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EMF Debate

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Ask them if they got a train anywhere recently. Electric trains are just running around with the same electric motors and very similar voltages for over 100 years. Even many diesel trains are just diesel electric, turning a generator to power electric motors.

But then I doubt anyone claiming government conspiracy and EMF is really living in the same universe as the rest of us.
(The ghost of Les Dawson is ever present ... ;) )

I once had the fortune to see Les Dawson do a private off the cuff performance. He was just bantering and playing to a couple of people in the studio. I was on my lunch break up in a gallery over looking. Many people would have paid a small fortune for that performance. My lunch break was far too short. It was so funny but unfortunately inappropriate to be broadcast even in the 80's let alone today.

I also once shared a lift with Kylie... just at the start of her pop career. Shame the bar was only on the 3rd floor...
I don’t think you do.

It’s not a rational, informed position they hold, so you’re not going to cure their mental malaise with rationality or information. Best move on, and be thankful that it’s one more conspiracy theorist who won’t be taking up a charging stall when you might need it.

I'd write a simple flow chart for you but as long as you aren't related to this person, it should be an easy relationship to end.
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Thanks for all the comments guys. I’ve just had to block said individual. A shame but I did try and was polite throughout, providing all solid credible sources for my argument, none of which was accepted of course. The best they could do was post a screenshot from a site called “EMFGuardTips” whereby the author (Roland. No surname no credentials) cited a supposed study by “scripps research foundation” a simple google search of said study produced absolutely no results, nor did “Roland” offer up a link to said study, funny old thing eh.

Anyway, ya right, can’t argue with stupid.
Morning all

Currently involved in a heated debate with an EV hater, about the subject of EMF in EVs.

All started with the video doing the rounds of an LPG conversion car exploding in Korea, which some morons decided to say was an EV!

This has then led onto “but EVs are exploding” and “what about the dangerous levels of EMF? Aren’t you worried about your kids!”

I’ve tried to source the most credible studies online, most of which are being dismissed by the opposition. I’ve tried telling this person, that there’s no way these cars would pass safety standards for the U.K. but again, falling on deaf ears.

I need reinforcements.
I was worried about this and bought an emf meter and it has really shocked me. While driving it can reach crazy numbers. I ask everyone who owns a tesla to do the same and see for themselves


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I can't believe this is being discussed. Is this more anti-EV FUD being spread about?

This reminds me of when microwave ovens were first sold domestically. I think there was a feature on "That's Life" or maybe "Panorama" about how dangerous they can be if they 'leak' radiation around the door seals.
Someone sold a lot of 'microwave oven leak detectors' after that. 😁
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I enjoyed reading this thread, I have had similar conversations with those sort of people but I try and move on quickly now.

For years I have been quite anti EV, not because of the silly things like this but because I believed the more rational miss information around range, charging and the battery. Then i drove a friends model 3, did the sums, studied my driving habits (in relation to how far I actually drive in one go) and realised with the help of these forums and the friend with the model 3 that there really aren't any drawbacks in my personal situation. Infact, I would say it had been the best change of car I have ever had and I will probably never look back.

I am now extremely pro EV, not in the sense that I think everyone should have one, but I think they have their place in a world with mixed fuel types. Horses for courses etc.
I now enjoy being asked about my car and how I live my life with it and explaining to open minded people the benefits of it. I nearly persuaded my nearly 70 year old dad to get a model Y but he opted for an X5 at the last minute.
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I was worried about this and bought an emf meter and it has really shocked me. While driving it can reach crazy numbers. I ask everyone who owns a tesla to do the same and see for themselves

There's a motorbike that zips past our house most mornings and our TV briefly loses reception. No other vehicles have caused this as far as I have noticed. I presume the bike is modified and the owner didn't use the appropriate plug caps with suppressors on the HT leads when he "upgraded" ... do you think it would be any help if I made a hat from aluminium foil? I can usually predict the time so I wouldn't need to wear it all the time... aside from when driving the Tesla of course.

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