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EO Smart Home App Is A Stinking Pile Of Garbage

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TM3 LR 2021 | Red | FSD
Dec 21, 2020
As title really. Anyone else have problems with the app? I can't access any of the settings on my samsung s20+ - like setting times for scheduled charging etc.

Just had to get the boy to install it on his Huawei and set it up for me.

Love the charger otherwise, but the app is soooo bad!
Yes, the app is very poor. The settings seem to get lost sometimes, but it was even worse before the last update. It rarely gets any updates.

Occasionally the app tells me no car is connected, but the charge point works just fine.

Personally, I don't bother with the app. Setting the scheduled charge times using the car works very well for me and I use the Tesla app to set charge level, so I just set it low when I don't want a charge. The fewer apps the better.

Likewise, the actual charge point (EO Mini Pro 2) itself is rock solid and I have never had any issues between that and the car. To me, this is all that matters.

I have written to their support, but they just become defensive and don't seem to want feedback. Inside the charge point itself is a Raspberry Pi that controls it, so it's more than capable should they wanna make the most of that.
Had mine since Jan.

Indeed the app (S10/android) is nothing special but I have to say, I have managed to use off peak and scheduled time settings with no issues.

Agree with others regarding the actual charger itself, very happy with that.
Yeah it charged last night perfectly. Started at 12.30 and finished at 04.30 - which is exactly what I want due to the cheaper rates. Once the boy set the times on his app, they started showing up on mine. Very weird.

But It seems to work fine now so I can leave it alone!
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I think it's like asking someone to open the jam jar after you tried, they do first attempt.

I can get the times set in the app, but just sometimes it gets confused and forgets them. I think it's if I open up and set the different schedules then it can get confused. But I couldn't find a way to recreate the issue every time.

The last update improved things dramatically.
Must admit the reviews on the app store for the various chargers completely steered my decision as to which one I purchased....! Saw this one was poorly rated so stayed well clear.

These companies want to sell smart chargers and then release dire software... Frustrating.
Well, went to bed last night, put the car on charge as normal, should have started at half 12, woke up for work this morning...and nothing. No charging.

So went into the app, turned off scheduled charging so it should at least have given my car a 30 minute boost before I left....nothing.

Ended up switching the charger off at the wall and back on again before it would charge!

Totally expected teething problems with this whole setup, although expected them to be mainly from the car to be honest, but this ones going to be a pain if it happens often.
Which one did you go for in the end?
I went for the Ohme. 4/5 on app store, best I could find.

If you have a smart charger, you kind of want it to be smart. Most of these chargers on the market, the companies seem to think the smart thing is an after thought or just something they have to comply with for the grant. As a result it's shoddy and barely does the job.
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I got a smart charger because it worked out cheapest, plus this actual charge unit (outside of smart settings) is rock solid and physically robust. It's such a small unit, it just blends in.

I don't actually want it smart, but seemed silly to pay more when it's so easy to un-smart a smart charger.

I'm tempted to take the SD card out of the unit (that's in the raspberry pi zero inside) and take a look. Maybe an opportunity for a custom firmware. It does have the hardware to be very special.
I got a smart charger because it worked out cheapest, plus this actual charge unit (outside of smart settings) is rock solid and physically robust. It's such a small unit, it just blends in.

I don't actually want it smart, but seemed silly to pay more when it's so easy to un-smart a smart charger.

I'm tempted to take the SD card out of the unit (that's in the raspberry pi zero inside) and take a look. Maybe an opportunity for a custom firmware. It does have the hardware to be very special.
Sounds good.

As the tech gets adopted, no doubt there will be better software available...
Wish I read this before having mine installed.
Charger works but the app is only good for scheduling. On one occasion it started charging with the padlock on.
Also charged 28kw 2 nights ago which I estimate at £1.50. Smart meter was showing £4..can't work out what else was on.
I swapped our dumb EVBox charger for an EO Mini 2 when we got an ID3 since the VW’s in car charging simply didn’t work due to bugs (hardly unusual with the ID3!). The app is nothing special, but it’s always worked fine - which is more than I can say for the VW app that comes with the car!
There is one good thing about the EO's smarts, you get alerts if it goes offline when the circuit breaker trips. This has happened to me four times in just over two years, and it was good to be able to respond and get the car charging again.