that's his personality. And frankly, those three, when they called him out, got put properly in their place (Billionaires don't pay their fair share - Elon then went and paid more tax than anyone in human history . . . EVER).

I've already address the Paul Pelosi in a previous comment - he was wrong there.

Even with ALL your counter arguments, a strong argument can still be made that Elon is by all measurements "moderate". He believes in Climate Change - as strong as ANYONE on the far left. That right there makes him a target of the far right and their Oil+Gas bros.

he has stated that "underpopulation" is a bigger risk than "climate change" in tweets and also tweeted along the lines to "ramp up oil and gas production" to combat energy prices and his candidate of choice Ron DeSantis definitely does not believe in Climate Change and combatting it like "anyone on the far left"

he has stated that "underpopulation" is a bigger risk than "climate change" in tweets and also tweeted along the lines to "ramp up oil and gas production" to combat energy prices and his candidate of choice Ron DeSantis definitely does not believe in Climate Change and combatting it like "anyone on the far left"

Ramping up oil and gas, he was CRYSTAL clear on, was a temporizing measure. If you do the math on how much energy renewables vs. fossil currently provide to the world, it's not even close (electricity, transport, . . . everything). Only someone with zero math skills would think we could switch over right now without causing a global depression, or worse. Look how much economic hardship has been caused by just pulling back 5% of the FF production in the world (via sanctions on Russia). Like it or not, Elon knows (rightfully) that we need fossil fuels for a few more decades to fuel the machine to continue building renewables. He's also stated, very clearly, that shutting down existing nuclear before that transition is complete, is just plain stupid. I agree with his position 100%. I'm in the fortunate position that our household has nearly 100% transitioned (we do still have NG for stove/heating - but they are not getting replaced will the appliances die), but most people cannot afford the transition that I have personally gone through, not immediately. Elon is well aware of that.

Regarding his position on underpopulation, he's actually got a good point there (I'm not entirely convinced, yet). You look at societies like Japan, which are not even replacing their current population via birth or immigration, and their economies are in slow but constant decline. The US would be in the same position, actually, if it were not for immigration. Most people can't see this because of their trees vs. the forest mentality.

Elon is backing DeSantis for a pragmatic reason - he sees him as the only candidate with a legitimate chance of beating Trump in the primaries, and whomever the Dems throw for the election. He's certainly not his ideal candidate, but he's not stupid enough to back someone that is going to get only 1% of the vote, he wants to back someone that has a legit chance of winning, AND someone that will not get in his way of Tesla, SpaceX, etc. In that regard, his choice makes sense (DeSantis did stand up against the FL utilities and protect rooftop solar, he's not as far right as you make him out to be).
the "new Elon" hasn't been around long enough to yet call a verdict on his results. Just until 1+ year ago he wouldn't tell people who he is voting for, what party has become extremist, and go on twitter feuds with politicians. Something after 2021 with him not getting recognized by the WH as leading EV manufacturer has melted his brain...
Elon holds grudge for not getting photo ops and doesnt care that the policies put in place fill Tesla coffers more than any other company. From increase in CAFE standards which boost ZEV credits, to new EV tax credits to boost demand, to solar tax credits increased, batteries added and extended, to battery manufacturing credits, to even things like heat pumps which Elon has talked about producing. Elon would say he doesnt want these tax credits, he just wants subsidies for petroleum industry to go away (Good luck with that).

All because Biden took photos at GM and Ford for real political reasons. Of course Elon could have made a public invitation to attend the Giga Texas grand opening. That was below him.
I've already address the Paul Pelosi in a previous comment - he was wrong there.
But he wont admit he was wrong, and his followup comment to I dont know who that the source he tweeted was a reputable as the NYTimes then it was just a doubling down.

As for DeSantis when he was asked about Climate Change after Hurricane Ian during the debate he just talked around the issue and couldnt even say the words.

Boy it would be nice if Elon talked about other rights. Sure would be nice for him to support Freedom of/from Religion which is also in the 1st amendment as much as he talks freedom to say whatever the F you want on Twitter.
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Ramping up oil and gas, he was CRYSTAL clear on, was a temporizing measure.
What you need to do is cap production of oil and gas. It doesn't matter how many coal power plants and ICE vehicles are "retired" -- what ultimately happens is that every bit of coal, oil, and gas that is extracted from the ground WILL be burned somewhere. As of last month, Hawaii no longer runs any coal fired power plants but it's not like the coal that plant would have burned just stays in the ground. No one cut coal production as a result so it's just going to be burned outside of Hawaii. Prices will adjust according to how much supply there is and the stuff WILL find a buyer at the new, lower price and it WILL be burned.
Ahem, you don't win any minds over by "party of extremism". There are plenty of examples of far left extremism (previously cited), so you are just trying to pick a fight by using terms like that.

He trolls Sanders, AOC, and Warren only AFTER they pick a fight with him. You MUST understand that, it is the mindset of someone who was bullied when young, he will NEVER let a swipe go unanswered, NEVER. Like it or not, that's his personality. And frankly, those three, when they called him out, got put properly in their place (Billionaires don't pay their fair share - Elon then went and paid more tax than anyone in human history . . . EVER).

I've already address the Paul Pelosi in a previous comment - he was wrong there.

Even with ALL your counter arguments, a strong argument can still be made that Elon is by all measurements "moderate". He believes in Climate Change - as strong as ANYONE on the far left. That right there makes him a target of the far right and their Oil+Gas bros.
IIRC AOC, who drives a Tesla, was going after Zuckerberg but Elon being Elon figured it was about him and started something there. I give her a pass on the current $8 thing as much of Twitter is saying the same thing right now. lol

With you on Sanders, Warren, etc. I slowly bang my head into a desk every time they vilify Musk because, in reality, he's such an obvious golden example of many things dems are pushing for.
All because Biden took photos at GM and Ford for real political reasons. Of course Elon could have made a public invitation to attend the Giga Texas grand opening. That was below him.
Absolutely. All of Elon's hate for Democrats can be traced to
- How Biden government treated Tesla (vis-a-vis GM)
- How CA shutdown Fremont factory during Covid
What you need to do is cap production of oil and gas. It doesn't matter how many coal power plants and ICE vehicles are "retired" -- what ultimately happens is that every bit of coal, oil, and gas that is extracted from the ground WILL be burned somewhere. As of last month, Hawaii no longer runs any coal fired power plants but it's not like the coal that plant would have burned just stays in the ground. No one cut coal production as a result so it's just going to be burned outside of Hawaii. Prices will adjust according to how much supply there is and the stuff WILL find a buyer at the new, lower price and it WILL be burned.
Have to add that Oil companies wont temporarily boost production. They know the writing is on the wall. The product demand is going to drop. Why would they make investments to increase production and cut prices/margin in a product that will increasingly have less demand. They will do all they can do to maximize profits and not to mention support the politicians that support them. GOP loves the higher gas prices with a Democratic President and the Oil Companies know this. Elon is naive to this. He is the enemy of the traditional auto manufacturers and the petroleum industry. He is naive if he thinks GOP politicians would choose him and Tesla over the oil companies any time soon. They wont do it for patriotism either because big oil is multinational not USA companies. They dont care about any one country. Not to mention the largest that is technically a USA company is number 5.
Rabid, mad, afraid?

I think you’re living in a fantasy world. Few care that much. It’s a toxic platform that will hopefully improve, but might not. That’s about it.
For what it's worth, there has already been a remarkable decrease in bots and crap running through the keywords that I follow on Tweetdeck. Positively civilized in comparison to a week ago.
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