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Elon & Twitter

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The point is that Elon is flailing around destroying Twitter while trying to repair all the damage he has done. He is making rash, irrational decisions that only serve to further damage Twitter, Tesla and his brand.
At 12 months, he may have salvaged something from the wreckage he has created but Twitter, Musk and Tesla will be much worse for the ordeal. The damage is permanent. Yes, he has been the driving force behind EV adoption... and also the driving force behind damaging Tesla and Twitter.
Yep, Elon is a package deal. You get everything all at once: the innovation, the risk taking, and the mistakes and brand destruction. The question is, at what point does the Tesla board decide that this package deal isn't worth it because the downsides outweigh the upsides? I think things are rapidly approaching that point if they haven't surpassed it already.
Destroyed? Bit hyperbolic.

The site hasn't gone down. By object accounts, user numbers are up.

It was never reasonable for 8k employees for this app, and things appear to run just fine with 2k.

@bkp_duke, I enjoy what you have to say as I know, based on your comments, you get it, but, as I stated on the Tesla TSLA investment thread Earlier today, responding to another forum members comment, the situation with Elon is the words/false information he puts out on twitter to offend some of his supporters and are just wrong. This has nothing to do with politics, or not supporting a person who has done phenomenal things in our lifetime looking to secure our future of energy sustainability and exploring new planets. He is a genius on what he has done, but to state we do not give him a chance is completely wrong. In fact, we have given him all the benefit of the doubt because he is Elon, hoping that with each cringeworthy tweet spreading false information, he will realize the error in these tweets. But at some point, people have to speak out and state it is wrong. I question the people on this forum stating Elon will be Elon. No, this was never Elon until the last few months with pushing misinformed and dangerous retweets to the world. You know these tweets as well as I do. I see your response and comments (thumbs up and thumbs down and comments). But by you stating the following:
“But with the group in this thread every small misstep is put under the microscope and criticized. And some here really lap up what MSM tells them, instead of trying to go to the source.”
That is not true at all. Elon has managed to push so many misleading pieces of misinformation as well as questioning pronouns while that group gets pummeled every day in our society, is wrong. some of us on these forums are just pointing out that they are wrong.

What some of us, many of whom have been around much longer than me (since 2012 as a follower and 2013 joining these forums) supporting the mission, object to is the j#rk Elon, sending out misinformed and wrong tweets, As it makes him look ignorant. Sometimes you have to call people out so they know they are wrong, but many here choose to blindly support Elon, and this does damage to the actual mission because people will no longer believe in Elon if he keeps this misinformation up. You can only cry wolf so many times before people no longer believe you. So, my comments on the other thread are as follow:

This is ALL about retweeting information that is blatantly false and debunked but yet, he puts it out there, that is just dumb. Because we live in a democracy here in the US, Elon has every right to say whatever he wants as long as it does not cross into what is illegal in our country. However, Elon should be smart enough (you know, the guy and his team who revolutionized the EV and Auto industry and Space/rocket Industry) to know not to give any fringe group access and a voice by promoting/tweeting false information that any moral person with character knows is just not correct. That is what people are upset about.

and on the thought that some of us are throwing FUD out there.......No, FUD, as stated is Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. What I have stated, if you want to actually look up all his tweets to view over the past few months including Elon pushing the Pelosi retweet, is accurate and truth. Elon is the one spreading FUD with these false and misleading tweets. Enough said on this topic since we have people on this forum who are blindly agreeing with everything Elon states and not having a backbone to support the truth and call out when people, no matter how much we love and admire them, are wrong. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, they are not entitled to mislead and spread false information without being called out. That is truth to power.
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How could you possibly know that?

1) I run a cloud services company (we provide coding services to various clients, among other things), so I do have a good idea how Twitter is structured
2) Elon's fired 75% of the company, and despite the naysayers here and elsewhere, the company hasn't died and in just 2 months has released more features than Twitter had released in 5 years

See the above video, Elon covered it pretty reasonably.

It's not a secret that tech companies in SV have been overstaffed for long time. When times were boom and there was lots of extra money, that was fine. Now, they are all cutting the fat
Because he is a board certified Doctor/ moonlighting software engineer who also happens to have detailed understandings of the code bases and infrastructure of all major social media companies, oh yeah and Ro Khanna used to be his roommate.:rolleyes:

He also 8 figures. More 0s after net worth, the more you simply know...about everything. When you are the richest man in the world, you know everything as no one is smarther/richer than you ;), until you're not the richest anymore I guess.

I'm still waiting for 6 months, 1 year, 5 year myself, but if he gets a new CEO to fix things at Twitter, then I guess it'll not be Elon that figured it out. We'll all see. I think the next 9 months will be interesting in terms of sales for Tesla and all this IRA rebates going in.

Pity the folks still at Twitter who maybe on the chopping block as well where even though you maybe hardcore and willing to live there, you may still get axed. I'm waiting for the announcement they are moving Twitter to Texas.
1) I run a cloud services company (we provide coding services to various clients, among other things), so I do have a good idea how Twitter is structured

This is one of the more ridiculous comments you have ever made here. Just because you have worked with cloud computing and know how to code does not make you an expert in Twitter’s code, api’s or it’s infrastructure. Nor could you possibly understand all the non-technical nuances of running that business. That’s like saying I used to be a mechanic so naturally I have a thorough understanding of rocket propulsion systems and how to build one.
He also 8 figures. More 0s after net worth, the more you simply know...about everything. When you are the richest man in the world, you know everything as no one is smarther/richer than you ;), until you're not the richest anymore I guess.

I'm still waiting for 6 months, 1 year, 5 year myself, but if he gets a new CEO to fix things at Twitter, then I guess it'll not be Elon that figured it out. We'll all see. I think the next 9 months will be interesting in terms of sales for Tesla and all this IRA rebates going in.

Pity the folks still at Twitter who maybe on the chopping block as well where even though you maybe hardcore and willing to live there, you may still get axed. I'm waiting for the announcement they are moving Twitter to Texas.
8 figures, drives a MY…Just saying.
This is one of the more ridiculous comments you have ever made here. Just because you have worked with cloud computing and know how to code does not make you an expert in Twitter’s code, api’s or it’s infrastructure. Nor could you possibly understand all the non-technical nuances of running that business. That’s like saying I used to be a mechanic so naturally I have a thorough understanding of rocket propulsion systems and how to build one.

Right, I don't know anything. My company doesn't have Uber.com as a customer, run part of their infrastructure, and built part of their website. We don't help companies setup datacenters, program their core routers, or setup their monitoring systems. /s

Twitter's code, a lot of it is in PHP. That's non-compiled code that anyone can see how it runs when it loads in a browser or on an app.

Anything else to say, troll?
Simple question:
Did you read, when Elon bought Twitter, that he said along the lines of "you will see us make many changes, and some will fail, and you will see those failures corrected."?

This is completely in line with his high iterative SW Dev that was used on Paypal and at Tesla. Don't be afraid to fail, even on public facing code.
Try “everything” is much easier than having the know-how to implement only those actions you think are correct. Isn’t that analogous to picking every answer on a multiple choice quiz, wait for the instructor to mark the wrong answers, then go back and erase those filled-in errors? In real life, that way of doing things wastes time, money, efforts, and alienates clients.
Try “everything” is much easier than having the know-how to implement only those actions you think are correct. Isn’t that analogous to picking every answer on a multiple choice quiz, wait for the instructor to mark the wrong answers, then go back and erase those filled-in errors? In real life, that way of doing things wastes time, money, efforts, and alienates clients.

Doesn't matter if it's what you would do, or if you agree with it. It's simply his known method of operation for SW development.
My POINT was some here are willing to burn him in effigy because they feel he betrayed and left the left. Problem is who are they going to run to? All other manufacturers literally have blood on their hands for a century of FF pollution, were founded by Hitler, or are only making token numbers of cars to PR their way to people's hearts.

When the rubber hits the road, Elon has been the driving force behind EV adoption, period. Everyone else just has given lip service until Tesla started eating their lunch.

Said it before, bears repeating, I will judge Elon on Twitter at the twelve month mark.
So, because a company made gas cars, we shouldn’t support their decision to build EVs? You would rather they gave up EVs and continue making gas cars?
So, because a company made gas cars, we shouldn’t support their decision to build EVs? You would rather they gave up EVs and continue making gas cars?

You would not question their motivations? They didn't want to do something until they were forced to?

You don't question VW's motivations for dieselgate and emissions cheating? IIRC Dodge did the same thing as well.
1) I run a cloud services company (we provide coding services to various clients, among other things), so I do have a good idea how Twitter is structured
2) Elon's fired 75% of the company, and despite the naysayers here and elsewhere, the company hasn't died and in just 2 months has released more features than Twitter had released in 5 years

See the above video, Elon covered it pretty reasonably.

It's not a secret that tech companies in SV have been overstaffed for long time. When times were boom and there was lots of extra money, that was fine. Now, they are all cutting the fat
No disrespect but unless you actually work there, there's no real way to know how Twitter is run. I am also in the industry (20+ years) and I can say that every business is different. Particularly one the size of Twitter.
No disrespect but unless you actually work there, there's no real way to know how Twitter is run. I am also in the industry (20+ years) and I can say that every business is different. Particularly one the size of Twitter.

Then, respectfully, we'll agree to disagree.

For me, the proof is in the pudding, so to speak. Twitter is down 75% of their employees, yet the service is up, and by accounts is growing. That does indicate a high degree of overstaffing. They also have pushed out new features, you don't do that if you are understaffed and things are on fire and the company is going down the toilet.
Then, respectfully, we'll agree to disagree.

For me, the proof is in the pudding, so to speak. Twitter is down 75% of their employees, yet the service is up, and by accounts is growing. That does indicate a high degree of overstaffing. They also have pushed out new features, you don't do that if you are understaffed and things are on fire and the company is going down the toilet.

Or it indicates a crazy CEO that has his people overworked and literally sleeping at the office.
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